

Thanks Vuk.

Interesting comment on Brokeback Mountain:

Showing that liberals will shoehorn the homosexual agenda into anything, even cowboys.

Must watch it again. I didn't notice them using a shoehorn.

whilst googling for something, i came across this great guide to films:


True dat, also I went to

Some of the comments on shows are great, just take this one from the "The Big Bang Theory"

"No family values, instead some of the main characters are rooming together and some of them are not married. In addition the key character Sheldon Cooper is an atheist"
"Gravity" was one of the worst offenders for bad science. A couple of times you have someone changing orbit and just catching on to a space craft. The actual difference between a circular and elliptical orbit velocity would be "splat"
I liked the orange is the new black entry..

Decadent show that glamorizes the homosexual agenda and prison life. The main moral of the show, as claimed by series creator Jenji Kohan, is that it is not normal to be straight and following in the path of God, and practicing Christianity will lead to horrible punishments. Additionally, it inadvertently supports abortion, as it is revealed that the Christian "villain" in the show wound up in prison for killing a bunch of abortionists after receiving one. Every woman in prison, with the exception of the villain, is in a lesbian relationship with one of their fellow inmates- even the nun.

"Even the nun!" is now my sarcastic and ironic outburst of choice when mock agreeing with idiotic statements.

it appears your new $300 keyboard doesn't have the slash key. [you have fixed it!]

also, judging from the wealth of details, it would seem the christian reviewer has watched way more OitNB than necessary to condemn it.

Oblivion (on Channel 4 this weekend in the UK) was pretty good IMHO.

Cruise has been in some pretty decent SF films—Minority report, Edge of tomorrow and Vanilla sky. Even War of the Worlds wasn't bad—well most of it.:rolleyes:

In the UK we call this the "Mary Whitehouse hypocrisy."

Chuck Berry's novelty song "My Ding-a-Ling" was one of several pop songs to receive Whitehouse's disapproval in this period. She was unsuccessful in trying to persuade the BBC to ban it, but her campaign to stop Alice Cooper's "School's Out" being featured on Top of the Pops was successful. Cooper sent her a bunch of flowers, since he believed the publicity helped the song to reach number one. Despite the connection, in 1977 the regular presenter of TOTP in this era, Jimmy Savile, won an award from NVALA for his "wholesome family entertainment" on Jim'll Fix It.


(Currently using the previous generation of wireless mac non-numeric)

