
Hard times for Linn

The slagging Linn get is ridiculous. Their products are no more expensive than many high end brands, they employ people in their native country many of those expensive Linn products appear in anyones 'top ten of all time lists'?
High price for the best performance is fine. The LP 12 was one of the best...once.
What they do is too dear and they have become a niche company.
The same will happen to Rega.

I don't agree and really hope you are wrong.

Nothing wrong with having a handful of very high end super expensive flagship products. it shows what a company can do without cost constraints and showcases the results of a particular design ethos.
However this must trickle down into real world affordable products in a clear way.
Rega adopt this model, Linn do not. many of those expensive Linn products appear in anyones 'top ten of all time lists'?
High price for the best performance is fine. The LP 12 was one of the best...once.
The klimax stuff was right up there as was the LP12. SME products are more expensive. Current top of the line LP12 has been very well reviewed, up there with the very best. Not many companies, especially small ones make the the top 10 of all time. If they go under there will be plaintive squeals.
If they go under there will be plaintive squeals.

It would be a pity, but there are countless thousands of LP12's out there, so in the same way that there is still a big market for Garrard 301/401's, there will continue to be a big interest in Linn.
I don't agree and really hope you are wrong.

Nothing wrong with having a handful of very high end super expensive flagship products. it shows what a company can do without cost constraints and showcases the results of a particular design ethos.
However this must trickle down into real world affordable products in a clear way.
Rega adopt this model, Linn do not.

I agree I don't see any comparison between linn and rega. Rega are well made, relatively affordable and great value for money... As long as they keep it that way I'm sure they will be fine.

To note I do like linn too particularly their active systems, it's just that they are unaffordable for most and as has been said they don't have many entry level products when you compare to the likes of Naim or rega
Please don’t give up on affordable entry level gear and you will survive.
I sincerely hope you do.
We have absolutely no intention of and never will which is kinda why I thought your initial post was somewhat unfair and needed retraction.

Fixed that for you. There really are some 'loudmouths' on this forum who speak with little backing for what they say.

As to Linn, it's impossible to judge the loss without context. The R&D could open up new markets for them hence why they are spending big now... alternatively they could be in a massive irreversible decline... the truth is without a lot more in depth information surrounding the financials we just don't know.... but like Naim, Linn are fair game for a slagging on here so a certain minority will simply pile in without really knowing what is going on! Sigh!
I hope greed hasn’t got the better of it’s directors... on top of that £892k in directors salaries I’d like to have a look at that R&D invoicing..

I wish the staff the best of luck and hope that the firm stays intact.
Is this recent news??
The accounts were published a while ago (June) according to Companies House?

£15.7m T/O (£10.6m of that in UK and EU) [£16.3m in 2018, £16.9m in '17, £18.1m in '16, £17.8 in '15, £19.2m in '14]
£636k loss before tax and £256k net loss
£2.4m on R&D (i.e tax benefit)
171 employees (up one from last year)
Paid £525k dividends (£501k to Ivor) + £367k for director's salaries + pensions..
So revenue of £92K per employee, which seems very low to me...and the shareholder/directors take out £892k.

These are the same as the ones the OP article used, I caught them in today's paper (link above) which called them Linn's "newly published accounts".
i put a record on my LP12 before posting this... a down year in a challenging trade environment with a heavy R&D spend does not suggest to me that Linn will be folding up their tent soon. what's more, posts predicting doom for Linn, Rega, and their hundreds of employees are in my opinion pretty distasteful.

