
Isolation feet and speaker stands

Bodhi I honestly don't know I have only had the Auva 50's for a short while under the OTA Quad 57's & Rupert stands, with excellent results It is an itch I may have to scratch certainly with Auva 70's. I feel an email to Stack Audio coming on..

As for the esthetics under various speakers the 100's are 4" across with 5 Auva chambers each I would suggest 50's or 70's are more applicable, my OTA Quads on Auva 50's look ok & 70's probably as I have seen pictures off Rupert stands with 100's as below looking ok.
Thanks for your feedback. Considering the design of the custom Sound Anchors stands i'm contemplating using for my next speakers, I could accomodate either the 70's or 100's. But after reading this review I think i'd go with the 100's.
Thanks for your feedback. Considering the design of the custom Sound Anchors stands i'm contemplating using for my next speakers, I could accomodate either the 70's or 100's. But after reading this review I think i'd go with the 100's.
Bodhi What bloody good reviews. On a pension Auva 100's are probably beyond my reach Auva 70's may be! I don't know if their discount deal is still available Josh at Stack Audio said on an email. The code is 7.5wigwamgroup, it is currently active until the end of May.
Bodhi What bloody good reviews. On a pension Auva 100's are probably beyond my reach Auva 70's may be! I don't know if their discount deal is still available...
Yeah that is a very informative review. You might be able to find a set of pre-owned Auva 100's if you look around & maybe post a WTB ad here and on Audiomart. Still from what i've read, the biggest jump in performance is going from the 50's to 70's.
Yeah that is a very informative review. You might be able to find a set of pre-owned Auva 100's if you look around & maybe post a WTB ad here and on Audiomart. Still from what i've read, the biggest jump in performance is going from the 50's to 70's.
I will email Stack Audio about the Auva's & see what they say....
I am using Atacama gel pads atop Atacama SLX stands to support my Harbeth Super HL5 Plus speakers. The Atacama stands are filled two thirds the way up with Atabytes and have fitted AUVA 50's below the stands using the shorter spikes on a carpeted concrete floor. All seems to work very well together and I am very pleased with the overall sound production.

I owned the Harbeth Super HL5 non-Plus for 7 years and HL5 Plus for 6 years. Unfortunately I didn't try any isolators beneath the stands. When I switched the Super HL5 Plus to Graham LS5/9 about 2 years ago, the bass of the Grahams sounded terribly wrong. It's just an unnatural bass response in the room with the LS5/9. I immediately acquired a set of Gaia 3s for the Grahams and they totally transformed the sound of the speakers. To my mind, the Gaia footers are indispensable for BBC speakers.

I didn't try the Auva but my very positive experience with the Gaias on Graham LS5/9 led me to believe that all BBC speakers with thin-walled cabinet from the likes of Harbeth, Graham, Spendor etc. will benefit with any form of (good quality) footers below the stands. I can vouch for the effectiveness of the Isoacoustics Gaia on Graham ls5/9.

All my speakers are fitted with Gaias below them. Gaia III on Graham ls5/9 and Gaia II on Marten Duke 2.
The SS6 are slightly angled so need a degree of flex in any footer, I know the Gaia do as I have them on my Sonus Fabers, not sure if the stack audio ones would work. I can’t find anyone that has used the stack audio ones with solid steel stands.

I’m actually just waiting for a second set of Gaia to arrive for my SS6 so can give feedback when they arrive. I’ve used Isoacoustics mini isopods between the speaker and stand but my current speakers seem to prefer blutack, hence why I’m giving the footers a try.

