
Facebook Marketplace


pfm Member
I advertised a few items there on a recommendation by a work mate.

Is this the new Gumtree where all the idiots hang around & have nothing better to do than make lowball offers & when you politely inform them that the price is the price on the advert they start hurling insults at you ?

I was told to go and " reproduce myself " before by a nice young lady, judged on the name the person goes under, because I would not budge & she really really really wanted it.

I despair, I really do.
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FB Marketplace
Free cycle

full of tyre kickers, idiots and time wasters
As above; knobber-central. eBay can be just as bad... Lots of tossers that can't afford what you're selling, but feel they can make low ball offers

Freecycle has been good for us when we've wanted rid of things like packaging that could be reused for a home move etc; but the rest are for the illiterate dead-heads
theres a shed load of fraud ads on facebook too. Must have had 3 people with well-priced cars that have hijacked facebook accounts so they look legit and then they say the car is in Spain etc,

Plenty of corporate social respnosibilty not going on there
Same old scams get regurgitated daily on Marketplace.
Especially 'I'm busy at work right now but I will send the UPS/ DPD etc postman to you with the cash"
Yes, it's all the same. The only benefit with FB Marketplace is that it's local, or it can be and you can say "cash on collection only". I find Freecycle one of the worst, people think the item is worth what they are being asked to pay for it and act accordingly. I offered some firewood, said "Bring a saw and transport" only to have some idiot ask if I could deliver. Yeah, sure, tell you what, I'll saw it up, deliver it and put it on your fire for you, save you getting up. Want any shopping fetching while I'm coming over? Tosser.
As with anywhere, you get idiots. Facebook Marketplace is a hotbed for people attempting scams and generally being stupid with lowball offers. Gumtree, most buyers are sensible, there are always a few who attempt to scam you. Biggest bugbear with Gumtree is pretty much as soon as you post an advert, you get a call from an Indian/Asian call centre from someone pretending to be 'Wayne' or 'Dave' about 'the minor car accident I had last year'. I usually say "I am so glad you called, it wasn't a minor accident, it was a major one. It was so bad I died". Which usually baffles them.
Yes, it's all the same. The only benefit with FB Marketplace is that it's local, or it can be and you can say "cash on collection only". I find Freecycle one of the worst, people think the item is worth what they are being asked to pay for it and act accordingly. I offered some firewood, said "Bring a saw and transport" only to have some idiot ask if I could deliver. Yeah, sure, tell you what, I'll saw it up, deliver it and put it on your fire for you, save you getting up. Want any shopping fetching while I'm coming over? Tosser.

What; you mean it didn't even come pre-lit?! :D
My one Facebook Marketplace experience has lasted less than 12 hours, decided to delete it all after 2 idiots essentially made me lose the will to live there.
I advertise for work on gumtree from time to time and have to say it really is hard to fault for the cost of an advert which works out at about £3 a day, sure there are some Nutters who phone up and yes you have to deal with the ‘marketing’ calls and of course the Timewasters but by and large it’s okay.
Can anyone explain the ads in the market place of women purporting to sell a dress or what ever and it clearly is not the case, is it like prostitution or something? There is some really weird ads on there like people selling a wardrobe with mirrors but they are in the shot trying to look sexy, (Men and women)

Its really odd!

I love freecycle, just the weekend picked up a 1980s jackson clone for my son. I put loads of stuff on there too.
Can anyone explain the ads in the market place of women purporting to sell a dress or what ever and it clearly is not the case, is it like prostitution or something? There is some really weird ads on there like people selling a wardrobe with mirrors but they are in the shot trying to look sexy, (Men and women)

Its really odd!

I love freecycle, just the weekend picked up a 1980s jackson clone for my son. I put loads of stuff on there too.

Always with a phone in front of their face, right? Has to be something dodgy.
Always with a phone in front of their face, right? Has to be something dodgy.

I get loads of the bloody things, I have never clicked one! I found a 55in tv on there collected and paid, now every time I pull up FB I get add after ad for TVs lol.
Can anyone explain the ads in the market place of women purporting to sell a dress or what ever and it clearly is not the case, is it like prostitution or something? There is some really weird ads on there like people selling a wardrobe with mirrors but they are in the shot trying to look sexy, (Men and women)

Its really odd!

I love freecycle, just the weekend picked up a 1980s jackson clone for my son. I put loads of stuff on there too.

A lot of the time, it's actually, and ridiculously, photoshopped on to show how it could look when being used to take selfies. Especially those business listings all selling wardrobes.
My one Facebook Marketplace experience has lasted less than 12 hours, decided to delete it all after 2 idiots essentially made me lose the will to live there.

You made the mistake of engaging when I bet the very first message from them was “is it available” accompanied by a stupid low ball offer like they were doing you a favour. My theory is some folk spend all day doing this and reselling anything they manage to blag to augment their benefits.

I just ignore them on the odd occasion I sell something. They soon go away. Mind you, once in a while a chancer who can both spell and string full sentences together still catches me out!
You made the mistake of engaging when I bet the very first message from them was “is it available” accompanied by a stupid low ball offer like they were doing you a favour. My theory is some folk spend all day doing this and reselling anything they manage to blag to augment their benefits.

I just ignore them on the odd occasion I sell something. They soon go away. Mind you, once in a while a chancer who can both spell and string full sentences together still catches me out!

the 'is it available' is annoying but its auto generated as an initial contact line..
A friend of mine recently sold a large and much loved aquarium on FBMP because he is downsizing his home. Two guys swore to look after his carefully nurtured and beautiful fish and thus claimed the three grand set up for £150 ( my pal was more interested in a good home for his 'boys' )
The buyers turned up , stripped the set up down and put the fish into buckets to travel. They then tried to move the aquarium, dropped it , smashed it and refused to pay for it on the grounds that it was 'slippy'
Naturally they did one and left my friend with buckets of fish and nowhere to put them.
Such class.....

