
Her Majesty the Queen RIP

When you next find yourself, or hear of someone, having to sell property or the family home they grew up in to pay inheritance tax, or start planning for your own bequests to your children, remember that The Queen’s offspring will inherit Balmoral and Sandringham without having to pay a penny in inheritance tax and the £1.3 billion Duchy of Cornwall will be similarly transferred from Charles to William without a penny of tax being paid. These are not part of the Crown estate, they are the private property of the royal family and all their income and utility is derived and administered solely by the royal family and at their discretion.
There have to be some privileges in a feudal society, otherwise what’s the point?
You were busy for a few years. That’s great they all still live with you. My 9 year old daughter tells me she is never moving out and will always live with. Hard to tell with a 9 year old but she seems serious.

Mine has already decided what to do with my stuff after I'm dead. Mostly she's going to sell it and make room for more Lego. But she's never leaving home, she reckons.
Mine has already decided what to do with my stuff after I'm dead. Mostly she's going to sell it and make room for more Lego. But she's never leaving home, she reckons.
As a 50 year old with 2 and 5 year old sons, I would be beyond thrilled if I lived long enough to see one of them choose to raise their family in our home whilst my wife and I spend our dotage in the annex.
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Lydon’s brain fell out years ago, he’s been seen cheerleading for Trump too. File under Morrissey.
Were Punks always lefties ? Back then - judging by their behaviour- it was not always easy to tell a punk from a skinhead.
Back then - judging by their behaviour- it was not always easy to tell a punk from a skinhead.

Punk was almost exclusively left-wing and mainly middle-class. Lydon being working class was an exception, though it is only quite recently he’s shifted right. He’s always had a fascinating outsider perspective, but I think he has lost a lot of health (himself and family) over recent years. His autobiography No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs is a fascinating and amusing read. He’s also a total troll and always has been, so don’t take what he says at face value. There is a 50% chance he’s taking the piss with the support of the Queen.

PS Punk, new-wave, two-tone etc were the founding forces behind Rock Against Racism and to a large degree the Anti-Nazi League. The divide between this and racist/NF skinheads could not be clearer or more violent.
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Punk was almost exclusively left-wing and mainly middle-class. Lydon being working class was an exception, though it is only quite recently he’s shifted right. He’s always had a fascinating outsider perspective, but I think he has lost a lot of health (himself and family) over recent years. His autobiography No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs is a fascinating and amusing read.

PS Punk, new-wave, two-tone etc were the founding forces behind Rock Against Racism and to a large degree the Anti-Nazi League. The divide between this and racist/NF skinheads could not be clearer or more violent.
As were the original skinheads- working class white kids in thrall to Jamaican Rude Boy dress and music. It was later that the racist/ Nazi element attached itself to skinhead culture. Don Letts did a great doc on BBC4 a few years back, whilst Lloyd Bradley’s Bass Culture is the definitive tome.
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Good old Wirral lad
Wirral must have been much bigger back then.

I recall the story of when Wilson spoke of seeing children going barefoot to school when he was a lad. One Tory MP commented 'If Harold Wilson ever went to school without boots, it could only have been because he was too big for them.'
In 2017, Lydon spoke about Queen Elizabeth II and the plans for her eventual passing in an interview with the Quietus. Lydon was asked if he felt dread about how the Sex Pistols’ “God Save the Queen” would be used, to which he replied that he hopes the song isn’t misused. “That’s about a political situation and the demand for obedience to a monarchy I don’t believe in,” he said. “But that’s a human being and I would sorely miss her as a human being on planet Earth.” In an editorial for the UK’s Times earlier this year, he wrote similarly, “I’ve got no animosity against any one of the royal family. Never did. It’s the institution of it that bothers me and the assumption that I’m to pay for that. There’s where I draw the line.””

Pitchfork clarifying John Lydon’s position and recent Tweet (Pitchfork). He’s absolutely right IMO. Exactly the same position I hold myself and have stated at several points on this thread.

