
Gary Lineker vs. BBC

There are many synonyms for the word hierarchy, synonyms such as ‘pecking order’, ‘rank’ and ‘chain of command’. But only a few antonyms and they are words like ‘disordered’ and ‘chaos’.

If hierarchy is top down, why are there so few positive words for bottom up?

As ever, we seem to be constrained by our language.
Cooperative, communal, communitarian. Grass-rooots, consensus-based, mutual, egalitarian, community-based. Not as rich and developed a set of terms, I agree. And in particular, not as promoted.
Cooperative, communal, communitarian. Grass-rooots, consensus-based, mutual, egalitarian, community-based. Not as rich and developed a set of terms, I agree. And in particular, not as promoted.
Yes, good points. I was only looking for words that were the opposite of hierarchy, other words can point to much the same thing. But I look at your first 3 words and wonder how long ‘Commie’ becomes the continuum and those other words are, or could be, laced with a sense of danger, whereas hierarchy stands for a natural order. Just human nature innit?
His views should have opened debate on the current Immigration debacle run by this government & the wording being used to fuel hate but alas, it's Gary Lineker so we have days of will they won't they bullshit instead. At least he had the balls to have an opinion without being completely shut down for his political leanings, good for him for that at least.
Substitute Rwanda for Dachau and she did.
As awful & disgraceful as it is to send migrants to Rwanda, comparing this with sending Jewish families in world war 2 to Dachau for extermination is incredibly insulting to those who died. this kind of rhetoric is just as bad IMO & fuels the fire.
R4 WAO cottoned on to Linaker’s tweets this morning “are they not political?”. Her interviewee Richard Ayre, former chair of BBC editorial standards, said this will look like 1:0 to Linaker in the eyes of the Tory Right and they’ll pursue him and the BBC.
First they came for the football pundits, and I said nothing, because I was not a football pundit…
As awful & disgraceful as it is to send migrants to Rwanda, comparing this with sending Jewish families in world war 2 to Dachau for extermination is incredibly insulting to those who died. this kind of rhetoric is just as bad IMO & fuels the fire.

Your are conflating Dachau with the extermination camps that came 10 years after it. Dachau was for political prisoners initially, leftists and others the Nazis wanted out of the way. It was always a place of casual torture and murder, but it was a prison, basically, not a genocide operation. If the persons exported to Rwanda were to wind up in guarded refugee camps, the comparison might be a lot closer than you think.
Who would have thought that cancel culture was in fact a weapon of a media accusing others of doing the same?

On concentration camps: Its worth pointing out that Jews were not the only people sent to concentration camps. Lot of people were. When people say, for example, trans people today are comparing ourselves to Jewish people in the Holocaust, we aren’t, we’re comparing ourselves to trans people in the Holocaust.

Britain is so riddled with nazi-esque rhetoric coming from the rotting top its hard to not come to the conclusion that you have a bit of a nazi problem, and you’re denying the similarities at your peril… perhaps some of you like it that way.
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perhaps some of you like it that way.

Nail on head, I think there's enough of the population that do like it that way to make it worthwhile for the government to bang the drum in that direction over and over as it will ultimately keep them where they want to be... in power. The UK has turned into a very nasty little country and if I was a good bit younger I'd be out of here. Everyone keeps saying how far we've come... I think we've gone massively backwards in the last 10 years... the Brexit debacle has given the bigots a voice and that voice just gets louder and louder.
Suspect this will be very hard to do - the people who did this are all fairly well-known. Very very dangerous if they go down that path - easy to prove constructive dismissal etc.....

Under current circumstances, anything smelling even slightly of revenge would be a massive mis-step
That's exactly why we need to get rid of those pesky Human Rights, employment "Red Tape", lefty lawyers, oily EU protections and other wokery that prevents a chap from keeping the oiks in line. Bloody political correctness gone mad!
If Tim Davie is serious about BBC impartiality he should resign in favour of Jeremy Corbyn, just to restore a modicum of balance.
being a voter who regularly expresses support for a particular political party through the ballot box should rule a candidate out.
Being a member, donor or ex-employee of any political party should rule a candidate right out IMO.
The fact that there are so many suggests that being a donor or member of the Tory party is actually a precondition. No wonder the BBC is corrupt.

