
I am not an Audiophile (and never have been)

Not necessarily bad but strange ...

Or Jimi Hendrix might add "not necessarily strange but beautiful" !

Go ahead and be an audiophile. There's no law against it!
Nice Joe

happy new year

can you point out these "folk" please, all feel free to attack, i'm a big boy.

What you all gather via pm to form a hate ragaman club, how sad is this.

What I find strange is this, I experience the complete opposite from quite a few here, I have met lot's of people from pfm, plenty have been welcomed into my home, you & your clan must be in the minority.

Spending your time worrying about how you are perceived & biting your tongue, instead of saying what you feel, is not my way, we are all different Joe.
I will remember to add little smiley faces, just for you Joe.

This post is most probably what your getting at, I find it amusing to have a little banter with my mates, obviously it's not highbrow enough for some delicate souls here on pfm,
I need names Joe, I may have to pay someone a visit big smiley face :):)
What you all gather via pm to form a hate ragaman club, how sad is this.

FWIW I always thought you were fairly rational. I also find Supertweeter reasonable and rational as well, so don't know how you ended up having a bit of handbags.
I suppose it's easy to misunderstand intentions behind comments posted, I know I can tend to be flippant and this often gets misinterpreted.

Maybe others are more extreme than me, but I don't hate, or even particularly dislike, anyone on here. There are a couple of people that I find irritating - mainly due to excessive repetition of minimal content.

Anyway, Merry New Year!
FWIW I always thought you were fairly rational. I also find Supertweeter reasonable and rational as well, so don't know how you ended up having a bit of handbags.
I suppose it's easy to misunderstand intentions behind comments posted, I know I can tend to be flippant and this often gets misinterpreted.

Maybe others are more extreme than me, but I don't hate, or even particularly dislike, anyone on here. There are a couple of people that I find irritating - mainly due to excessive repetition of minimal content.

Anyway, Merry New Year!
It was in response to Joe post 118, not intended for anyone else here, you will see if you read it back.
Happy new year to you too
FWIW I always thought you were fairly rational. I also find Supertweeter reasonable and rational as well, so don't know how you ended up having a bit of handbags.

Anyway, Merry New Year!

Thanks. I think sometimes, Raga misinterprets simple disagreement with what he has said, as something more personal. I try hard not to escalate, but to simply explain my position. Not always entirely successfully. Might sometimes be my fault in that case, I'm only human.
If you wondered then you must have already had a notion as to how you are perceived .. how you come across ? I mean... if you yourself thought that comments about you would arise?

I am sure that ( having read quite a lot of your posts on here ) quite a number of folk just bite their tongues and,like me, say nothing.
I would suggest not reading them Joe, seems a little odd you do, if you feel this way.
Ignore is your friend.
I urge people not to allow the focus of this little chat to shift to exactly the wrong place.

For me the music just facilitates accessing a reflective space. Oddly looking back my hi-fi faffing has been about getting rid of the irritations that distract me from that. Also I've noticed over the years that the thing that attracts me to a given bit of kit in the first place often later becomes the thing that irritates. I think this is why I'm finding my record player getting more and more neutral of late.
Ragaman (Lee?), I have a nagging feeling, judging from your response (unless it was tongue in cheek), that the opening line in my post 113 agreeing with Mike 42 was somewhat misconstrued, possibly by poor phraseology from me.

I was agreeing to all of Mike's comments, including that of the prolific and often interesting threads you initiate. I'd hate to think I was casting nasturtiums (not my thing), so carry on the audio verbiage (no, I don't mean that !):)
For me the music just facilitates accessing a reflective space. Oddly looking back my hi-fi faffing has been about getting rid of the irritations that distract me from that. Also I've noticed over the years that the thing that attracts me to a given bit of kit in the first place often later becomes the thing that irritates. I think this is why I'm finding my record player getting more and more neutral of late.
In the beginning (for me, at least) it was about getting more from my hifi. More bass, more texture (whatever that means), more clarity, more sparkling highs etc. Then, it dawned on me that all those artefacts can be easily overdone or badly done. Of late, those sins of commission grate the hell out of me. I'd rather put up with sins of omission. Light, tuneful and tight bass over thunderous, one-note and flabby bass wins for me every time.

Eventually, I might settle for a transistor radio. Call is audiophilic regression, if you will.
I had a '6 transistor' radio when I was a kid in the sixties and loved it to bits.

Since then I've been looking for better sq to make the most of my music. So I guess I define myself as an "audiophile" which I have been for more than fifty years.

The trick to conquer any negative connotations about this labelling is compromise. Yes it's great to listen to amazing music on expensive equipment but that is not a be all and end all. Some music is still great, like grime or Bob Dylan without obsessing over a 3D soundstage or how cleanly the high hats are portrayed, to name some examples.
In the beginning (for me, at least) it was about getting more from my hifi. More bass, more texture (whatever that means), more clarity, more sparkling highs etc. Then, it dawned on me that all those artefacts can be easily overdone or badly done. Of late, those sins of commission grate the hell out of me. I'd rather put up with sins of omission. Light, tuneful and tight bass over thunderous, one-note and flabby bass wins for me every time.

Eventually, I might settle for a transistor radio. Call is audiophilic regression, if you will.

True for me too. Also, I find, neutrality frees me a bit from focussing on the kit. Last night I was listening to laughing Len's latest then put on my daughter's Christmas present; Bowie's Station to Station and began to get a bit irritated with it. Before I would have been frustrated with the system, but I just thought 'well, that is just how he recorded it, I'm probably not in the mood for edgy stuff' and took it off.

This morning, feeling a little stronger, it sounds really interesting.

