
F*$&£n Hell it's Hot

Another of the little bastards got me this evening. Had hardly set foot outside all day but there was intense early evening sunshine so I sat outside whilst preparing some Basil leaves to knock up a bit of Pesto.. as you do..

Within a minute or so I was brushing yet another longish/blackish/silent-sneaky/slightly different looking fly from my leg. Despite further vigilance, the bastard settled on my shoulder and although I brushed it off almost immediately, it had me.
Within a minute or so it had developed into something resembling a mild wasp sting so I slapped a load of 'Anthisan' on.
7 hours later it is just a bit irritating, but I'm itching all over. Whether this is imagination, or some sort of reaction, I have no idea, but I'm getting a bit pissed off with these 'Tabanidae'/Horse Flies. Not a serious reaction, otherwise I'd be seeking help PDQ, but I've never had this much trouble before.

We've had two days of rain in Brighton :(
As soon as the school holidays start. Poor kids. It just isn't fair.
'Orrible in London. Wet and humid. Good for bike skidz though, I did a right good one this morning. At least 3m with a good sideways power slide lean. That's how you get the girls.
We've had two days of rain in Brighton :(
As soon as the school holidays start. Poor kids. It just isn't fair.

No complaints here. It pissed down royally on Sat night, but Sunday, Mon and Tues were OK. Just a few showers.

Cloudy /showery now but still warm. I reckon it's a long long time since we had so many successive days over 20 degrees.


