
Fascism V Fascism.

Putin is not Communist, Leninist, socialist or Stalinist. He is neoliberal. It was neoliberals like Jeffrey Sachs who helped Yegor Gaidar implement the “shock therapy” that did so much damage in Russia and created the oligarchs that have funded Putin
I don’t think he cares that much about what he is, as long as he is in control.
Quite right. Let’s not talk about fascism, just sit back and soak up the sun.

There is plenty of excellent discussion of Fascism and the rise of the far right on PFM and quite rightly so. My point was that this very much isn't that.

Putin is not Communist, Leninist, socialist or Stalinist. He is neoliberal. It was neoliberals like Jeffrey Sachs who helped Yegor Gaidar implement the “shock therapy” that did so much damage in Russia and created the oligarchs that have funded Putin
I don't know the truth but Sachs tells it a different way, he briefly talks about his involvent in this interview at around the 14 minuite mark. As usual, he blames eveything on American foreign policy and I've no idea what he must have been smoking to come up with that idea..

There is plenty of excellent discussion of Fascism and the rise of the far right on PFM and quite rightly so. My point was that this very much isn't that.

Then why didn't you just say that rather than getting in another opportunity for a bit of snide.
And the troll who started it has f'd off back to their room for a few more swigs on their secret whisky stash.
A “just puttin it out there” thread? What’s horrific is the volume of Farage supporters now openly saying “let them burn ( Grenfell Tower and Gaza),let them drown“.

Fascism is already here. They’re waging war.
I don't know the truth but Sachs tells it a different way, he briefly talks about his involvent in this interview at around the 14 minuite mark. As usual, he blames eveything on American foreign policy and I've no idea what he must have been smoking to come up with that idea..

Sachs is now eco warrior (ish) but in the past he advised a number of countries, including most of Latin America and Russia on liberating themselves from Communism with “shock therapy” tactics based on privatisation, deregulation and public spending cuts (sound familiar?).

The American Foreign policy that he blames, is the foreign policy he promoted.

He seems to have had a revelation that has caused him certain logical issues
A “just puttin it out there” thread? What’s horrific is the volume of Farage supporters now openly saying “let them burn ( Grenfell Tower and Gaza),let them drown“.

Fascism is already here. They’re waging war.
Plutocracy is certainly here.

All out Fascism, we will have to see.

We’re certainly heading in the direction of Reform
And the troll who started it has f'd off back to their room for a few more swigs on their secret whisky stash.
To be fair, the OP was asking about fascism and communism. Such words do tend to elicit a sigh because they can mean different things. The same happens with words like ideology or neoliberalism. They are used as loose terms of abuse rather than descriptors of anything specific.

Fascism and Communism are both totalitarian.

Neoliberalism tends towards totalitarianism.

Democracy tries to tend away from it.

Ideology is what differenciates them
The alternative to capitalism is democracy.
You know it's not. Democracy is a means of choosing a leadership. Capitalism is an economic structure and philosophy. A democracy can vote for capitalism in greater or lesser degrees, look at the UK.
Classical liberalism and neoliberalism are based around the control of resources by a few and distribution of resourses by a quasi religious belief in an invisible hand that justifies trickle down

Democracy is about distributing resources for the many
No, it's about letting the many have a day in who runs the country. Voters can vote for more of less resource distribution.
and was proven to be more efficient than the classical liberalism that preceded it when it found expression after the war.

Since the 70’s we have had an ideology based on the idea that there are no resources to distribute as witnessed by the nonsensical blame game we have today where labour and Tory blame each other for there being no money left while there is plenty of dosh washing around for those at the top.

We have the weapons to demand a fairer distribution of resources, but we don’t use them.
Because we have not to date voted for a party that wished to do so.
Sachs is now eco warrior (ish) but in the past he advised a number of countries, including most of Latin America and Russia on liberating themselves from Communism with “shock therapy” tactics based on privatisation, deregulation and public spending cuts (sound familiar?).

Hmm, sounds all very Chicago School...
I gather Stalin was a communist. The only thing that was ‘commune’ among most people was their poverty. As such I am not sure Russia would fare better if Putin was more of a communist.
Just to clear things up, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics never were nor claimed to be communist. They were socialist, more precisely state socialist (centrally planned economy etc.).

They were lead by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, who called themselves that because they had an ideological goal to eventually usher in communism. This never happened, nor did anyone in the USSR claim it ever did.

This was all in accordance with the steps set out by Marx and Engels, first a workers' revolution, then a state socialist system that eventually transitions to a communist society and the eventual dissolution of the state in favor of communes.

Communism is an utopia that is just as much of a pipe dream as working anarchism. State socialism is not an utopia, because for example the USSR showed that you can run a state on that system, just not very well.

Anyone equating fascism with socialism either doesn't understand these systems at all, or is gaslighting. While fascism as an ideology doesn't especially care very much about the financial system, so far they have all eventually turned into zombie-capitalist systems where the small business owner might retain control of their company (until the erosion of the rule of law takes it away from them) but big company owners have to either toe the party line / become oligarchs or have their businesses taken from them and handed over to the oligarchy. If they are stupid enough to do autarky and price controls as well, this tend to really do a number on fascist economies and a bustling black market will inevitably pop up to fill the gaps.

Some did better than others, fascist Italy survived far longer than Nazi Germany, but then again Hitler's goal was always conquest and lebensraum in the east, not building up a healthy economy.