Yes please Chris, I'd be very keen to hear your thoughts - hope you're having a great weekend.
From where I was sitting I never heard the buzz John is 29 & has exceptional hearing as I once had. Whether the vibration/buzzing was a misadjusted Auva 50 is difficult to say. Our laminate floor is past it's sell by date so was it the floor that had settled or did I not adjust the Auva 50's 100% correctly? where the buzz came from, we have no idea, whilst the buzz was unwanted could even have been our new settee or the airborne deep bass causing the knackered floor to vibrate & 2 of us both big men walking on the floor cured/stopped it, however If it was the one Auva 50 no vibration was/had been felt through the floor if it was the Auva 50 the other 3 Auva 50's were doing their job since the post Auva 50 sound even with only 3 working near to 100% If that is/was the case that an Auva 50 was incorrectly adjusted they were distinctly better than before they were fitted & now with all 4 at 100% better still "(though they may very well be an improvement over spikes or other more common speaker/floor interface)" They are."I acknowledged the need for proper adjustment in post 39 when I tightened the locking arrangement on the Auva 50's on their second day of use.

My take from this is that correct adjustment allows the Auva 50's & by extrapolation Auva EQ's to work removing by absorbing vibration converting it to heat even when not all are correctly adjusted & working at 100% as designed. This would only apply when using 4 x Auva 50's or EQ's & probably would not occur using 3 x triangulated Auva, whether 50's or EQ's .

I'm now wondering whether Auva 70's each with 3 Auva chambers could/would offer more to my OTA Quad 57's than single Auva chamber Auva 50's? As I previously had noted on another forum "Touching a OTA Quad 57 frame after fitting the Auva 50's playing music the perceived vibration is reduced in amplitude. Theo Stack did say as the contents of the 50's settle they should improve things further. After 3 hours that appears to be verified" Reduced in amplitude not entirely removed, but it is the interface with the floor that is their raison d'être.
By way of an update on the seemingly more balanced set up of right hand OTA Quad 57 via the Auva 50's that my son John achieved the other day.

Today I was playing some simple 2 instrument Indian music with some deep bass from a Jori drum wooden made, unlike the metal Tabla it is pair of more resonant drums, I put my hand on the outer frame/screwed on wood side strip, there was less apparent vibration than previously, I noticed that I could effectively through my fingertips feel high or low notes depending on what instrument was prominent at the time the other being a Rudra Veena , a plucked multi stringed instrument with large gourd resonant chambers at each end, on the change over of instrument prominence, there was no smearing of the notes both instruments could be felt, corelating to the audible effects I heard particularly clarity & fine detail when I fitted the Auva 50's under the OTA Quad 57 OTA Rupert stands, I can only think that the particles in the Auva chambers have settled & are absorbing more?
So, and after reading through the thread I ordered the ISO Puck Minis and took delivery of them last night - previously I had my Chartwell LS6s atop SS6 stands (3/4 filled with fish tank sand). Between the speaker and the stand I was using Atacama pads...

Well, I'm very impressed - my LS6s appear to be more dynamic (though I have some bias as to whether it the cash spent and/or the speaker being a fraction higher), I was certainly smiling last night and been back this morning to play some more of my fav tracks. I'm now also wondering whether to spend the money on the Gaia IIIs, or quit whilst I'm ahead!
wow they must be light to be able to use iso puck minis , of a speaker that size i would use standard iso pucks . it is worth trying Gaia though
wow they must be light to be able to use iso puck minis , of a speaker that size i would use standard iso pucks . it is worth trying Gaia though

The LS6 weight is only 9.5kg with each individual puck supporting 2.75kg / combined 11kg - at least that's how I read it!

Sounds good mind, so I'm happy :)
The Stack Audio Auva 70's that I ordered arrived this morning. I had an important task to do for a very sick friend so my daughter came & waited for them.

When I got home, After playing some music, I spun off the Auva 50's from the OTA Rupert stands under my OTA Quad 57's & screwed in the Auva 70's using the existing 6mm-8mm adapters.

I wrote a few posts ago that touching the outer frame "I noticed that I could effectively through my fingertips feel high or low notes depending on what instrument was prominent at the time the other being a Rudra Veena , a plucked multi stringed instrument with large gourd resonant chambers at each end, on the change over of instrument prominence, there was no smearing of the notes both instruments could be felt, correlating to the audible effects I heard particularly clarity & fine detail". Well today noticeably less perceived vibration in the frame.

