
Housing market

Just a legal point. As far as I know, maybe a lawyer will clarify, a tenant need not inform the owner that there will be children living in the property. Children's names don't appear on leases. You couldn't evict a T on the ground that they're letting children live in the house without your consent, unless it led to overcrowding.

I just looked at rental prices for houses like mine and it's a shock how much they've gone up. Normally I wouldn't bother to look, but I'm a bit worried by the thought that there may be a rent freeze. Somehow it feels wrong to get myself trapped into achieving a much lower rent than I could get, especially if s21 goes -- a bit lower, yes, but not a lot lower. So I guess I'd better have a chat with the tenants about it in January, before it's too late.

Are they good tenants? If they pay and are looking after the places, leave it be IMHO. I’ve never increased the rent for an existing tenant, that’s cost me money but has paid dividends.
When panicking to let or sell my flat a couple of months after first lock-down (whichever came first and lettings did), the agent here in Norwich 'found' a lady and her daughter (ostensibly) in the west country waiting to move here. All seemed in order and they even asked about decor change possibilities. Next I heard was that credit referencing had exposed a C.C.J. and the agent dropped them.

Two Bulgarians were next, only one with faltering English even though she'd been here for 5 years; boyfriend had just come over. Turned out that there were quite genuine, prompt payers and looked after the flat. One child and a year later, they secured a council flat at half my rather low rent. Nice flat but glad it's gone.
Trying to let that place to someone with a child would be like a car salesman trying to flog them a Caterham. They’re simply never going to be interested in the first place. If I were to let my current house (which I might well do at some point), then of course, crack on and enjoy, it’s perfect.

So you think, that in a housing crisis, they would choose to live on the street if your property was on the only one available? Kids live in all types of environments, they are the most adaptable humans.

Try to get in the real world and stop living in the kingdom of antiquated prejudice.

You should join the AVforums, you would be treated like a king on there, its full of Tories and the like. Most of the moderators on there are full on racists, so it's literally free reign to show prejudice.
When panicking to let or sell my flat a couple of months after first lock-down (whichever came first and lettings did), the agent here in Norwich 'found' a lady and her daughter (ostensibly) in the west country waiting to move here. All seemed in order and they even asked about decor change possibilities. Next I heard was that credit referencing had exposed a C.C.J. and the agent dropped them.

Two Bulgarians were next, only one with faltering English even though she'd been here for 5 years; boyfriend had just come over. Turned out that there were quite genuine, prompt payers and looked after the flat. One child and a year later, they secured a council flat at half my rather low rent. Nice flat but glad it's gone.
had a lady with a ccj nearly 10 years ago.she had dad as guarantor and she is still with me !! So easy to get ccj these days !!
So you think, that in a housing crisis, they would choose to live on the street if your property was on the only one available? Kids live in all types of environments, they are the most adaptable humans.

Try to get in the real world and stop living in the kingdom of antiquated prejudice.

You should join the AVforums, you would be treated like a king on there, it’s full of Tories and the like. Most of the moderators on there are full on racists, so it's literally free rein to show prejudice.

Plenty of availability at much lower cost from what I can see. Even lower cost outside of the hotspots. Something to do with economics. I realise you left leaning chaps think everyone should be able to live wherever they like irrespective of situation but here in the real world it doesn’t work like that. If the govt continue to smash landlords and go full on nuclear when it comes to gaining possession, I’d have to look at not re letting once existing tenants move on. There’s less downside risk in leaving property empty / letting friends and family use than having a bad tenant who doesn’t pay and can’t be evicted for months / years without losing and costing a fortune. It’s a terrible state of affairs caused by the govt but can see why many landlords have turned to holiday lets / air bnb. I might have to go the same way.
Plenty of availability at much lower cost from what I can see.

If that is the case, why is there a housing crisis?

If it is true, could a factor of that be those landlords are also asking for 12 month advance rents also? So, with limited people able to afford that, they will end up sleeping rough while those properties remain empty? What a wonderful world to create eh?

Blinkered view from your unethical empire, but as expected, nothing of anything you say is a reality for anyone other than yourself.

There is such a sense of irony playing the butthurt card because of the 'government', ..and then after the smacked child upset, weaponising it against others like people who have nowhere to live.
had a lady with a ccj nearly 10 years ago.she had dad as guarantor and she is still with me !! So easy to get ccj these days !!

