
ITV Breathtaking

No-one will ever persuade me that placing Ponty on ignore months ago was a bad idea. Life is simply too short for people with super-confident opinions and a basic lack of grasp of what evidence and facts look like.
By that do you mean 'critical of the government's failings'?

Hard to see how it could be otherwise really.

Perhaps for balance they could have added the occasional scene where a couple of nurses in shonky PPE, exhausted on their tenth shift without a day off, walk through a ward of people dying horrible agonising deaths when one of them turns to the other and says "you know, I'm sure that nice Boris Johnson has a very good reason for not attending any of the COBRA meetings.."

The whole thing was a fiasco from start to, well, we’re nowhere near the finish in terms of its ramifications. Sure, hold the govt to account, hang Mone and all the rest of them. I‘m just not certain a dramatisation of the virus is the place for that agenda. I’m also not sure the outcome would have been materially different under any other electable govt of the time.
The whole thing was a fiasco from start to, well, we’re nowhere near the finish in terms of its ramifications. Sure, hold the govt to account, hang Mone and all the rest of them. I‘m just not certain a dramatisation of the virus is the place for that agenda. I’m also not sure the outcome would have been materially different under any other electable govt of the time.

Substitute ‘dramatisation’ with ‘under-dramatisation’. The author (the doctor at the middle of the story) and several of her colleagues have stated that the had to tone down the reality in order for it to be suitable for tv.
Substitute ‘dramatisation’ with ‘under-dramatisation’. The author (the doctor at the middle of the story) and several of her colleagues have stated that the had to tone down the reality in order for it to be suitable for tv.

I can’t imagine the scenes they witnessed. How it compared to war footing stuff I don’t know, but must have been pretty horrendous.
I wonder how many of the UK population were having weekly Friday afternoon piss-ups in the office.
I saw plenty in my line of work, blinds down, recycling bins full of bottles and pizza boxes.

I guess in it was a marmite situation, very worried or not all.

It was the later for me, I never once got stopped in the car where I was going either in the car or on foot. No one even question the fact I had a fresh haircut every month whilst other were sporting long hair.

The rule of six was ridiculous as you have 6 different people at any time you wanted as long as no more at any given time.

After a while businesses just went through the motions, covid tests upon arrival but no one checking if you actually done it, people off sick but no mention of the reason.

I even lost my £1000 deposit for Spain as I told my wife I wouldn't walk around outside on holiday in a mask.

Esther McVey said on Radio 4, said on Any Questions on Friday at 28:36,

"everyone who voted for lockdown caused the financial issues this county is facing"

The voice of common sense imo,

In addition to what she says; the lockdowns also hastened the decline of retail shopping and the loss of all those jobs

Also, lockdowns decimated the nighttime economy with pubs, clubs and live music venues being ruined forever, for that reason the government can never be forgiven.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and this is mine. Unfortunately for Boris, I don't think he ever wanted a lockdown and was railroaded into it.
I saw plenty in my line of work, blinds down, recycling bins full of bottles and pizza boxes.

I guess in it was a marmite situation, very worried or not all.

It was the later for me, I never once got stopped in the car where I was going either in the car or on foot. No one even question the fact I had a fresh haircut every month whilst other were sporting long hair.

The rule of six was ridiculous as you have 6 different people at any time you wanted as long as no more at any given time.

After a while businesses just went through the motions, covid tests upon arrival but no one checking if you actually done it, people off sick but no mention of the reason.

I even lost my £1000 deposit for Spain as I told my wife I wouldn't walk around outside on holiday in a mask.

Esther McVey said on Radio 4, said on Any Questions on Friday at 28:36,

"everyone who voted for lockdown caused the financial issues this county is facing"

The voice of common sense imo,

In addition to what she says; the lockdowns also hastened the decline of retail shopping and the loss of all those jobs

Also, lockdowns decimated the nighttime economy with pubs, clubs and live music venues being ruined forever, for that reason the government can never be forgiven.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and this is mine. Unfortunately for Boris, I don't think he ever wanted a lockdown and was railroaded into it.

As I said, we’re nowhere near the end of covid in term of its wider ramifications. Whole business sectors decimated. At the time, I was in favour of lockdowns. I was at the Cheltenham superspreader festival. The message was ‘wash your hands’. Fairly pointless when you step into a packed train or walk into a rammed bar or club. I remember standing in the bar thinking everyone is going to get this thing, it‘s inevitable.

Of course, you can only make decisions with the information you have at the time. On balance and in hindsight, I’d take more of a Swedish approach. If the non compliance I witnessed was replicated across the country, I suspect the outcome would have been similar but without the same level of economic damage. Should there be covid 20, I doubt there will be lockdowns and even if there were, enough won’t comply to make a material difference.
My view is rather different. It’s the percentage of the population that did follow lockdown that saved the country from being even more seriously ruined than it was. Without lockdowns the death toll and long-term consequences would have been way, way worse.

