

I really liked it. Actually got a bit choked up a couple of times, but then I am an emotional little chap.

Wait, is there an extra ten minutes after he goes back to find Brand?
So is it a bit like "Source Code"? You think "Wow, they didn't cop out", then get your hopes completely dashed, then discover the cop out has a neat little twist, which stops you hating it completely...
IMO it was complete shite, as evidenced by the subplot where, [SPOILER ALERT] after spending so much compressed time and effort trying to get back to the daughter he abandons as a child on a doomed earth, he ultimately fecks off on her while she's on her death bed, only to chase after the soulless tw@t that he'd met on the acid trip through space and time that was the rest of the flick. [/SPOILER ALERT]
IMO it was complete shite, as evidenced by the subplot where, [SPOILER ALERT] after spending so much compressed time and effort trying to get back to the daughter he abandons as a child on a doomed earth, he ultimately fecks off on her while she's on her death bed, only to chase after the soulless tw@t that he'd met on the acid trip through space and time that was the rest of the flick. [/SPOILER ALERT]
What film was this again?
Well anyway, I enjoyed it. Nice to a see a film where the soul purpose was not to set up the next film (at least I bloody hope so)
Well anyway, I enjoyed it. Nice to a see a film where the soul purpose was not to set up the next film (at least I bloody hope so)
It is rare in today's market, you usually get the 3 as a minimum.

If there was a sequel it would not be made by the same company or production team that's for sure

Lost count of the batman, spiderman etc.. films out there.

They seem to remake them every couple of years or have I been sucked through a wormhole
Loved the film . the music is one of my all time favourites and sounds so amazing it stays in my head for days
I am not totally sure what expectation is nowerdays. This to me was a film that struck a balance between special effects and story telling.
Not to give too much away for anyone who hasn't seen it, I doubt anyone saw what was coming regarding the ghost, it was a great moment I felt.

It is difficult to put over in a film such vast time scales, I feel this may be why the film disappointed some, to try & get into the mind of a father who sees his daughter at the age of 30 something after seeing her a couple of days earlier at 11 is hard to put over in a film but I felt they did this correctly.

The film to me was more about the love of a family than any sci-fi special effects, this had to be part of the film for obvious reaons but not the main part as is the case with many sci-fi films these days.
Well anyway, I enjoyed it. Nice to a see a film where the soul purpose was not to set up the next film (at least I bloody hope so)

Did you not watch the ending?

[SPOILER ALERT] Our hero nicking a knockoff Jedi fighter and buggering off into space/time in search of his soon to be very much younger trophy wife?[/SPOILER ALERT]
Yea sure, he was with his daughter who was now nearing the end of her life, she suggested he go to the girl trying to launch a new habitual world way the f*8k out there.

It was great, but gooey, but not as bad as the end of Knowing.
Yes, but, history has proven that the black hole known as the Hollywood marketing machine rarely bothers with such storyline details.

If the show sells well, it will be resold ad infinum.
Bladerunner, E.T, Close encounters, it does happen on occasion.

I doubt there will be a sequel to a film that has ended what is set out to achieve as these films did.

The storyline has ended with a new planet being found, nowhere to go, there was no carrot being dangled for the audience to want more.

There may be some cheap knock off sequel made by some b movie franchise that no one will recognise as a sequel
I'll grant you 'Bladerunner', but how many closed ended storylines are there these days?

It seems that every screenplay is designed to leave the door open for another sip at the trough. You can set your watch by them. Oh dear, there's five minutes left in the flick, plenty of time to prepare us for the possibility of a sequel.

Re: Interstellar, was there actually any evidence that what's her name, Bland, made it to the last known possibly habitable planet?

I don't remember, as I was too busy trying to decipher Matthew McConaughey's mumblings re the meaning of it all.

