
Getting the best out of a Rega DAC (or any Dac)?

How many CD transports are there which have really been designed as CD transports either? How much thought has gone into the design of the CD player from the point of view of optimising its digital outputs? (assuming that this can make a dac sound better) And if its a real transport only solution, has it been designed as such or is it just a CDP with the dac taken out.

I can see the logic of arguing that CD players should be in one box (as naim argued for years), so that the signals are kept as I2S and the dac clock can control everything. But once you're using the SP/DIF output of your player, are you really using it as designed?

My experience has also been that enjoying listening to music has a lot to do with enjoying and feeling comfortable with what you are doing. The better the UI, the more I enjoy the whole thing. I don't think its the DAC that gets more "relaxed", "musical" or gets more "flow" and "ease".

The Apollo R still has the DAC left in. It was also designed to be partnered with the Rega DAC.

I would, however, like to get it clock locked to the MDAC.

Not all CD transports are the same of course. I have heard the difference a dCS Scarlatti transport makes over a dCS P8i used as a transport. I have also heard the Scarlatti respond to changes in what it sits on.
Sorry I am really dumb and stupid and haven't clue what you are on about. I'm not try to have a debate just state horses for courses
If "horses for courses" then presumably you'd be advocating the use of a device designed only for streaming audio?
The Apollo R still has the DAC left in. It was also designed to be partnered with the Rega DAC.
But is it really? Are you sure that's not just a backstory. Has the Apollo been optimised to have the very best S/PDIF out? How? and if so how would this be specific to the Rega dac?
I have to say that I've compared the Rega Saturn and my Sony blu-ray player as transports into my Rega DAC and the Saturn far outclassed the blu-ray player in terms of clarity, soundstage and dynamics.
I have compared too a few transports, and I could hear differences in all. Yes, a good transport makes a difference, even with this modern Dac´s with jitter rejection.
I have to say that I've compared the Rega Saturn and my Sony blu-ray player as transports into my Rega DAC and the Saturn far outclassed the blu-ray player in terms of clarity, soundstage and dynamics.
I hope you don't mind me saying so :), but that is simply not possible.

The data reaching the DAC is exactly the same whether it came from the Saturn or Sony, and so no differences in clarity, soundstage, dynamics or anything else is possible.

Sorry again, I'm not being argumentative, but it just is not possible :)
I have only compared the Apollo R with Themis's com-poo-tah.

I bought it because it is better than a com-poo-tah in terms of sound quality, is in a half-width case, looks nice and is reasonably priced.
I hope you don't mind me saying so :), but that is simply not possible.

The data reaching the DAC is exactly the same whether it came from the Saturn or Sony, and so no differences in clarity, soundstage, dynamics or anything else is possible.

Sorry again, I'm not being argumentative, but it just is not possible :)

100% orthodoxy. 0% experience.

0 credibility.

It is aso quite rude to deny someone else's experience, especially when you have none yourself.
The data reaching the DAC is exactly the same whether it came from the Saturn or Sony, and so no differences in clarity, soundstage, dynamics or anything else is possible.

Sorry again, I'm not being argumentative, but it just is not possible :)

No, no, no there are diferences!
I hope you don't mind me saying so :), but that is simply not possible.

The data reaching the DAC is exactly the same whether it came from the Saturn or Sony, and so no differences in clarity, soundstage, dynamics or anything else is possible.

Sorry again, I'm not being argumentative, but it just is not possible :)
Is this over spdif? If so you're surely not serious....
Maxflinn, as a follow on from Steven Troy's quip of "You need to get out more and hear more gear." maybe you would like to join one of our audio get-together sessions in Ireland, sometime (you're in Waterford, right)? I'm sure you know of the TirnaHiFi forum where a contingent of local audio enthusiasts post & arrange meetings. You would be welcome to come along to any of our informal sessions, I'm sure. Lots of different gear is listened to but beware you may leave with a different mindset, hopefully!

Maxi should take up that offer. It would be churlish not to.

It wasn't a quip btw as he knows he'd be welcome here.
You don't need experience, Steven, it just is not possible that the Rega could send "better" data, or worse data, or any kind of different data.

It can't happen, it is not possible.

Sorry :)

Max, bits is bits'n'all, but it ain't all that gets sent, and in any case the bits ain't even bits they're voltage states interepreted as bits. Stop being so closed, you're doing yourself a disservice.