The Audiophile man wrote a review that interested me, he wrote "In my mind’s eye, I imagined that Stack Audio had designed and possibly even tested these feet with conical drivers in mind.
So I attempted to second guess my imagination and wrong-foot Stack Audio.
That is, picking up the AUVA 70 feet first, I decided to give the 70s a tough test from the off. To begin, I decided to place them under my Quad 57 electrostatic speakers.
Here, you’re looking to install some control on two sheets of shimmering cling film. To me, if you can bring a semblance of order on those, then your basic speakers will be child’s play, by comparison."

I have the same, 57's on Rupert stands. I believe it is the insubstantial narrow Quad 57 frame with limited bracing that is the main culprit. Counter intuitively they may have more need of damping/absorption than a lot of stiff braced box speakers

Alastair Robertson-Aikman (deceased) former owner of SME famously had an enormous subterranean listening room, I read that he attached large solid brass side pieces to damp the vibrations in his Quads, these days brass would probably be more expensive than the Auva's that do not damp but in their Auva chambers absorb & convert vibration into heat.

The Audiophile man quoted a CD. "Created by Aziza Brahim, the CD was released by Glitterbeat. Called Abbar el Hamad ait, it is a bit of a stunner, especially my test track, a sumptuous romantic piece called El canto de la Arena featuring a melancholy female vocal, a slow-paced yet chocolatey romantic guitar, bass guitar, pipes, small sets of bells and a host of organic percussion (no digital is allowed in this one) the type of which I have no clue so please forgive my ignorance. They sounded wonderful though. Deep, tight when hit and effective"

I bought that CD to evaluate the Auva 50's fitted to the OTA Quad 57 stands using his evaluation as a sort of bench mark. With the Auva 50's the CD sounded very good with the Auva 70's percussion not just drums but blocks etc & acoustic/electric guitars are much better still. I would not argue with Audiophile man when he wrote. "With the Stack Audio AUVA 70 feet in place? Errr, blimey! I mean….blimey! I felt like I needed to suddenly sit up straight and pay attention. I actually did do that, without realising. As if the music had just woken up. The entire soundstage was suddenly precise and focused. The mids were crisp. The treble was exacting. The bass was even tighter than before. It started and stopped on a pin head".

I'm now listening to Brian Wilson & Friends DVD which I am very familiar with, as with the preceding music the volume control is a notch or three lower. The soundstage depth has increased in line with it being a very deep stage they are spread over, instruments are etched in space the OTA Quad speakers seem revitalised, more exciting. the punch of drums is stunning, the little sounds like drumstick's hitting each other, rimshots whether Guiro Jam Block an instrument with ridges that are rubbed/strigilated! Bell Splash Cymbals ringing or Triangle. Human voices/whistling are projecting they have an almost magical quality. Acoustic/Electric/Mandolin Guitars superlatives fail me. Trumpets/Cornets have a real rasp where intended. Zoe Deschanel of She & Him, singing God Only Knows is mesmerising. Took me right back to a unbelievable party in the Kings Road Chelsea late 1966...

As I listen, like the Auva 50's & Auva EQ's the sound is improving as the Auva 70's Auva Chambers settle when I last spoke to Josh at Stack Audio he said customers said the material in the Auva Chambers of the 70's could take 10 hours to settle, the 50's took 2 or three days here to settle properly.

The Audiophile man wrote. "Now the stereo image was placed with mathematical precision. It was like a big bloke with a luminous green jacket and a Theodolite had paid my listening room a quick visit. The sheer accuracy of the vocal now was very impressive indeed. Because of this almost mathematical precision, the supreme focus, the removing of even a hint of wooly bass or slightly meandering mids, everything sounded clearer now. Vocals, the actual lyrics, were more easily understood. Nothing got in the way of the delivery any more".

I have compared the Auva 50's with the 70's playing all the same music, as much as I loved the Auva 50's & could have lived very happily with them however the sound now is in a different league...

