
Half-Kitschy Fall Pictures (WARNING: one them not office safe)

Autumnal headgear:

If I can work out how to post some, or someone can tell me, i will give it a go - some old, some new.

Get a free account at, upload your pics, and grab the static url. Click on the little picture icon in 'Reply to Thread' page here, and paste in your url. Be warned, if you bother to post your pics on a public forum someone may label you a wannabe.


p.s. here is what the other photographers/wannabes by the lake are shooting....

:) mmmm, i personally prefer the types of "birds" you shoot. but each to their own, i guess.

i must admit my personal favourite is: "Cartoon Tree Demise".

your last shot reminds me of one of my favourite landscape shots by martin wolf wagner: linked here. very desolate.

i must admit my personal favourite is: "Cartoon Tree Demise".

it is arguably the best picture i've ever taken. would actually put it up on my wall, but the mood is too haunting.

your last shot reminds me of one of my favourite landscape shots by martin wolf wagner: linked here. very desolate.

this is more along the lines of what was on my mind...


in paticular the small roundish leaves at the tips of the trees which always remind me of the painter.

*weeps for Cartoon Tree*

(I like it as well -- although that one leaf is annoying).

please correct me if i am wrong, but it is interesting you think one of your best pics was taken with the pentax (and the pic is DARN good!)... one thing i have noticed with my digicam is that i take far more pictures and take the camera most places (a famous quote comes to mind - "f/8 and being there is the key to being a good photographer")... processing and scanning film is just much more of an effort (although it can also have its own rewards in some ways too).

anyway, this thread has probably confirmed some thoughts that perhaps i need to think about investing in a nice dslr....

based on this - looking at, they seem to have a good offer on a pentax *ist DL (GBP369). correct me if i am wrong i remember matthewr saying some time ago that this was, unfortunately, inferior to the DS (the viewfinder was darker?) - matthew, is this correct, or am i talking bollox (which is something i am often accused of ;))?

the DS seems to be hard to get.

has anybody managed to review the new K100D or K10D?

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i made a decision a little while ago to use the film cameras (like M especially) for B&W film but to concentrate on digital for colour--primarily because of the cost and hassle of shooting slide film, having it processed by someone else (as opposed to B&W which i do myself) and then scanning/spotting. also, given the sort of painterly effects i'm mostly after, the flatness or 2-dimensionality of digital (especially with smaller sensor) serves my purpose. there are limits, but i understand them. for example, the following--all for different reasons, which joe petrik can explain)--just wouldn't work (for me) if shot on digital:

The colours in Duckie are so vibrant. Fantastic shot. JessieLo is a great shot as well. I can imagine this as a location shot on a Resident Evil type shoot. Probably not what you had in mind though. Again, great colour.
thanks rod. what is "resident evil?"

btw-looking back at those film shots has suddenly made me depressed about the sterility of digital...


It's a movie that has Milla Jovovich in it. That's all you need to know.

Walking home from the office through Hyde Park a couple of hours ago, and the beginnings of autumn are just visible, but it still looks like August or September really.


Within a minute (literally) of taking that picture, heavy rainclouds rolled in.




All taken with a Ricoh digital portable. Maybe autumn will arrive properly next week.

-- Ian
It's a zombie horror flick (with computer game origins) with the delightful Milla Jovovich.

Edit: Might have guessed that Joe would beat me to it. :)

you should have had that guy/bloke come and pose for you looking all sinister in the middle of the cobblestone arrangment.


