
HiFiWigWam Banning long standing members en masse

You're both way off. It was Marky Marx, and the quote was "I wouldn't want to belong to a funky bunch that would have me as a member".
Forum anthropology is peculiar. Members flounce (or get banned) from one and flee to another. Later on, when they get banned from their adopted forum they deflounce to the original one ( unless of course their name remains in the book of the banished) or camp temporarily on their exodus to a new promised land and tell stories round the camp fire of their flight from tyranny.
Funnily enough I remember Onyer Marx saying, "I wouldn't belong to a club if my member couldn't join in".
It was when Samantha joined in (supposedly?) that I got confused. That post was so unlike her normal personality that I started to wonder what was going on.

She's plenty pissed off at MVJ and Jr, so that was probably the most authentic post of the troll. But I can see where you're coming from.
It was when Samantha joined in (supposedly?) that I got confused. That post was so unlike her normal personality that I started to wonder what was going on.

The lovely Samantha:

Samantha tells me she has to nip out now as she's been invited to an exclusive club to meet a group of aristocrats. She's very excited to see where all the big knobs hang out. She says at such a posh function she and the other girls will probably end up trying to speak with plums in their mouths.

Samantha tells me she has to nip off now as her trusted aged gardener is coming round to identify the mysterious trailing plant that's growing in her privet. Obviously she's keen not to miss him if there's a chance she may have an Old Man's Beard in her bush.
This is a bit like being subjected to the 15th episode of a TV soap opera without any picture and without having watched any of the other episodes.
It will be so funny when the announcement is made that the new owner is me, along with my business partners Pat Condell and Mr Cat.

In addition. the forum will be sponsored by the Ron Paul Liberty Report and Infowars. We will be channeling streams of their output directly on the forum.
The commerical aspect of the new forum will include survival and health products already featured on the Infowars website.

