

Dont forget to give them a big kiss after taking them to the park. Just after theyve been sniffing every dog turd there :)
Yes, I'm always careful to avoid getting my face licked by a dog, and to wash my hands when I've been wrestling a ball out of a dog's mouth.

At my friends house you can't make a sandwich without all her pets coming in wanting to be fed.
That says more about the human than the dog. Sensible dog owners send the dogs outside when humans are eating or handling food. It doesn't hurt the dogs to wait, on the contrary it lets them know that you are top dog and that when you eat you have the power to tip them outside.
Animals are cute, but such a tie if you want to travel. Plus, they are pretty boring and extremely stupid compared with humans.
Really? You must know some exceptional humans.

Well, I do, but that's beside the point. Even an average human can speak and perhaps recite the times tables, do simple arithmetic and all that. They can tell you how they are feeling, and plan for the future. They can perhaps read, and critique what they are reading. Etc etc. Fun humans can entertain.

Animals really are very stupid in comparison. This is mainly why we are top predator, and get to have pets -- or not. In fact, we created domestic dogs by selectively breeding from wolves.
My dog can tell me how she is feeling, so she must be very clever. This morning she felt hungry, right now she feels like going to the park.

She is also excellent at forward planning and simple arithmetic.

Humans relationship with wolves, and subsequently dogs, would seem to have been mutually beneficial - right up until humans started dicking around and created labradoodles and toy chihuahuas.

That doesn't seem to be mutually beneficial, but it is very, very funny.
My dog can tell me how she is feeling, so she must be very clever. This morning she felt hungry, right now she feels like going to the park.

Ask her what is 3 times 5, or 28 divided by 7.

Dogs can't even use tools. Crows are smarter.
I have a recurring dream where I have a talking dog. A favourite of mine.

I'd rather have a pet crow or magpie, IRL.
Fair point - I've edited my post, although I'm not sure those dangerous dogs are displaying malice.
Isn't it the case that they are bred to be extremely aggressive, plus incompetent owners = horrible dog attack?
And I suppose lacking malice isn't necessarily clever, but it is admirable.
Don't certain amoebas cause really nasty illnesses?
And stick insects are up for a bit of cannibalism.
Did I ever tell you for a few weeks I lived with a standard poodle who, in terms of intellect, I found quite intimidating?

