
Floorstanders to replace LS3/5a

One of the reasons I bought my Wilson Benesch ACT Ones is that the lovely solid wood tops slope downwards towards the front at just the right angle to make them useless as potplant stands or drinks tables. Being such clever little devils, cats are likely to judge them unfeasible as landing pad too.
My cats happily sit on the SCM40s. Sound great too. Of course, you would need to get a more powerful amp to drive them, but worth it if it keeps the feline house ruler happy.
I must be lucky that my cats have never troubled the hi-fi. I braced myself when my ex gave me a kitten years ago. Fortunately he was more interested in scratching the flocked wallpaper in the lounge than the driver surrounds of the big old Heybrooks.

I was lucky to be there when he readied himself to launch onto the turntable (lid on, not playing). I threw my cluttered keyring near him onto the floor & have never seen a cat leap so up & back before or since! Sudden, loud noises from an unexpected quarter are the best thing to deter cats IME. If they know it comes from you they learn to continue their behaviour if you’re not around. I found a water pistol to be ineffective in this regard.
If you do a search for “Cat Scat Mat” on Amazon, you’ll find a possible deterrent. I use one on the top of my amplifier over the vents. You can cut them to size.
I must be lucky that my cats have never troubled the hi-fi. I braced myself when my ex gave me a kitten years ago. Fortunately he was more interested in scratching the flocked wallpaper in the lounge than the driver surrounds of the big old Heybrooks.

I was lucky to be there when he readied himself to launch onto the turntable (lid on, not playing). I threw my cluttered keyring near him onto the floor & have never seen a cat leap so up & back before or since! Sudden, loud noises from an unexpected quarter are the best thing to deter cats IME. If they know it comes from you they learn to continue their behaviour if you’re not around. I found a water pistol to be ineffective in this regard.
Our female cat, as a kitten years ago, walked towards my speakers in the listening room and put out her paw. My resulting scream at her was apparently audible at the end of the garden.

I think she got the message as neither her nor her brother have subsequently shown any interest in my hi-fi or any speaker grilles, which is a relief as Beolab 90s are pretty much all grilles!
How about Neat Elite Classics or even the Mystiques? Budget dependent of course. As others say, SCM40s but an amp with plenty of current is a must.
Considering selling my LS3/5a V2’s as the cat won’t be happy until he’s pushed them off their stands!

I’ve never been a fan of floorstanders, but they seem like great material value by comparison to little BBC style monitors. For example, Spendor S8e, £600 on Ebay.

Amplifier would be Primaluna valve amp, around 30wpc. Room 3mx4m, but with an open staircase. Terrace house, so listening levels constrained.

Any recommendations?
I immediately thought: Totem Arro… but then I saw that you have the Prima Luna amp.
The Arro are superb, and they can even best the LS3/A on their strength, but they like amps with high current deliver.
Still, I would try them.Mine were filled with Atacama metal gravel and they were very heavy after.

Note: I have changed the Arro for the Model 1 (also from Totem) that are on the top of a very heavy pair of Target R4.
Any thoughts on Harbeth C7 ES2? Yes I know not strictly standmounts, but they look like they could be a bigger and more stable BBC style monitor.

There’s a pair on Ebay for £1250, which seems really low compared to every other Harbeth available. Any reason they could be so cheap?
How about securing the stands to the floor and then putting a strap around the speakers just tight enough to hold them in place? Not necessarily very attractive, but would solve the problem…
Any thoughts on Harbeth C7 ES2? Yes I know not strictly standmounts, but they look like they could be a bigger and more stable BBC style monitor.

There’s a pair on Ebay for £1250, which seems really low compared to every other Harbeth available. Any reason they could be so cheap?
Think because they are an older model, there has since been the es3 and now es3 xd varient.

I'm selling some nice rosewood SHL5 Plus with stands, let me know if interested at all.
Think because they are an older model, there has since been the es3 and now es3 xd varient.

I'm selling some nice rosewood SHL5 Plus with stands, let me know if interested at all.
I’d love those, but they’re out of budget at the moment. I’m not sure I have the space either.

That being said, I can’t believe they’ve not sold yet. The material value compared to PS3’s and LS3/5a’s is off the scale.