Having a guarantor makes the difference, I feel. A previous couple at that flat needed a guarantor (said the agent) because the boyfriend was starting up a driving instructor business but she had a secure job. Can't remember which family put up the ante; had a ffeling it was the girl's, which doesn't make sense to me. They split up 6 months into the tenancy, but she carried on.
I won't take them if they need a guarantor. They can fall out with the guarantor and so not care if he ends up with the bill. You've got to chase him, which is a pain. You may have to take him to court. The guarantor may not care about a county court judgement himself -- if he's mature and doesn't envisage applying for credit for himself. Then you have to do all that's necessary to actually recover the rent from him -- bailiffs etc -- a major pain. No, for me I want tenants who can afford the rent and have nothing in their history which suggests they're going to stop paying. I want to rent to law abiding wealthy people.
If that is the case, why is there a housing crisis?

If it is true, could a factor of that be those landlords are also asking for12 month advance rents also? So, with limited people able to afford that, they will end up sleeping rough while those properties remain empty? What a wonderful world to create eh?

Blinkered view from your unethical empire, but as expected, nothing of anything you say is a reality for anyone other than yourself.

Honestly, have you thought about the other forum?

There is a housing crisis because successive govts have not built council houses, meaning housing benefit sets a floor under private rent levels. The 12 month thing is only happening due to govt policy. Every action has a reaction. I don’t vote tory any more, I’m done with them.
There is a housing crisis because successive govts have not built council houses, meaning housing benefit sets a floor under private rent levels. The 12 month thing is only happening due to govt policy. Every action has a reaction. I don’t vote tory any more, I’m done with them.

You're done with them because they caused a ripple in your business structure and you've spat your dummy or did you realise that many of their policies are prejudice and elitist ?

While I agree those are elements in that, it's far bigger than that, and the 12 month thing isn't just because of government policy, because not every landlord does the 12 month thing, only the ones that want to.
You're done with them because they caused a ripple in your business structure and you've spat your dummy or did you realise that many of their policies are prejudice and elitist ?

While I agree those are elements in that, it's far bigger than that, and the 12 month thing isn't just because of government policy, because not every landlord does the 12 month thing, only the ones that want to.

I just adapt my business model to the prevailing winds, it’s what anyone would do. Standard stuff, no ripples because they’ve been pre-empted. My target market tenants can afford it, it’s no big deal.
I won't take them if they need a guarantor. They can fall out with the guarantor and so not care if he ends up with the bill. You've got to chase him, which is a pain. You may have to take him to court. The guarantor may not care about a county court judgement himself -- if he's mature and doesn't envisage applying for credit for himself. Then you have to do all that's necessary to actually recover the rent from him -- bailiffs etc -- a major pain. No, for me I want tenants who can afford the rent and have nothing in their history which suggests they're going to stop paying. I want to rent to law abiding wealthy people.

good to know all that . will bear in mind for future . my bro had someone who forged the signature of a guarantor and lost a load of rent
I just adapt my business model to the prevailing winds, it’s what anyone would do. Standard stuff, no ripples because they’ve been pre-empted. My target market tenants can afford it, it’s no big deal.

So why did you fall out with your leaders and ideology sharers? you clearly said it to detract yourself from being aligned with them, so I questioned why, you ignored it.
So why did you fall out with your leaders and ideology sharers? you clearly said it to detract yourself from being aligned with them, so I questioned why, you ignored it.

Because they’ve not done what they should be doing. We have record taxation. We shouldn’t have the issues we have. I pay high taxes to a govt to ensure people who need help get it. No problem if that’s the case. There’s no excusing personal responsibility but sometimes people find they need a leg up in life through no fault of their own.
Just watched a rather lovely financial reporter on C4 news deliver the IR news. Consensus seems to be 4.5% next year, so call it 5. With more and more mortgages rolling off cheap fixes, this can only lead to a crunch point. I’m either seeing silly prices on new stuff to market, reductions or SSTC stuff coming back on presumably because it’s fallen out of bed. Any up to date anecdotes from the field?
There’s no excusing personal responsibility but sometimes people find they need a leg up in life through no fault of their own.

Like demanding 12 months rent up front? Thats a leg up in life?

Do you even remotely sense any form of irony?
Like demanding 12 months rent up front? Thats a leg up in life?

Do you even remotely sense any form of irony?

Don’t get it do you. I’m reacting to govt legislation to prevent someone playing the game. My tenants don’t need a leg up in life, they’re doing very nicely. Eg one chap had his family pile up country and wanted a pad in the SE for 12 months. He was only there 2/3 nights a week, never cooked so hardly any wear and tear. He had it for nearly 3 years in the end. Immaculate when he moved out. Lovely chap, could buy the place out of petty cash.
good to know all that . will bear in mind for future . my bro had someone who forged the signature of a guarantor and lost a load of rent

My advice is to take out rent protection insurance. It's not expensive if your business is healthy, you can claim for it in your tax return in fact. It will prevent you from even considering a T who smells slightly like trouble. In fact I think they'll even take ones with guarantors.

(Tax return . . . Jan 31 soon . . . shit!)

