
Easy opening

Whenever a tricky little bit of household maintenance crops up I will try every implement I can find in the shed, cutlery drawer and under the stairs before reluctantly shelling out for the correct tool to do the job. When it arrives it is encased in military standard tough plastic casing which nothing can prise open or cut. I sometimes wonder if you are supposed to buy another tool for getting the correct tool out of the packing (and so on…).
With all this expert knowledge ingrained in your genes, please reveal how you tackle a CD sealed in plastic with no thingy to pull on?

I’ve always got a Stanley knife to hand for deliveries; just run it along the gap between the tray-insert and the opening part on the front of the case. The wrap comes off easily then and there is no risk of marking the case or content if you keep in the gap. Far easier than finding the pull-tag if one even exists.
There’s an easier way with those no pull-tab CD cases than unpicking the flap. I’m very surprised, given his evident prowess, that Mick hasn’t found it.
Help!! Has no one else encountered a (or many?) sealed CD without a flap? I cannot by myself contradict a toolmaker and toolmaker's son.

Yes nothing more frustrating than scratching away at the tear strip without finding the flap. Not dissimilar to trying to find the end on a reel of Sellotape, you know it's there but just can't find it.
choose your tool of choice, write a process, write a risk assessment, operationalise the process, go to the council to get permission and then enact.
A few days ago in Edin, we bought a water bottle from M&S, it looked like their house brand. Sorry, making the bottle cap that tight is madness. Are they crazy.

After five minutes of swearing we managed it finally, but I am sure many such bottles land unopened in the bin.
It takes me a few seconds to open a sealed CD case. One of my canine teeth is very sharp, so I pull the CD across that tooth. It does scratch the case, but I'm not bothered.
A few days ago in Edin, we bought a water bottle from M&S, it looked like their house brand. Sorry, making the bottle cap that tight is madness. Are they crazy.

After five minutes of swearing we managed it finally, but I am sure many such bottles land unopened in the bin.
Lidl small water bottles are the blinkin same. We have to use a tool given to us by a disabled person. (we thought, nar, never gonna use that)🫢

