
In the Classifieds please leave the price for future sellers or buyers for reference

@Mike Reed, this thread is dead as per Tony's post, but since you insist... The idea as I understand it is to discourage people from trying to use the classifieds as a way to make money. It seems it was intended to be a way of non-profit trading between members. What a daft idea.:)
In that case why is it used by dealers?
I found it a useful resource when I was looking for several second hand pieces last year. I think prices here are representative of the true private second hand market, perhaps even more so than eBay, which is subject to wild fluctuations and considerable dealer activity.

I do think that dealers should be required to identify themselves as such, as professional dealers are subject to different laws from private sellers. I'm sure there's a certain amount of grey area in that it's a feature of this hobby that many people are constantly buying and selling, and sometimes you do sell something for more than you paid. But where people are buying and selling with the express intent of turning a profit, they are professionals and should be transparent.
I’m still curious why people do it, leaving aside the wrongs and rights of it. And again we’re talking about deleting the asking price from the initial ad here rather than disclosing the final sale price or whatever. I mean what’s in it for anyone?

What’s in it for the people pushing for it? Laziness? Profit?
Whats in it for the seller? Nothing. Nothing at all, it’s a choice that they are free to make. I bet they never thought it’d be so important:rolleyes:
I have stuff I want to sell but have no Idea what it is worth. It would be useful to see what products sold for to give me some idea of the value of my items. I don't see why it is so difficult for people to say what they sold stuff for. What have they got to lose?
All this guff about the sale price being "private" or "none of your business" is just daft. This isn't some old fashioned gentleman's club nonsense, it's the Internet. Transparency helps create a proper marketplace where pricing is fair, and not overinflated. I find eBay's sold listings extremely helpful for determining what something is valued at, and you can then adjust your price up or down depending on the condition or specifics of your unit. While eBay's prices are often a bit higher than you'd expect, you can round down as necessary for forum sales as you're not paying fees and whatnot.

If you're advertising an item for £500 where identical ones might only have sold for £350 on numerous other occasions, then your item is overpriced. If your item then sells for £150 then there must have been a reason that you accepted £200 below market value. I see no point in hiding this. If you're selling something in a hurry because you need the money and will accept lower offers, who cares? If someone then either buys this cheap item, or manages to buy something from me at roughly market rate and then manages to sell it for a profit a week later, congratulations to them I guess. The more information there is, the better a seller can set their price based on averages rather than potentially ripping someone off.

Historic pricing information becomes even more useful in the case that you're selling a less "mainstream" piece of equipment as is quite common here.

Even more annoying is when someone sells something but doesn't know the value, so they invite offers. You're the seller, you need to determine a price and set one. Hence the above information becomes useful.
I have stuff I want to sell but have no Idea what it is worth. It would be useful to see what products sold for to give me some idea of the value of my items. I don't see why it is so difficult for people to say what they sold stuff for. What have they got to lose?
Tell us what you want to sell and we will give you prices:)
It's the OP's decision to divulge as much information as they wish too and as whether to list a price, pictures or location should be their decision, I don't see any harm in doing so and should be a benefit as pictures are a good selling tool IMO, some other forums have rules that insist on pics being included in the ad but yet many times I've read that an OP doesn't know how to post or attach pics , perhaps other reasons as well, item boxed, etc.

I personally think that any discussion after the original ad should be conducted via PM and the thread should be locked to all but the OP, ( and mods) , this would save from any thread crapping and unnecessary discussion (time wasting) after all the Classifieds are there to Buy and Sell items, there is plenty of other places to discuss.
Even more annoying is when someone sells something but doesn't know the value, so they invite offers. You're the seller, you need to determine a price and set one.

Sorry; disagree with this. Inviting offers is fine if you have stuff which is difficult to value for a variety of reasons. O.I.R.O. is obv. more useful. There's no obligation to set a price, which, unless fixed, would be arbitrary anyway.

Naim ......... All original boxes as if that makes a difference!!

Yes it does with any kit, but especially Naim, whose followers have made a religion out of it, causing, i.m.o., some manufacturers (and Naim were (one of the) first) to charge silly money for replacement cardboard and foam inners.

When I sent my very good condition original 1990 01 boxes back to Naim for servicing, they sent back the kit in new oversized boxes. I was not amused, because they destroyed part of the history and provenance for no good reason that I can think of. Seems they're doing that as standard procedure now. I also had a big hassle carrying those 2 boxes back to the car from the shop as they no longer fitted in my shopping bags ! So happy to be Naimless after a generation.

Classifieds are there to Buy and Sell items, there is plenty of other places to discuss.

Not sure I fully agree with that, Darren. I do agree with sending the silly 'Ooh, that's lovely' type posts which proliferate (esp. on another forum) to Room 101, but there are sellers who are happy to have recommendations from other users, or extra inf. or tips etc. There are ad's which engender queries about the sale item(s). Beneficially it bumps up the ad., which surely is an advantage to the seller quite apart from creating interest.

