
HiFiWigWam Banning long standing members en masse

Oh, dear, when it looked as though the Wam was closing, a good while ago, the tone of this place really changed for a while. I hope it doesn't happen again.

The funny thing is that the user overlap between the pfm and Wam, and for that matter AoS is huge. Whenever I browse these forums I recognise most of the regular poster names. I've no idea how large the shared membership is, but I bet it is well over a third.
Oh, dear, when it looked as though the Wam was closing, a good while ago, the tone of this place really changed for a while. I hope it doesn't happen again.
Neither do we want it turning into a gentlemans club where we are afraid to poke our head above the pulpit for fear of reprisal, it needs all sorts, including the commoners such as myself :) whether people like it or not, it needs all sorts to take part in a thread not just the over polite & elite & thus far, while i have been here it seems this way & long may it continue.

I would hazard a guess the crossover is far greater than Tony suggests, i'm on AOS, WAM & AVFORUMS, i would imagine many others are too.
The only forum aside from pfm I regularly post on is Steve Hoffman's site, but I'm also registered on AudioKarma, AudioAsylum, Klipsch, Naim, Harbeth, WigWam, LencoHeaven, Gearslutz, DIYAudio, Head-Fi and the Yahoo Tannoy, Leak, Quad and LS3/5A lists.
I think the nice thing about pfm is that when some crossover as i did you sort of feel like you need to adjust a little, took me a while to adjust to the politeness after the wam but i'm getting there, it just feels like this is the best place to be for me, a good mixture of views & personalities without the nastiness, i can't see it changing whoever joins, you sort of adjust on a subconsious level & before you know it your grammer has improved & you can sling a sentence together without sounding like some thicko from Dudley ;) well in my case anyway.
The only forum aside from pfm I regularly post on is Steve Hoffman's site, but I'm also registered on AudioKarma, AudioAsylum, Klipsch, Naim, Harbeth, WigWam, LencoHeaven, Gearslutz, DIYAudio, Head-Fi and the Yahoo Tannoy, Leak, Quad and LS3/5A lists.

You just a forum bitch.. ;)
PFM and the excellent (and very civilised 'Nottstalgia' for all folk from Nottm.
That's it.

Prolly still registered on thhe Wam.. but haven't posted for yonks.

The belief in any hi-fi fora other than pfm is entirely down to an overactive imagination, and probably brought on by eating cheese close to bedtime.

