
Disaster - what have I done?

Stick with the supplied lid and do your own dusting!
Fine if one's supplied, but many come bereft of covers. SMEs used to come with a silly flexible plastic cover and LP12s were hinged, which couldn't work on a wall shelf and needed to be adapted to lift-off (not ideal on a wall shelf). Some come with moulded semi-rigid covers for platter only.

My Dais is so massive that no off-the-shelf cover could be found so I designed my own and had it made up from 5 mm acrylic for around £80 way back when. At least I can remove the lid even if the Dais is completely immovable without disassembly.

Regardless of a lid, dust will still form and coat the t/t, only it takes much longer to do so. Besides, my lid is useful for putting things on when not in use.
I have quite a hefty excess so it won't be worth it for the rebuild but I will see if they will meet the cost of a new cartridge.
Wit a hefty excess (£250+ ?) I wouldn't think even a new cart. would be worthwhile chasing; after all, you ever know when the next and more serious hifi accident may occur. Contents policies didn't use to have N.C.B.s but it seems many now do. Just my take on it, of course.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Rega should just provide a proper lid.
What is a proper lid for a newer Rega turntable? Given the ethos of making the turntable as light as possible I’m not quite sure what you’re envisioning.
I'd get an exchange Ania Pro. Had a lot of cartridges over the years and the Pro is a very good one which should also be very well suited to the turntable. If you buy anything else, even if it's a good cartridge, it may not match so well.

I simply would not buy a turntable that didn't have a proper lid. Not happening.
I'm fortunate in that I have a Rega dealer just 15 mins walk from my home. So the Ania Pro is on its way back to Rega to be rebuilt. I'm viewing it as a relatively inexpensive way of getting what is essentially a new cartridge (keep telling yourself this).
This happened to me last year with an Apheta 2, so more expensive cartridge but at least I'd had nearly 5 years use from it. Anyway yes the Rega rebuild scheme is what you need, it will cost about half of the new cartridge price. Those Rega cantilevers are really vulnerable and even the protector needs a lot of care to fit without touching it. Good luck.
Contents policies didn't use to have N.C.B.s but it seems many now do. Just my take on it, of course.

No Claims Bonus, is mostly irrelevant as insurers just increase your basic renewal premium for the next 3 to 5 years.

That's why they are called insurers and not charities.
If you have accidental damage cover on your contents it will be covered, provided you don't tell them it happened whilst cleaning. That is routinely excluded. Any other kind of mishap is usually OK. A friend's 6 year old son yanked the mat off my LP12 and did much the same to my Troika. Got a payout from the insurer. My premium was not really affected. Obviously, you need to check the small print on your policy and consider value of claim Vs Excess to consider if it is worthwhile.
Yes, I love the look of the P8 and will certainly be doing my own dusting in future. In fairness, I think it was only because we have visitors coming this weekend that my wife was dusting around the turntable. I will investigate claiming on my insurance, though I have quite a hefty excess so it won't be worth it for the rebuild but I will see if they will meet the cost of a new cartridge.
Ahhh, dreaded visitors - usually means a day of cleaning/polishing. Like it once its done though, but Fliss never cleans the stereo, early on I bag the front room :)
Rega exchange service will be by far the most cost effective way of getting you up and running
I looked at making a claim on my insurance but with a £250 excess and the cost of a rebuild at £345, it didn't seem worth the hassle for £95.
I always use lift/lower on my P10/Apheta 3, after totalling (from memory) the same Ania Pro twice; once on a 6 and then on an 8.

The modern Rega MCs seem to me rather vulnerable.
What is a proper lid for a newer Rega turntable? Given the ethos of making the turntable as light as possible I’m not quite sure what you’re envisioning.
It’s pretty obvious. A lid that covers the deck. A 3rd party solution is probably available. I fail to see how a lid can compromise sound. The supplied one is utterly use so why bother?
No Claims Bonus, is mostly irrelevant as insurers just increase your basic renewal premium for the next 3 to 5 years.
Agreed, but not necessarily an annual hike (see my post 36 previous page). Different insurers have different takes on claims, but it used to be that under a grand really didn't change a lot on renewal. However, now that home and motor insurance costs are rising continually, all bets are off as your premium will probably rise regardless.
It’s pretty obvious. A lid that covers the deck. A 3rd party solution is probably available. I fail to see how a lid can compromise sound. The supplied one is utterly use so why bother?
I think the supplied cover for the P10 is fine unless you have pets or children that could get under the cover and damage the stylus. Altering the design of the P10 to add hinges for a dustcover makes no sense. The whole ethos as I mentioned before is to keep the deck as light as possible. I’d just suggest an aftermarket cover if you don’t like the one supplied by Rega which to me looks better than one that would cover the entire deck.

I have a LP12 and always remove the dustcover when using the deck. To me the deck performs better with the cover removed.
I think the supplied cover for the P10 is fine unless you have pets or children that could get under the cover and damage the stylus. Altering the design of the P10 to add hinges for a dustcover makes no sense. The whole ethos as I mentioned before is to keep the deck as light as possible. I’d just suggest an aftermarket cover if you don’t like the one supplied by Rega which to me looks better than one that would cover the entire deck.

I have a LP12 and always remove the dustcover when using the deck. To me the deck performs better with the cover removed.
Pets, children, dusters etc pretty common. I tend to take the lid off my LP12 when in use, most TT’s spend a lot of time not being played.

I don’t really understand how a better lid could not have been designed for the P10. I’m lucky, my hifi is in a separate room but it still puts me off.
Looks cool and serves it’s purpose for most folks.

Rega kind of been there done that with the RP10 using a more conventional cover.

When cleaning the Dynavector Ruby Karat, I stood up, my tie got caught in the cantilever and denuded the stylus.

When transporting the turntable in by back of my car, the arm came off the armclip and the Van Der Hul MC One skated back and forth across the plinth. It tore the internal coils.

I overtightened a brand new Koetsu Black into the Zeta and caused permanent deformation of the body.

When trying out several cartridges, I put the Linn Karma on the window sill. I guess it must fallen off, because the next time I vacummed, the cleaner made a loud rattling noise, which turned out to be the aspirated Karma. Destroyed.

Oddly enough, I never had a single problem with the two Linn Basiks I had.

