

My dog ate a load of horse shit before I could stop him and threw it up all over my one week old car on the way home.
So i'm sat in a cottage in Devon enjoying the fine weather, and the dog of the friends we are staying with has just noisily chucked up his dinner, and then immediately eaten what came up.

Is this normal? If so, please remind me why people keep dogs?

Oh yes !

The only warm meal, they get !

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Dogs think their owners are Gods as they provide fun and food for the dog.

Where as Cats think they are Gods as the human feeds them and provides a warm environment for them.

I have known some very useful dogs that could put credit cards in ATMs and collect the cash and retrieve the card, plus help the owner get dressed or undressed, get stuff out of the cupboard etc etc etc
"Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you. Give me a pig. He just looks you in the eye and treats you as an equal."

Winston Churchill
Try this little experiment.

Lock your wife/girlfriend (not both) in the boot of one car, then lock your dog in the boot of another car. Leave them for a few minutes, open both boots and let us know who is most pleased to see you. :)
On the old, now defunct Guardian forums the Dog thread was in the Family section and the Cat thread was in Advice.
Baron Edouard-Jean Empain, first fortune of France and kidnapped in 1978, said that the only 'person' who was truly glad to see him, after 63 days in custody, was his dog.

He subsequently got rid of his wife and sold most of his shares of various companies he was virtually disempowered of during his days in the shadow. It was the only sensible thing to do IMO. I guess he kept his dog.
So i'm sat in a cottage in Devon enjoying the fine weather, and the dog of the friends we are staying with has just noisily chucked up his dinner, and then immediately eaten what came up.

Is this normal? If so, please remind me why people keep dogs?

There are feckless stupid dog owners, like there are feckless useless people that are allowed to make babies.
No such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners. We adopt retired retired Greyhounds, we are now on our second retiree. Lovely dogs and great family pets.
There are feckless stupid dog owners, like there are feckless useless people that are allowed to make babies.
That's a bit ruff.

(It's a warm day, so no coat to collect)