Should the UK suffer a new pandemic, be it flu or another novel coronavirus, it is in an even worse state to resist than we were for COVID and lockdowns will be the only hope. Novel coronavirus types are being discovered all the time and one, one day, will turn nasty.
Esther McVey said on Radio 4, said on Any Questions on Friday at 28:36,

"everyone who voted for lockdown caused the financial issues this county is facing"

The voice of common sense imo,
So, Covid was the cause of all this rubbish, nothing to do with the last decade+ of Tory "leadership" Quite a statement. - Granted - it did give then multiple chances to get snouts in the trough.
Should be there be covid 20,
Eh - You have Tardis then?
As I said, we’re nowhere near the end of covid in term of its wider ramifications. Whole business sectors decimated. At the time, I was in favour of lockdowns. I was at the Cheltenham superspreader festival. The message was ‘wash your hands’. Fairly pointless when you step into a packed train or walk into a rammed bar or club. I remember standing in the bar thinking everyone is going to get this thing, it‘s inevitable.

Of course, you can only make decisions with the information you have at the time. On balance and in hindsight, I’d take more of a Swedish approach. If the non compliance I witnessed was replicated across the country, I suspect the outcome would have been similar but without the same level of economic damage. Should there be covid 20, I doubt there will be lockdowns and even if there were, enough won’t comply to make a material difference.
My work and income still hasn’t recovered and is still on the slide. It’s amazing we even managed to keep our home. I guess we were lucky.
My view is rather different. It’s the percentage of the population that did follow lockdown that saved the country from being even more seriously ruined than it was. Without lockdowns the death toll and long-term consequences would have been way, way worse.

Should the UK suffer a new pandemic, be it flu or another novel coronavirus, it is in an even worse state to resist than we were for COVID and lockdowns will be the only hope. Novel coronavirus types are being discovered all the time and one, one day, will turn nasty.

How is Sweden doing now? Do you honestly think when covid 20 hits (which it will in all likelihood one day) that even if there are lockdowns, the population at large will adhere to them? I reckon there’s more chance of me becoming Pope.
My view is rather different. It’s the percentage of the population that did follow lockdown that saved the country from being even more seriously ruined than it was. Without lockdowns the death toll and long-term consequences would have been way, way worse.

Should the UK suffer a new pandemic, be it flu or another novel coronavirus, it is in an even worse state to resist than we were for COVID and lockdowns will be the only hope. Novel coronavirus types are being discovered all the time and one, one day, will turn nasty.
I’m sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree. It’s only people who have no financial worries who say things like ’there’s more to life than money'.

Income was top priority for me and lockdowns and restrictions don’t help that and I’m not a denier, I had covid 3 times that I know of, I gave up after that even checking.

I think if there was talk of another lockdown there'd be anarchy.
How is Sweden doing now? Do you honestly think when covid 20 hits (which it will in all likelihood one day) that even if there are lockdowns, the population at large will adhere to them? I reckon there’s more chance of me becoming Pope.
If Covid 20 hits, it'll be rather late! Don't align yourself with (I think it was Sarah Palin, or somebody equally stupid in the GOP) who said something like: what's so special about Covid 19, what happened to Covids 1-18, why weren't they a problem?
How is Sweden doing now? Do you honestly think when covid 20 hits (which it will in all likelihood one day) that even if there are lockdowns, the population at large will adhere to them? I reckon there’s more chance of me becoming Pope.
In my world, quoting Sweden all the time is called ‘data dredging‘ intended to find some data that suits your argument. As for becoming Pope next time around, without using all the available tools it’s likely to be a posthumous appointment.
If Covid 20 hits, it'll be rather late! Don't align yourself with (I think it was Sarah Palin, or somebody equally stupid in the GOP) who said something like: what's so special about Covid 19, what happened to Covids 1-18, why weren't they a problem?

Don’t get hung up on the number, it’s irrelevant, it could be covid 284 which causes humans a problem, or any other number.
So, Covid was the cause of all this rubbish, nothing to do with the last decade+ of Tory "leadership" Quite a statement. - Granted - it did give then multiple chances to get snouts in the trough.

Eh - You have Tardis then?
Paying over £70 billion in furlough hasn’t helped matters or the multiple thousands of jobs lost when everywhere closed and many didn’t reopen and still closing. Although it seems Labour wanted a harder and longer lockdown?

None of them can be trusted or even voted for.
I’m sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree. It’s only people who have no financial worries who say things like ’there’s more to life than money'.

Income was top priority for me and lockdowns and restrictions don’t help that and I’m not a denier, I had covid 3 times that I know of, I gave up after that even checking.

I think if there was talk of another lockdown there'd be anarchy.

I have no problem with disagreeing but don't recall mentioning money. By the skin of the world’s collective teeth and the prescience of some Oxford scientists to have carried on unexciting research for coronavirus vaccines we have avoided being either nearly all dead or living in the 1950s again (some slight poetic licence added).

