
Just been to the shops!?

I feel for you George. You come across as a tender soul with a big heart and reading a post like this makes me feel sad.

Do you need to work? If not then knock it on the head and when things are back to some kind of normality and you need something to occupy and stimulate you try to find something where your efforts are rewarded and appreciated by those you serve.

Please don't think I disagree with anything you've posted though. I see maggots everywhere too.

George, for over a decade I have read your posts (under various names) on this and the Naim forum. I have considered your style of internet communication an exemplar that all should be obliged to follow (though I suspect our tastes in music diverge somewhat). I concur with the above, especially with regard to work. Don't let the maggots get you down-stay well.
Obviously if they have ablue badge then there is no conversation to ne had, nobody's making an assumption. As for picking the wrong person, I hope they enjoy having a go.
You did not say you checked, first, whether they had a blue badge.
Is the thread about shopping ? if so I just went to ALDI and the queue must have had over 100 people outside in the car park , I went home , Last time I thought I would get in early , WRONG I ended up queuing for 1 hour at 8 am :(

Looks like it's toe nails again for dinner :D
I though that must surely have been obvious. Who would challenge anybody parking in a disabled space, without first clocking whether they had a blue badge?

Bear in mind you don't have to be a blue badge holder to be disabled. I used the spaces for a while and it wasn't possible to get the badge in time.

Car didn't get vandalised and i guess the wheelchair was a giveaway if anyone was waiting for me.

A short spell in that position gives gives a lot of insight and appreciation of how supportive people are.
Bear in mind you don't have to be a blue badge holder to be disabled. I used the spaces for a while and it wasn't possible to get the badge in time.

Car didn't get vandalised and i guess the wheelchair was a giveaway if anyone was waiting for me.

A short spell in that position gives gives a lot of insight and appreciation of how supportive people are.
Yes, quite. And I'd say 'supportive' will include people who challenge selfish idiots who use disabled spaces for their own convenience, wouldn't you?
i can't say for sure, but i suspect all the hoarding-induced shortages are resulting in stocking substitutions and a lot of capitalist creativity. i don't normally peruse the pre-fab wings and meat pies refrigerated bin, but i think some cosmic force drew my attention to this today (i have been carrying around the camera again):


in case it's not clear, that is sausage wrapped in bacon on the left

paging @Joe P : i wonder what homer simpson would make of this? the magical animal strikes again.

Possible civil war, Worcester sauce cannot be purchased this morning and I had to grab the one I threw in the bin with my grabber. Swilled a tiny bit of boiled water in bottle and making do.
I'm like that over bread yeast...normally a civilised and polite 'no, after you' person, one glimpse of bread yeast on the shelves and it'll be WW3 :)
Possible civil war, Worcester sauce cannot be purchased this morning and I had to grab the one I threw in the bin with my grabber. Swilled a tiny bit of boiled water in bottle and making do.
We have a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, and also a bottle of Henderson’s Relish (Mrs P-T is from Yorkshire). They’re different, but not markedly so and the Henderson’s makes a fair substitute for Lea and Perrins, in a pinch.
Henderson’s is far better than Lea and Perrins.
I’m agnostic (partly out of self-preservation). Grew up on Lea & Perrins, only discovered Henderson’s in the last decade or so. My feeling is that Henderson’s is more subtle, which may in some circumstances be a synonym for ‘bland’, though by no means in all.

