
Ghastly expressions you want to see the back of in 2011

Bless (usually meant in a condescending way)

I love him/her to bits but ... (followed by a twenty minute spiel about that person's many faults)

Towing the line (it's 'toeing the line', you moron!)

I'm lovin' it
'Huddle' to describe a meeting.

'Workshop' when there are no tools present (other than the 'facilitators')
'Now I want you all to divide into groups of three or four. Here are some post-it notes, could you write down your ideas and then we'll stick them on the walls'
As Joe mentions: "a big ask", eg. "I know it's a big ask, but would you please...."

On recent teleconferences the big ask has morphed into just an "ask", so any request to do something put to someone is now apparently an "ask".

However, it hasn't stopped there. Now a simple question is also apparently an "ask".

I have a "big ask": please kill me now.

This has transposed in a Big Arks now is it.

Guys (Its SWHBO who really hates that one. I can vouch for the fact that she is not a guy ;) )

At the end of the day

people talking in "txt spk"

People who start an answer with 'Erm ?' (you can even see/hear the question mark)


Well, you know (if I knew I wouldn't ask)
"Your jobs are perfectly safe"
"We all need to go the extra mile" - usually the boss explaining why I have to change shift for the third time that week, about five minutes before he leaves early for an important meeting. At home, with his family.
" Yes we can" ( meaning yes YOU will ).
ad hom

please use the full spelling and any latin phrases should really be italicised.

