
I am not an Audiophile (and never have been)

And how about the 95% of modern popular music that could never be performed live in anywhere near the form it appears on a record?

On the odd occasion that I venture ino the music room, I don't get the impression that PFMers are listening to much modern popular music!

Apparently we form most of our deep-seated opinions in our early 20s. Most people seem to be trying to recreate or improve on what they heard at this sort of age. Me included. A trip to the Wigwam show confirms this beyond all reasonable doubt (disclaimer: I offer no scientific proof Mr Julf :))
I guess the wuestion is what level are you at? Nice boxes well set up, swapper, extra PSUs, expensive DACs, mega expensive cables, banana hook cable hangers, rewired house, magic moon blocks that suck up sound ... as someone at the bottom end with some nice bits who appreciates good sound and loves music the potential to keep upgrading is there and sometimes requires a pinch to stop asks no what if I spent x on y?
I enjoy live theatre and movies. They can coexist.

Edit: Sorry, I meant to post this in the visual room. Maybe one of the mods could move it over there

I enjoy live music but it is inherently a quite different experience to listening to a recording - enjoying one does not mean you can't enjoy the other.
I agree, much of my music is recorded studio stuff, I have just taken the path to attempt to recreate the feel of the live gig. Much depends on the recording itself of course.
On the odd occasion that I venture ino the music room, I don't get the impression that PFMers are listening to much modern popular music!

Apparently we form most of our deep-seated opinions in our early 20s. Most people seem to be trying to recreate or improve on what they heard at this sort of age. Me included. A trip to the Wigwam show confirms this beyond all reasonable doubt (disclaimer: I offer no scientific proof Mr Julf :))

I think, to a large extent, that is true. Personally, most of the music I listen to is recently released stuff and I rarely visit the music of my youth (but I think many do).
On the odd occasion that I venture ino the music room, I don't get the impression that PFMers are listening to much modern popular music!

Apparently we form most of our deep-seated opinions in our early 20s. Most people seem to trying to recreate or improve on what they heard at this sort of age. Me included. A trip to the Wigwam show confirms this beyond all reasonable doubt (disclaimer: I offer no scientific proof Mr Julf :))

True dat.

But why should the record be the same as the live recording? A studio recording can be very different from live and all the better for having the chance to be different. A lot of the electronic music I listen to only exists in a computer or DI'd the not a recorder. It hasn't been miked. Released of the confines of having to be captured via a mic is liberating.

I've said this before, with a Beatles recording and their stereo mixes with the drums out of one channel- why not? Only convention says the drums should be mixed in the centre and that's only because of what we expect of a live band. The studio recording can be whatever it wants. Even "pure" recordings have quite a bit of processing. Have a look at the YouTube clip I linked to in the music room about Castle recording studio.

And yes, the music here is "mature". I am loath to knock music but I don't mind mocking others tastes in music. See the Springsteen thread. Apparently his mother got dressed for work and they both left at the same time. His dad went through the war and was a little distant. Ah that's why his music is as interesting as it is........
I think, to a large extent, that is true. Personally, most of the music I listen to is recently released stuff and I rarely visit the music of my youth (but I think many do).

I doubt your recently released stuff makes it into the download charts though i.e. is classed as popular.

I have quite a lot of newish stuff, but the style of the music still tends to be more like my old stuff than like the stuff my teenage daughter listens to.
And yes, the music here is "mature". I am loath to knock music but I don't mind mocking others tastes in music. See the Springsteen thread. Apparently his mother got dressed for work and they both left at the same time. His dad went through the war and was a little distant. Ah that's why his music is as interesting as it is........

Don't get me started on Springsteen...

I have a friend who owns everything Springsteen has ever released. Other than that he is a great guy.
Another mutual friend was subjected to some of his recently released "previously unheard" stuff and apparently it is even worse than the prevously heard stuff!!!
He also went to a recent BS concert with the BS super-fan and said it was the best concert he's ever been to wrt audience interaction etc. However he has no desire to listen to any BS music ever again.
high fidelity is a general term & it has little to do with my personal journey with music, I stopped buying into it when I realised spending more & more, to achieve the unachievable, didn't bring me joy, i decided to search for a sound I did enjoy, the sound I had become accustomed when visiting a live show.

I much prefer live music to recorded studio music so I was on a different path to many who hanker for ultimate precision etc..i'm not searching for perfection, if the music moves me on a personal level i'm happy.
Tinkering with this & that is the icing on the cake, the small, personal improvements that matter to me.

I really do think that if you stitched all your thread contributions together you'd have every single base covered. You strike me as someone who recently got into hifi and shared your opinion on the fly as you developed it over a short period of time. Anyway, you are always entertaining and I enjoy your posts for some reason...
I just hate it when these threads break the sound barrier in page coverage before I notice. Not that I've anything to add, though, but I do like the way pfm is going from strength to strength in diverse membership, sentiment and generally positive content.

It was my first and is now now my only forum; undiminished in entertaining and convivial comment.

I do sometimes wonder, though, how so many music lovers find so much time to talk about it !:D
On the odd occasion that I venture ino the music room, I don't get the impression that PFMers are listening to much modern popular music!

Haven't really visited that part, but I guess you are right.

Apparently we form most of our deep-seated opinions in our early 20s. Most people seem to be trying to recreate or improve on what they heard at this sort of age. Me included.

I am painfully aware of that, and keep trying to counteract it by actively searching out new music.

(disclaimer: I offer no scientific proof Mr Julf :))

And none required, as you aren't making any claims. :)
I really do think that if you stitched all your thread contributions together you'd have every single base covered. You strike me as someone who recently got into hifi and shared your opinion on the fly as you developed it over a short period of time. Anyway, you are always entertaining and I enjoy your posts for some reason...

Raga is remarkably good at this, I believe it could be described as a survival skill and his hi-fi knowledge is wider than you perhaps assumed.

No doubt he willl be along shortly to put us in our place. :)

And yes, the music here is "mature". I am loath to knock music but I don't mind mocking others tastes in music. See the Springsteen thread. Apparently his mother got dressed for work and they both left at the same time. His dad went through the war and was a little distant. Ah that's why his music is as interesting as it is........

That is one of my gripes also. Perhaps I have never grown up, but I find it amusing to have a poke at established musicians whose output is far from adventurous.

Nope.. & neither does anyone else, whatever your music tastes


If your spending 20 grand on your hifi, it's no longer about the music

Chris has it right IMO, he is, indeed, cleansed.

ha I don`t think so ....its so exciting rediscovering all your music again and again when you buy a new toy
True dat.
But why should the record be the same as the live recording? A studio recording can be very different from live and all the better for having the chance to be different. A lot of the electronic music I listen to only exists in a computer or DI'd the not a recorder. It hasn't been miked. Released of the confines of having to be captured via a mic is liberating.
I've said this before, with a Beatles recording and their stereo mixes with the drums out of one channel- why not? Only convention says the drums should be mixed in the centre and that's only because of what we expect of a live band. The studio recording can be whatever it wants. Even "pure" recordings have quite a bit of processing. Have a look at the YouTube clip I linked to in the music room about Castle recording studio.
And yes, the music here is "mature". I am loath to knock music but I don't mind mocking others tastes in music. See the Springsteen thread. Apparently his mother got dressed for work and they both left at the same time. His dad went through the war and was a little distant. Ah that's why his music is as interesting as it is........

He may not be Bach or Miles but it seems unnecessary to this thread to disparage a guy who started life with little , has worked harder than most, gives everything in concert and has written music and lyrics that resonate with millions. And at the end appears to be a guy you could enjoy a beer with.

