
General Election 2024

or don't care about anything other than themselves
Older voters will remember they were told in the 70's that an ice age was coming, maybe they have given up with climate issues.
I sort of get why many people have given up with world problems, some are selfish, confused by manifestos that rarely succeed, corrupt/lying politicians, so it is does not surprise me they are selfish.
The above does not apply to me, but from conversations with local people I meet on the bus, local shopping and woofer walkies.
Vote for Policies is up again:

Blind-test your vote!

Interesting. I come out 46% Green, 33% Labour, 20% LD. I’d have expected the last two reversed, though I did notice a few policies I recognised as LD and ended up voting for what I guess are Green, e.g. UBI (which I think is an idea worth trying).

My results (link).

PS Looking at the detail I think the site is wrong about a fair bit of Labour policy, e.g. student fees/grants, trans-rights/self-ID etc. I’m pretty sure Starmer rowed all this stuff back.
UK voters either
1. Don't know there is a climate problem
2. Don't believe that the climate problem is real or serious
3. Think that what 1% of world population do on a little island is immaterial
4. Understand that with FPTP a vote for minor parties is wasted. Until it is obvious to all that it isn't. By which time it will be too late.
I would also add, don't care there is a climate problem because most people live in the now & will be gone long before it becomes a very serious issue "for them". As is the case with human beings, we have a knack of surviving in the face of adversity. Human beings survived the ice age & the best of humanity will survive the climate issue without crying about it, which is usually the best way to survive. I would also add that those with the least in society will cope the best, come an apocalypse.
I'm 53.3% Lib Dem (Brexit, Equalities, Health, Crime, Foreign Policy - keeping a minimum Nuclear deterrent a bit of a non-Green give away), 40% Green (Democracy, Education, Economy, Environment, Jobs, Housing) and 6.7% Labour (Transport). A relief to have no Tory or Brexit.

Anyway, @tuga thanks, it was a bit of fun. Which policy did Brexit get you on?
PS Looking at the detail I think the site is wrong about a fair bit of Labour policy, e.g. student fees/grants, trans-rights/self-ID etc. I’m pretty sure Starmer rowed all this stuff back.
This is from 2019. Labour will look far worse now, and it turns out I only agreed with Transport in 2019. The site says 2024 will be up soon so we can play again.
I think that many don't care enough to worry, and won't change their lifestyle or view of the world.
Maybe so, but the majority of dont care brigade are not exactly wealthy, as I said they have heard it all before and are not convinced. Of course they care about their children/grandchildren but not in the way you expect them to think.
This is from 2019. Labour will look far worse now, and it turns out I only agreed with Transport in 2019.

That makes it totally irrelevant as both Labour and Tory have shifted way, way to the right. Pretty sure the Greens and LDs are still roughly where they were. I was really surprised to get any Labour in my results, hence digging down to policy level.
I'm 53.3% Lib Dem (Brexit, Equalities, Health, Crime, Foreign Policy - keeping a minimum Nuclear deterrent a bit of a non-Green give away), 40% Green (Democracy, Education, Economy, Environment, Jobs, Housing) and 6.7% Labour (Transport). A relief to have no Tory or Brexit.

Anyway, @tuga thanks, it was a bit of fun. Which policy did Brexit get you on?

I didn't select all policies... That was dumb. 🤦‍♂️
If I had I'd probably have pushed Brexit out of my pie chart.
I found this quite though provoking in the context of our election. No easy solutions in its focus on the green agenda but reflects a more widespread political confusion as to why pressing the old buttons doesn't work any more.
Excellent, thanks for posting.
If the two grand narratives [conservatism and social democracy] no longer sell, it is because the projection into the future they proposed is no longer credible, and no alternative forward-looking narrative has emerged, at least in the West. So, what do this multitude of small parties flourishing in democracies talk about? They no longer talk about the future or progress; they talk about the past and identity. When the future is dark, people turn to an idealised past, a lost golden age.
The grand political narrative of ecology does not exist....climate disruption will not disappear, at best, it will be slowed, and in any case, life will be more difficult than today on the materialistic gradient that continues to serve as a measure of progress. The future changes colour. Prosperity gives way to sobriety. We are very far from the radiant future, and it is understandable that the enthusiasm of the masses is not forthcoming.
I’ll be astonished if Reform get 7 seats. I suspect Farage may win, but I can’t see them doing anything other than splitting Tory votes and letting Labour or the LDs in anywhere else.

PS As with the last election this billionaire business fronted by Farage looks to be the deciding factor in UK politics. I’d love to see some credible modelling without Reform in the picture to understand the exact effect, e.g. where exactly would those votes go. I’m sure the results wouldn’t be as simple as just adding the current Reform vote to the Tory vote as there are many so let down by the current government they’d just stay away, the hatred in many areas is truly visceral, but it would still shift the outcome hugely. Unless there is a real twist over the next couple of weeks it is clear Reform are spending a huge amount of money (who’s, I’m not entirely sure, but would very much like to know) in the hope of seizing the Tory Party over the next five years.
The closing text about percentages there is a pretty damning indictment of our First Past The Post system, isn't it... Representative Democracy my arse!
I’ll be astonished if Reform get 7 seats. I suspect Farage may win, but I can’t see them doing anything other than splitting Tory votes and letting Labour or the LDs in anywhere else.
Agreed. I don't think Farage will even win Clacton unless the Tories overtly or covertly don't bother.
I found this quite though provoking in the context of our election. No easy solutions in its focus on the green agenda but reflects a more widespread political confusion as to why pressing the old buttons doesn't work any more.

The Green 'agenda' implies changes to the social (im)balance.
Social reform is absolutely necessary to address the impact of human activity on the planet. As is political reform and the erradication of corruption and of tax-dodging.

