
Fascism V Fascism.

So what is your suggested alternative to capitalism, given that capitalism is considered the worst form of running the worlds economy.
The alternative to capitalism is democracy.

Classical liberalism and neoliberalism are based around the control of resources by a few and distribution of resourses by a quasi religious belief in an invisible hand that justifies trickle down

Democracy is about distributing resources for the many and was proven to be more efficient than the classical liberalism that preceded it when it found expression after the war.

Since the 70’s we have had an ideology based on the idea that there are no resources to distribute as witnessed by the nonsensical blame game we have today where labour and Tory blame each other for there being no money left while there is plenty of dosh washing around for those at the top.

We have the weapons to demand a fairer distribution of resources, but we don’t use them.
Doubt Putin reads a lot of Marx or Engels; more of a Stalin fan. Whatever he reads, he needs to go.
For those interested, the below is a decent summary of what fascism actually is, its history, 'relationship' with Marxism, along with its characteristics, etc.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

Doubt Putin reads a lot of Marx or Engels; more of a Stalin fan. Whatever he reads, he needs to go.
Putin is not Communist, Leninist, socialist or Stalinist. He is neoliberal. It was neoliberals like Jeffrey Sachs who helped Yegor Gaidar implement the “shock therapy” that did so much damage in Russia and created the oligarchs that have funded Putin
Putin loves the odd bit of dissident bashing, not necessarily wide-ranging but quite vengeful. Plenty of examples. He's also a national-imperialist and lauds and promotes individuals from outside the elites. We also have the wide-range of 'security measures' and the repression of made-up organisations. Then there's the propaganda, Russian exceptionalism, the strong State, the strong man, etc. Parallels with Stalin.
How come the French left are fascists? That's an interesting perspective.
To me, islamist activists represent and live a very pure form of fascism. They are anything but lefties working for the good of mankind.

In France, the more or less official leader of all left parties is named Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This fake pig is not afraid of openly encouraging islamic organisations, including the very questionable ones, in order to get the votes of the resident muslim population. Granted, it is a purely opportunistic move. As such, the French left are probably not really fascist, but that some people believe them to be is partly explainable.
To me, islamist activists represent and live a very pure form of fascism. They are anything but lefties working for the good of mankind.

In France, the more or less official leader of all left parties is named Jean-Luc Mélenchon. This fake pig is not afraid of openly encouraging islamic organisations, including the very questionable ones, in order to get the votes of the resident muslim population. Granted, it is a purely opportunistic move. As such, the French left are probably not really fascist, but that some people believe them to be is partly explainable.
Islamaphobia rules.
That uncomfortable crawling feeling of incredulity when someone accuses Joe Biden of socialism.

Or the present Labour Party for that matter.
Islamaphobia rules.
No, exactly not this. BTW Melenchon is playing exactly on this type of mix-up. @ks.234 I know you can very well spot the difference.

There are average muslim people, and there are islamic organisations attempting to take control of them so they join their ranks. Mafia-like, sort of. This is terror, using other means than bombs, and it is happening on a daily basis at places populated by young people with little future. No country needs that.
No, exactly not this. BTW Melenchon is playing exactly on this type of mix-up. @ks.234 I know you can very well spot the difference.

There are average muslim people, and there are islamic organisations attempting to take control of them so they join their ranks. This is terror, using other means than bombs, and it is happening on a daily basis at places populated by young people with little future. No country needs that.
I wasnt talking about Melenchon. I was referring to your comment where you said “To me, islamist activists represent and live a very pure form of fascism”

Replace the word islamist with zionist and see how it sounds
I never said nor thought zionist was any better.

I can understand, and meanwhile I even favour, Palestinian activism against the state of Israel. Netanyahu should have ended that thing three days after the beginning. What I less agree with is when religion is added to the recipe, although nowadays it has become sort of a logical move.
Lenin let the cat out of the bag early on when he moved from 'All power to the Soviets ' whilst not in power to 'Left Communism- An Infantile Disorder' once power had been seized.
Islam is far from fascist and neoliberalism. The rich are expected to give a tithe of all their wealth to the poor every year. Reality can be far from this, but that is like blaming Christian values for austerity