I will report further when the Auva 70's have settled. When I can take in my OTA Quad 57's whilst still a subtle speaker that's sounding as if they are on steroids.
I am listening as I type to Feist, Metal CD recommended by someone on another forum as a test CD it is recorded at a very high level but in a sorted system sounds good, now I have the Auva 70 footers it sounds bloody marvelous so much bass punch clear middle & highs creating a musical whole.

I just listened/watched an early DVD of the Mikado at one point the son of the Mikado Nanki-Poo confessing to his sweetheart Yum Yum who he is. He describes his father as the lucius soonus brutus of his age. today thanks to the Auva 70's under the OTA Quad 57's I heard for the first time the Lucius Junius Brutus of his age. (Lucius Junius Brutus was the legendary founder of the Roman Empire) also I can hear the annoying footfall of characters wearing hard sole shoes rather than Japanese style soft sole slippers however those also become irritating when they run... Rather like the thumps & bumps at the ballet
Thanks for an update, also thinking about AUVA 70 upgrade as I have another place to move 50s, unfortunately dug in the frontend again and it eats budget. Ordered some EQs to silence the bug for now)
Thanks for an update, also thinking about AUVA 70 upgrade as I have another place to move 50s, unfortunately dug in the frontend again and it eats budget. Ordered some EQs to silence the bug for now)
Phyztech My pleasure The Auva 70's are more than I expected by far, I was stunned with the difference after the very good Auva 50's, I said I could happily live with them as I can happily live with the Auva 70's, however before you spend your hard earned pennies, I'm minded of the words of Paul Rigby-The Audiophile Man as below 3 paragraphs.

"So, one final, final test then. What are the differences between the AUVA 70 and AUVA 100 feet, if any? Iturned to Ella Fitzgerald’s version of One For My Baby on the Speakers Corner pressing of the Harold ArlenSong Book double album, originally out on Verve.Differences, if any? Lots is what I’d say! But hear this, moving from the 70s to the 100s is to move from excellent hifi to truly high-end HiFi. And I mean top-of-the-line. It’s like moving from an exceptional boron cantilevered cartridge to a cartridge packing a sapphire or even diamond cantilever. That sort of standard.

"At this point, all talk stops. You’re forced to listen. There is a level of sound quality here which is just exceptional. Truly exceptional. In short? Down went the noise again, up came the detail."

"I expected some sort of improvement from the Stack Audio AUVA feet sure but nothing, nothing in sonic terms, quite like this. The sheer level of precision from the music now was quite outstanding. For my HiFi system, at least, it felt like the last ingredient to make the entire HiFi chain click into place. It’s almost like my HiFi system needed a big nudge to give it that sense of clarity – and I didn’t know. I didn’t know that was even necessary until I tested the AUVA feet.The largest and most dramatic improvement was moving from basic feet to the 70s. That was a shock. Sayingthat, the move from the 70s to the 100s was a move to ‘proper HiFi’. High-end HiFi. HiFi that nods towards the sound and says, “Just stop what you’re doing and..take…a…listen…to…thisss.”

I had the advantage of fitting Auva 50's first to the OTA Quad 57 OTA Rupert stands, the sound was so much better than before, it was quite an unexpected jump to the sound after fitting Auva 70's. As I have mooted do Quad 57's require more damping/absorption than some box speakers because of their insubstantial almost 2 dimensional frame as below. As for Auva 100's as yet a pipe dream.

My brother in law has just put a set of Auva EQ’s below his Garrard.

Yet to hear if they make a difference, though I would be surprised if they don’t they do with everything else.

Thanks for your feedback. Considering the design of the custom Sound Anchors stands i'm contemplating using for my next speakers, I could accomodate either the 70's or 100's. But after reading this review I think i'd go with the 100's.

