
European Parliament elections

You’re being economical with the truth on Labour/Corbyn Tony, he clearly stated their/his position, campaigning hard in 2016 for remain, standing by the result, but ensuring a safe way forward concerning a deal and the future, with a possible back to the public vote too, seemed clear to me.

Tony being economical with the truth on Corbyn. I'm further shocked.
Yes, this is pretty much my point a few pages back. There was a good Twitter thread on it, which I linked to. It describes electing Remainer MEPs (and beating the Brexit party) as a second order outcome. The primary outcome is to make clear what you think about Brexit. Which means voting for a party which has a clear message for your desired outcome. That does rather preclude voting Labour, which fails at the first hurdle, the 'clear messaging' bit.
Yes, indeed, which is why I gave it a Like. But it was very much a minority post, compared to all the "must vote for Labour otherwise you're enabling Farage/Tories/LibDems" stuff, so I posted a little follow up.
Mmmm. Did I mention anything about winning seats? No.

Which elections are you talking about?

I was just wondering, what with Corbyn doing such a good job.

I don’t think it’s too difficult to work out which election I’m talking about (there’s a big hint in the thread title).
I was just wondering, what with Corbyn doing such a good job.

I don’t think it’s too difficult to work out which election I’m talking about (there’s a big hint in the thread title).

I didn't mention winning seats. I didn't mention Corbyn doing a good job.

Thanks for reminding me how PFM threads ALWAYS stay on topic.
Good point. However, I've read plenty of comment from Irish people that the border is actually a non-issue being used by remainers to create an issue in their effort to thwart brexit. I've no idea who is telling the truth on this.

People voted leave for many reasons. I doubt they were thinking specifically about the Irish border, or about just in time manufacture and it is unlikely they would change their mind in a second referendum.

That’s true. But they should have been. I thought we were not supposed to think leave voters we’re uninformed?

As free movement is part of the GFA the precautionary principle should apply. Leave campaigners play down the danger for obvious reasons.

Don’t feck if up when it’s working. The IRA made Islamic terrorists look like amateurs. I was in Manchester and Warrington. They nearly killed the cabinet.

The email I expected from Remain Voter has just arrived, a day late. For London it recommends going for Change UK. Below is their rationale.

"London - Vote Change UK

"Current Polling predicts: 3 Remainer seats across two parties.
Smart Voting indicates: We can gain a 4th seat for a third pro-European party.

"Lib Dem and Green seats look secure, so recommends vote Change UK to gain a 4th Remain seat in London. With Labour being non-committal, this means pro-Brexit parties cannot claim the capital.

"We only recommend when the number of Remain seats increase and Leave seats decrease."

In other areas of the UK Remain Voter recommend Green and Lib Dem.

The is zero chance I will vote for Change UK.

The thing that you two lovers seems to miss is's his website and he can do what the hell he likes on it.

I suppose if you don't like it you can always pop over to Mumsnet and give them the benefit of your erudition ? .


Michael Hestletine has come out saying he’s going to vote Lib Dem, Mark Francois is demanding he be expelled from the party on C4 News now. All rather amusing!
Nice to see UKIP bukake is a happening trend...


“S... Senpai”

MEP UKiP candidate Carl Benjamin hit by a milkshake while campaigning in Salisbury — and the splatter hit a load of his buddies in the process. Oh they look so happy... Multiple wins.
So the predictions for my area (East Midlands) is Lib dems 16% Green 10% I want to vote remain which should I choose? Lib Dems enabling austerity puts me off but this split of the remain vote is going to cost seats.
Michael Hestletine has come out saying he’s going to vote Lib Dem, Mark Francois is demanding he be expelled from the party on C4 News now. All rather amusing!
But the Weeble is a UKIP plant inside the Tory Party. I’m surprised he didn’t call for Hesletine to be hanged.
The email I expected from Remain Voter has just arrived, a day late. For London it recommends going for Change UK. Below is their rationale.

"London - Vote Change UK

"Current Polling predicts: 3 Remainer seats across two parties.
Smart Voting indicates: We can gain a 4th seat for a third pro-European party.

"Lib Dem and Green seats look secure, so recommends vote Change UK to gain a 4th Remain seat in London. With Labour being non-committal, this means pro-Brexit parties cannot claim the capital.

"We only recommend when the number of Remain seats increase and Leave seats decrease."

In other areas of the UK Remain Voter recommend Green and Lib Dem.

The is zero chance I will vote for Change UK.

As a matter of due diligence, has anybody checked who is funding Remain Voter?

It would be embarrassing, to say the least, if it turned out to be the Russians, or Arron Banks.

On the latter, as a point of interest, do we think perhaps his parents couldn’t spell ‘Aaron’?
So the predictions for my area (East Midlands) is Lib dems 16% Green 10% I want to vote remain which should I choose? Lib Dems enabling austerity puts me off but this split of the remain vote is going to cost seats.

Vote Labour. Only party who can stop Brexit.
As a matter of due diligence, has anybody checked who is funding Remain Voter?

I would very much like to know that.

Michael Hestletine has come out saying he’s going to vote Lib Dem, Mark Francois is demanding he be expelled from the party on C4 News now. All rather amusing!

Correction: I made a classic gammon identification error, it was actually Andrew Bridgen!
As a matter of due diligence, has anybody checked who is funding Remain Voter?

It would be embarrassing, to say the least, if it turned out to be the Russians, or Arron Banks.

On the latter, as a point of interest, do we think perhaps his parents couldn’t spell ‘Aaron’?
It's a good question. One that ought to be asked of all political parties, think-tanks and campaign groups, regardless of how their politics compares with one's own.

I'm not sure about Remain Voter but I know Gina Miller said her polling and tactical voting analysis were paid for by her.

I've never been entirely clear about People's Vote funding. They seem to raise money from lots of small individual donations but are there any large donations from wealthy individuals?

Umunna's an interesting case; £64K a year from these guys: The funding of the above group is quite opaque although Private Eye had an item about it a few weeks ago:

Obviously, Farage, Banks and co are dodgy as hell and are rightly being investigated.

