
General Election 2024

Independence is dead here Paul the SNP have effed it up, they took the queen's shilling, they should have done what the Sinn Fein Mps did but they took the dosh and the cars and the expenses, there isn't the same appetite for it now IMO.

Personally I'd vote for independence and so would all of my family but the arse has been kicked out of it for the time being.
I’m personally not that pessimistic. Support for independence is still hovering around 50% despite the best efforts of the SNP to bugger it up. Two things for sure though, if it comes, it ain’t gonna be delivered by either Swinney or Sarwar.
Typical Liberal BBC journo. “Well fascism can be a nasty old business, but they have a democratic right to air their views, and we’re happy to platform them.”
Funny how the BBC seem to forget to inform and educate on the dangers of the far-right. No. They'd rather platform this shit because 'balance'.

When the far-right do get in after Labour, the BBC will have a lot to answer for.
When the far-right do get in after Labour, the BBC will have a lot to answer for.

Labour have the opportunity to remove the right-wing bias from the BBC and clear out all the Tory activists in upper management. Whether they have the spine to take it remains to be seen.
Labour have the opportunity to remove the right-wing bias from the BBC and clear out all the Tory activists in upper management. Whether they have the spine to take it remains to be seen.
I was about to post much the same. It's not just the BBC, although it is critical, but appointments to public bodies across the board that are stacked with extremist nut jobs. I've been dealing with the pensions ombudsman and they're so understaffed and unfit for purpose that you get an automatic reply saying that it might take 4 weeks (20 working days) just to receive a response to each enquiry!
Labour have the opportunity to remove the right-wing bias from the BBC and clear out all the Tory activists in upper management. Whether they have the spine to take it remains to be seen.
I imagine they've already drawn up the lists of Labour stooges who will be installed.
Labour have the opportunity to remove the right-wing bias from the BBC and clear out all the Tory activists in upper management. Whether they have the spine to take it remains to be seen.
I doubt any clear out of Tory vermin will result in no platforming filth like Farage and Claire Fox
Is anyone commenting on the fact the Farage immediately backed down from the pledge for the £350m NHS funding the moment the Brexit vote was won, and we're supposed to believe his election 'pledges'?

All i've seen so far is some lightweight analysis of his 'pledges'.

I would have expected a somewhat scared Tory press to go for him as untrustworthy, with no appreciation of the irony of course.
I see former Eastenders star and (now) former Labour peer Michael Cashman has had the whip withdrawn for referring to Rosie Duffield as "lazy".

I can think of a few other words.
I would have expected a somewhat scared Tory press to go for him as untrustworthy, with no appreciation of the irony of course.
It's as if the Tories have thrown the towel in. They had one try - claiming that Labour were going to tax you real bad. No one cared. And now they've seemingly retreated into a corner. There was an article in yesterdays papers asking where on earth Jeremy Hunt is. Another in today's saying that tories want Sunak to start making personal negative comments about Starmer (connection to Corbyn, etc.) But so far, they are almost invisible, inaudible.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
I’m sure the much maligned ethnic minorities would mostly have been at work, earning their wages and paying their taxes.

I'm from there, there aren't any. Even they won't live somewhere like that. Labour have completely died in Ashfield, Brexit killed them off completely.
Lets face it - Truss didn't do 'that much damage' did she.
OK - she possibly did, (yes, I know, possibly = absolutely here) but Reform have much worse 'fiscal' plans.
Completly un-funded..
It's as if the Tories have thrown the towel in. They had one try - claiming that Labour were going to tax you real bad. No one cared. And now they've seemingly retreated into a corner. There was an article in yesterdays papers asking where on earth Jeremy Hunt is. Another in today's saying that tories want Sunak to start making personal negative comments about Starmer (connection to Corbyn, etc.) But so far, they are almost invisible, inaudible.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
The Tories are sensible enough to know when they are beat. Their main problem is that Starmer is a better Tory than Rishi. Socialism is dead for another five years and Thatcherism is back on track.

Basically it's gone to "I couldn't care who wins, we will still have a Tory running the country. Another successful result for the party faithful.

KS.234 has been telling you all this for ages.
The Tories are sensible enough to know when they are beat. Their main problem is that Starmer is a better Tory than Rishi. Socialism is dead for another five years and Thatcherism is back on track.

Thatcherism has not been off the tracks since 1979. The difference is that the Maggie and Ronnie locomotive <Disaster Capitalist> is now heading out of control toward the end of line terminator; whereupon it will derail, crash and burn, and take all its passengers with it.

Have a nice ride.

Thatcherism has not been off the tracks since 1979. The difference is that the Maggie and Ronnie locomotive <Disaster Capitalist> is heading out of control toward the end of line terminator; whereupon it will derail, crash and burn, and take all its passengers with it.

Have a nice ride.

Just your opinion. If you add the Tory and Labour vote together it comes out at 43%. Not bad for a policy to still have approval of that magnitude.

Whether you like it or not, her policies are still the main drivers and the public support it because it works.