Thanks for an update, also thinking about AUVA 70 upgrade as I have another place to move 50s, unfortunately dug in the frontend again and it eats budget. Ordered some EQs to silence the bug for now)
My brother in law replaced the Soundcare SuperSpikes he was using on his Ash Design Cosmic table with the Auva 70's to good effect.
Fergus what was the perceived difference puting Auva EQ's under the Garrard please.

Bodhi & Phyztech I have made efforts to come to terms with the almost disturbing elevation in the music quality heard after fitting the Auva 70's under the OTA Rupert stands that my OTA Quad 57's sit on.

My wife is out granny sitting our youngest granddaughter, unfortunately my wifes tinnitus precludes playing the system when she is home.

Whether Virgin box recordings like Cat's 1999 not the recent poor film, performances of Indian classical music including Tabla,Jori, Sitar,Rudra Veena,flute's etc, The Shadows farewell tour concert & highlights of orchestral recordings including The Messiah (Handel) with Iestyn Davies countertenor.

Those on on CD like Abbar el Hamada ait (Aziza Brahim), while(1<2) (deadmau5) Flag, Baby (Yellow),Disc 1 & 2 David Chesky Jazz samplers/Test CD's or when playing Vinyl LP's as in Dave Brubeck's Greatest Hits, Transformer (lou Reed) Snowflakes are Dancing (Tomita)LP Tapestry (Carole King), Wish you Were Here, Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall (floyd), The Singles (Carpenters) Richard Carpenter hated the idea of calling the LP the best of. Parsley Sage Rosemary & Thyme, Bridge Over Troubled Waters (Simon & Garfunkel.

I have played all of these & Many of my Classical recordings over the last few days. My take so far, is everything seems even slower than with the Auva 50's or is it just more relaxed, despite so much more detail, bass punch & being made more aware of the acoustic whether the studio engineers intend one, like Road To Hell (Chris Rea) I played both the LP & the CD then there is The double mono LP of The Threepenny Opera" sung in German.(Weill & Brecht) or a live stage recording Like Brian Wilson & Friends.

I cannot emphasise enough the transformation wrought by the Auva 70's, the inclusion of the Auva 50's was as big a change after 40 years using quality solid state & hybrid amplifiers, I bought my Rogue Atlas Magnum valve power amplifier that grabbed the OTA Quad 57's by the balls, fitting the Auva 70's was an even bigger upgrade than when Mark Manwaring-White replacing it's Capacitors with Audyn cap reference ones & 1% Mills resistors & my fitting different upgraded valves.

While I still have 8 x Auva 50's time to experiment with them...
Bodhi & Phyztech I have made efforts to come to terms with the almost disturbing elevation in the music quality heard after fitting the Auva 70's under the OTA Rupert stands that my OTA Quad 57's sit on.

I cannot emphasise enough the transformation wrought by the Auva 70's, the inclusion of the Auva 50's was as big a change after 40 years using quality solid state & hybrid amplifiers, I bought my Rogue Atlas Magnum valve power amplifier that grabbed the OTA Quad 57's by the balls, fitting the Auva 70's was an even bigger upgrade than when Mark Manwaring-White replacing it's Capacitors with Audyn cap reference ones & 1% Mills resistors & my fitting different upgraded valves.
Congrats on the positive gains to your system following the installation of the Stack Audio Auva 70's! 👏 That correlates with the review I read which noted the biggest jump was between the 50's and 70's vs the 100's. That seems to be the sweet spot in their range of speaker footers. Let us know how the speakers sound after the feet settle in.
Fergus what was the perceived difference puting Auva EQ's under the Garrard please.
It was pretty much more of the same with improvements in scale, clarity, image stability, noise reduction and dynamics. The Garrard was actually the last item he "Stack"ed, the first being the Auva 70's on the table followed by EQ's under his streamer, dac and then his TT and its power supply. Every step produced worthwhile gains. It will be something I get round to doing sometime probably starting with my amplifier. We have both inquired about the use of Auva's with our Boenicke W5SE's but we're not sure if they would benefit because of their low mass and spindly stands.

