

Any dog which is too big to be 'drop-kicked' into the next field by a reasonably healthy child of 7 or 8 if it gets a bit 'uppity', is a dangerous dog.

There are already enough pointless deaths from war, criminality, accident, 'russian seperatists' and shit drivers. We seriously do not need most of the dogs in our lives.
Most of the recent deaths of innocent children in dog incidents result from pointless people keeping pointless dogs.
They are an indulgence and a trophy for most people. And they are far too often poorly kept, spoiled or rejected.

Something must be done.

I don't dislike dogs per se. I just dislike most people's view of them as convenient/cuddly/security 'posessions'.

Couldn't agree more. You can't move now without seeing dog-related horrors.

I mean, when was the last time you could walk down a street without seeing dogs mauling babies, ripping the limbs off innocent old ladies, or gorging themselves on the bodies of their latest victims? Only the other day I saw a Dachshund leap onto the back of a passing motorbike, cut off the rider's helmet and start scalping the poor lad with a Swiss army knife.

Quite frankly, I'm scared to go out now without my Kalashnikov so I can kill the brutes before they've removed my throat.

Mullardman, you need therapy. Call these people straightaway.
Higher probability of what is known as convergent evolution (which is rare), plenty out there it but easily digestible article article on dogs and humans evolving together, as in the process is two way and two stage.

Evolutionary biologist stuff, not human car mechanic material or rants grumpy old fart who can't cope with something he doesn't like material.

"The history of dog domestication is often depicted as a two-stage process," wrote Weiwei Zhai, a genetics researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and a study co-author, in an email. "The first stage is from wolves to dogs. The second stage is from dogs to breeds." (Read "How to Build a Dog" in National Geographic)

The former happened without mans involvement, the latter did but not until 35'000 years ago.

Ps wrt faeces management and control that is a council issue, rather than moan take it up with police and council as dog fouling is a crime. Cat fouling is not. You would hate it out here, sheep, cow, horses, foxes, badgers even birds poo, everywhere... They even poo on my bridge, I am aghast and spluttery.
The Chickens poo lots more than dogs and make more noise too, owls, Basterds, hooting deep into the night, keep me awake... the sheep are noisy today also and the stupid swallows fly into my enormous window and make a boing sound on the glass... I shall write a letter of complaint to someone when I have regained my composure
The Dog* is an example of intelligent design. God made it on day 4 and it took a shit in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve arrived.

*it was a Labradoodle. God didn't want hairs on the carpet.
Sorry Mr snowman, I was being a bit pedantic there. A rook's a type of crow after all.

We've large flocks of rooks hereabouts, which doesn't impress our local farmer seeing as how they tend to scoff his recently-sown seed.
A rook on its own is more likely to be a crow. A gang of crows (a murder if we are being precise) is more likely to be rooks. Ravens don't tend to congregate either.

I like crows but they aren't really pet material. Like cats the relationship is all one way.
A rook on its own is more likely to be a crow. A gang of crows (a murder if we are being precise) is more likely to be rooks. Ravens don't tend to congregate either.

I like crows but they aren't really pet material. Like cats the relationship is all one way.
The collective noun for rooks can be either a clamour (my favourite), a building, a parliament or a storytelling.
I didn't know about clamour and storytelling. I looked them up earlier, apparently they originate from C14-C15 hunting terms, when people wanted their own jargon to be in the gang.
The Chickens poo lots more than dogs and make more noise too, owls, Basterds, hooting deep into the night, keep me awake... the sheep are noisy today also and the stupid swallows fly into my enormous window and make a boing sound on the glass... I shall write a letter of complaint to someone when I have regained my composure
judging by my buddy, Driller, owls make epic pets.
Twilight sparkle has a pet owl too


I'm going to print this out and colour it in... Fun!
Couldn't agree more. You can't move now without seeing dog-related horrors.

I mean, when was the last time you could walk down a street without seeing dogs mauling babies, ripping the limbs off innocent old ladies, or gorging themselves on the bodies of their latest victims? Only the other day I saw a Dachshund leap onto the back of a passing motorbike, cut off the rider's helmet and start scalping the poor lad with a Swiss army knife.

Quite frankly, I'm scared to go out now without my Kalashnikov so I can kill the brutes before they've removed my throat.

Mullardman, you need therapy. Call these people straightaway.

No therapy needed here. I am quite capable of enduring the rigours and challenges of life without resort to keeping animals in my home.

OTOH, I never cease to be amazed how some dummies would rather try to ridicule the the messenger than acknowledge the message.

If you think the deaths and injuries reported in the following link represent something funny.. I think it is you who needs the therapy.

Ps wrt faeces management and control that is a council issue, rather than moan take it up with police and council as dog fouling is a crime. Cat fouling is not. You would hate it out here, sheep, cow, horses, foxes, badgers even birds poo, everywhere... They even poo on my bridge, I am aghast and spluttery.

@ me I guess Fox.

Believe me, I am not in the least bothered by the droppings of wild animals, or even the reasonably managed droppings of farm animals. I was raised in the country and have never lived more than yards from open country or farmland.

I am bothered by humans who do not take proper responsibility for the behaviour, and the excrement of the animals they choose to bring into our neighbourhoods.

And I am even more bothered that the 'pet apologists' are so quick to go on the defensive when they haven't been attacked, yet so slow to acknowledge that there is a real problem which is resulting in the deaths of more than one innocent person (often a child) per year.



