
General Election 2024

What happens after the election will be interesting. My gut feeling is that the Tory party will split between the ERG lot and the One Nation lot. Which of the two gets to keep the Tory logo is up for grabs

The ERG lot are Reform. It makes sense for them to line-up behind Farage and campaign all-out for a Trump/Putin-style fascism. I’m not convinced there are any ‘one nation’ types left. Johnson purged them all prior to 2019 just as forcefully as Starmer has purged his left/BAME MPs and councillors.

Prior to 2019 there were at least a handful of Tory MPs I didn’t view as monsters or crooks. Some I respected even if I didn’t agree with them. That is no longer the case. They were all very forcibly ejected. Starmer has done much the same. The people I liked in Labour are either ejected already, or standing very close to the door.

Gangster turf wars again.
The ERG lot are Reform. I’m not convinced there are any ‘one nation’ types left. Johnson purged them all prior to 2019 just as forcefully as Starmer has purged his left/BAME MPs and councillors.
Yes agree. The question I was pointing to is will the ERGers join Reform, or will Reform take over the Tory brand. Either will be the same party, it’s just a question of what they call themselves.

The Tory brand might be more palatable which might mean a lot of non-ERGers leave for the new-Tory.

You might be right about the One Nation lot, they seem to have gone the same way as the left in Labour!
This election more than any other will demonstrate the poverty of FPTP. Those hoping for Farage to bleat about electoral reform will be disappointed IMO. He may for a week or two but then simply take over the Tory party, shift it further right and consider every chance of being PM in five years, using FPTP.

Labour are already in no-man’s land, very few really want Starmer, just Sunak even less. There has to be an alliance of the Left - Green/LD. The Greens will have to become more mainstream in policies other than environment. A real problem is Welsh and Scottish nationalists will also have to be on board, deals will need to be done since policy is very similar apart from the big one. What remains of the Labour left will be subsumed.

Rejoining the EU, having a responsible foreign policy, admitting tax increases are required for funding of services, environment, environment, environment the key platforms.

In the longer term I see extinction for Starmer Labour rather than Conservative. Voting for either side of the same coin will be unsustainable.

A bit of wishful thinking out loud, this could all be bollocks.
Quite a bit of what you ask for could happen under a Labour govt. I reckon closer ties to the EU are a given & some commitments to green energy.

I think the Tories have really pushed the boundaries as to what even the most thick racist will stand with multiple changes of leader.

I could equally be wrong but we have to try & be a bit optimistic.
Streeting on LK just now mentioned “growth” again and again. He didn’t mention inequality, but then it’s only mentioned once in Labour’s manifesto so obviously not a priority.

The theory of growth that Labour have adopted based on austerity, and underpin all Labour’s spending plans, has only produced decline in growth.

The promised jam tomorrow has not been delivered because the theory is based on bollocks

Doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results is a madness that rums contrary to the data

The Greens will have to become more mainstream in policies other than environment.
I suspect there will need to be a toning down of some policies like nuclear disarmament and banning short haul domestic flights.

But to be honest most of their manifesto is exactly what as a country we should be doing.

I suspect there will need to be a toning down of some policies like nuclear disarmament and banning short haul domestic flights.

But to be honest most of their manifesto is exactly what as a country we should be doing.

"Should" and "will" are not the same thing. I remember a few years back at a mountaineering talk there was someone with a green bent. Yes, we were all on board. We're all affected by climate change, mountaineers have seen it at first hand. We need to curb it. So I'm asking you all, he said at the end, to join me in a pledge to refrain from flying for a year. Will you raise your hands? Nope. Nada. One of two, the rest of us wanted to do something but not give up the flights to Spain for winter rock, the alps in the summer, etc.
I suspect there will need to be a toning down of some policies like nuclear disarmament and banning short haul domestic flights.
This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get diesel and petrol for their car, and fuel for the trucks that distribute food to people.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get to work.

Who is going to vote for ripping out their central heating because it's incompatible with a heat pump.

The aims are laudable but just don't connect with the masses that are just about managing.
"Should" and "will" are not the same thing. I remember a few years back at a mountaineering talk there was someone with a green bent. Yes, we were all on board. We're all affected by climate change, mountaineers have seen it at first hand. We need to curb it. So I'm asking you all, he said at the end, to join me in a pledge to refrain from flying for a year. Will you raise your hands? Nope. Nada. One of two, the rest of us wanted to do something but not give up the flights to Spain for winter rock, the alps in the summer, etc.

Yep, that’s the reality. The world is full of tourists. In the best interests of the planet, that would all grind to a halt, but so too would the world economy. Planes, cruise ships, lorries, cars, trains, busses, all a complete environmental disaster, however they’re powered. Just the manufacturing and infrastructure alone is hugely destructive. IMHO the only hope is to control global population levels, but that’s about as likely as people giving up foreign holidays.
This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get diesel and petrol for their car, and fuel for the trucks that distribute food to people.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get to work.

Who is going to vote for ripping out their central heating because it's incompatible with a heat pump.

The aims are laudable but just don't connect with the masses that are just about managing.
Can you quote these "policies" from the Green manifesto?
This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

They actually don’t. I saw a poll yesterday suggesting the majority are very positive to Green Party policies, though annoyingly I can’t find it again (I can never find anything on Twitter again once I’ve scrolled past it!).

Ignore the couple of miserable old Tory boomer shitposters here. They represent the dying generation that destroyed the UK and the global environment, certainly no one younger than 50. They are the politics of the past. A past that needs to die if this planet is to survive.
Can you quote these "policies" from the Green manifesto?
I just double checked. I can't see them.

This is what I don't get about the Greens.
Their policies scare the crap out of most people. Yet they seem to think people will vote for them.

Who is going to vote for not being able to get diesel and petrol for their car, and fuel for the trucks that distribute food to people.

Do they?

Who is going to vote for not being able to get to work.

Not seen that in their manifesto

Who is going to vote for ripping out their central heating because it's incompatible with a heat pump.

What is the Green Party Plan For ripping out central heating? Or does ripping out mean phasing in here?

The aims are laudable but just don't connect with the masses that are just about managing.


