
F*$&£n Hell it's Hot

Midgies are easy, got a Horse fly bite this year. despite antiseptic and antihystamine its gone septic

It can't be that hot in England, no one rioting...

Currently working on a large pond restoration scheme high on the moors at over 1000'. About 4 Horse fly bites a day seems to be the going rate. None gone septic though so sympathies to you.
I'm wearing trousers for the first time in days today. They feel wrong. Constricting.

I actually had to don shorts and a shirt for a trip down to the local pharmacy to buy more Jungle Formula. How ironic is that?

When it is this warm I'd sooner wear SFA, and frequently do. In the correct context, obviously.:D

P.S. Sadly, people still do stupid stuff and deaths by drowning in local rivers/ponds/canals etc., are a depressingly consistent feature of Summer. Will they ever learn?
Unless they are Buddhists or the reincarnated embodiment of the ascended masters (who get to choose who they get reincarnated as) and therefore ascended masters cannot be that smart if they decide to get reincarnated as "someone wot drowns."

And now time for some charley

Shocking lack of pony.
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Ha! Awesome.

Shocking lack of pony
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F*$&£n Hell it's not hot today.

Wife states that I cannot put the heating on...
P.S. Sadly, people still do stupid stuff and deaths by drowning in local rivers/ponds/canals etc., are a depressingly consistent feature of Summer. Will they ever learn?

Not enough emphasis on the thermal shock aspect imo.
They look at the water and see it probably won't have any shopping trolleys etc in there and think thus safe.
In a static reservoir you can swim in the top layer feeling quite warm but dangle your legs and you can feel that 4 C water at the bottom. Dive in and you die from shock.
My wife says that people are talking about a storm coming. As a precaution I put the hood up on my MX5 this morning before coming to work, which is the first time it's been up for over two weeks. I noticed a nice dried splat of bird poo on the sun visor.
It'll be a shame if we get a storm, but it'll be refreshing for my tomatoes. Knowwhatimean?
Still nothing like 1976 apparently, when we had 15 consecutive days at 32 degrees.
This is wonderful though, and I'm loving it.
Unless they are Buddhists or the reincarnated embodiment of the ascended masters (who get to choose who they get reincarnated as) and therefore ascended masters cannot be that smart if they decide to get reincarnated as "someone wot drowns."

And now time for some charley

Shocking lack of pony.

Nice bit of wet pussy, let cameron try and block that.
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I have never seen so many horse flies as I have this year. Got bitten about three times on Sunday. The ****ers even landed on us while we were in the sea!
Only issue for me is slight inconvenience encountered on Thursday. Whilst lying near naked in my garden, I was was surreptitiously approached by a blackish, silent fly about 5mm wide and 15mm long. It settled on my hand and by the time I brushed it off it had drawn blood. A little later (possibly) the same one landed on my leg, where I ended it's existence my means of a sharp slap.

Neither bite was painful at the time and it was only 24 hours later that itchy bumps appeared which seemed to respond slightly to a bit of 'Anthisan' cream.

So, yesterday morning I was bothered twice more by a similar fly. This time I sprayed myself all over with Jungle Formula and had no further trouble, (With the flies at least. See below.) other than the sites of the latter two bites turning into itchy bumps within the last couple of hours.

Research appears to put these objectionable little bastards somewhere into the 'Cleg', or Horsefly group, though I'm certain they aren't the big bastards which are famed for their painful bite.

It seems there are more that 4100 species of 'Tabanidae' or 'horse fly'.

A much bigger inconvenience is the wrath of Mrs Mull, since the overspray from the Jungle Formula left little discoloured spots all over her beloved containerfuls of assorted flowers. The instructions warn against use near fabric, pets, flames, plastic, varnish etc., etc. but make no mention of outdoor container grown plants! :eek:


Bad shit can and does happen by way of anaphylaxis
2012 had some killer flies with the damp UK weather.

5 docs [4 GPs] in 3 months were too lazy/penny pinching to culture from this flybite:


A 6th said 'well it's healing now..'

Although they did write scripts for 2 courses of bog standard antibiotics which presumably makes someone a profit at £7.50 a pop. I was buggered for months and it has taken a long time to get back to full whack. Presumably a whiney woman would have got the full 'Greg House' NHS treatment.
I think I'd have pursued that issue more vigorously. Whilst I don't make a habit of it, playing the old 'I have a dodgy ticker' card is quite good for marshaling the required level of interest.

