
Dilemma: Klipsch Cornwall IV vs Tannoy Kensington SE

if it's up to that number, jolly good, and the always-existent exception's just been found 😇

The original TL12.1 is an extraordinary amp, a true no-compromise design of its era that cost a fortune then and still does today. Lots of info on 44BX including the manual and quotes from period reviews. It appears it comfortably met its 0.1% figure in 1948! The Stereo 20, TL12 Plus etc were later and cost-cut in comparison, but did benefit from later technology and I’d be amazed if they didn’t meet their ‘Point One’ marketing. This stuff mattered back then, if a company lied they’d be called out on it as it was still a highly technical hobby at that point. I’ve got a full bound set of Gramophone magazines from 1954 to 1981 or so, so I’ll inevitably have reviews of the TL12 Plus and Stereo 20, but finding anything is a total nightmare as it has no proper index!

Doesn't look like they tested them, but they did test the Varislope preamp in November 1960.

Reviews in this era certainly normally included technical tests. This was especially true in the 'Tape Recorder' reviews where Alec Tutchings would really lift the drains. They didn't spend a lot of time worrying about which mains lead sounds best!
all valve amps measure (in a sense) poorly - but, just as in the article, for they produce even harmonics (2nd, 4th, etc.) the ear takes them not as distortion (up to a certain level) but, rather, as added musical content 🤝
I don't think its as simple as that

Most research has shown that the human can't detect THD much below 1% so I don't think THD figures even whether they are predominantly even or odd harmonics can explain what makes an amplifier sound 'good'

The problem with measurements is that they don't reflect the nature of music reproduction into a typical loudspeaker load - ie a constantly changing amplitude into a highly reactive loudspeaker which will put back emfs from the loudspeaker woofer onto the loudspeaker terminals which inevitably will make it back into the sensitive feedback circuit of the amplifier (at least in solid state amplifiers - valves are a different story with that great big chunk of iron in the way).

All tests are done into a fixed load, usually 4 or 8R, using either a sine or square wave, totally unrepresentative of real world listening conditions. These measurement usually lead to didly squat when it comes to telling how an amplifier will actually sound.
Thank you for that! I swapped the tubes and the hiss swapped channels.

The current tubes are Electro-Harmonix 6922. Any suggestions?
I'm no expert in valves but I have a couple of valve pieces in the past and electro harmonix generally produce a good valve.

I had a Woo Audio WA7 headphone amp (wish I'd never sold it now) and tube rolling for that showed an electro harmonix gold plated cryogenically treated produced the best sound. In fact it was sublime come to think of it.

I also used electro harmonix ECC83 on a Roth Audio class A and the results were also very good.

Others will have comments I'm sure but I'd start with a replacement Electro Harmonix tube to get rid of that hiss and then consider tube rolling after doing your research

Your thread got me thinking with my system and Avondale builds (my speakers Buccards S400 II and updated Klipsch RF8000). Searching the Naim forum there are others saying the same about Klipsch Heritage although Heresy speakers seem to work well with the Uniti range. Steve Huff (is that his name?) loved the Atom with his Heresy IV's although he did say sometimes he found the sound a little thin.
I believe I didn't say measurements mean anything really regarding what we experience as reproduced music - rather, I believe my ears 🥰 (even with mains cables 😎 )
Definitely agree on mains cables. Particularly when it comes to digital gear.

My Atom HE sounds anything between sublime and a screechy transistor radio depending on the quality of the mains supply and probably what's coming down the coax (my internet interface). I have some MCRU mains cables which tame this a bit but doesn't fix the problem totally. Have tried a PS Audio regenerator which helps a lot but is more expensive than the Atom so is a no go for me.

Next steps a seperate mains spur and if that fails I intend to build my owns mains regenerator using a 2KW pure sine wave inverter and a car battery (about 10% of the cost of the PS Audio solution)

Back to mains cables I don't find they make difference for power amps but for digital gear the effect is very noticeable.

Fun and games eh!
My bet is into the Klipsch it will comfortably beat your existing solid state kit, but wouldn’t represent a good way to go as a second-hand Leben 300, Audio Note or whatever integrated would likely be better again for $1500-2k. You really don’t need high power here. If you were in the UK I’d be recommending a well-restored Leak Stereo 20 or TL12+. A great sounding 10 Watts is all you need with Klipsch.

I’ve tried my Cornwall III with a few amps:

Leben CS300XS
Leak 20 (with passive)
Audion 300B
Quad 303 (with passive)
Quad II (with passive)

Only the Quad II has avoided causing audible noise at the listening position, although at good volume levels it’s still audible when playing vinyl.

I did manage to get virtual silence with the 7Wpc Audion but only when I connected my CD player directly to it, using the Audion’s volume pot. The noise might be because I can’t position my SUT in such a way that avoids hum pick-up entirely. I think the TD124 motor is a bit of a problem in this way.
Which ones did you go for?
Sorry, I thought I had posted that earlier. I went from the prior Electro-Harmonix 6922EH to their Gold version.

I considered others, but many are stupid expensive. This seemed like a reasonable step up, and I'm quite happy with the results. Overall, I would say the amp sounds even better than it did before.

Maybe one day I'll experiment with rolling tubes, but not today. :)
I considered others, but many are stupid expensive.

They really aren’t. Good signal valves last an astonishing length of time. I have a set of three used 1960 Mullard ECC83s (Blackburn I61 type) in my phono stage that I have run for best part of a decade now, and they were well used before they came into my possession. They just refuse to die. I test them every year and they measure the same and keep sounding great! This is in a valve preamp with an inbuilt phono stage, so they are powered on doing their thing even when I am playing CD or other line sources. They are older than I am and I bet they’ll outlive me!
Sorry, I thought I had posted that earlier. I went from the prior Electro-Harmonix 6922EH to their Gold version.

I considered others, but many are stupid expensive. This seemed like a reasonable step up, and I'm quite happy with the results. Overall, I would say the amp sounds even better than it did before.

Maybe one day I'll experiment with rolling tubes, but not today. :)
Their Gold tubes are generally very good. I tried quite a few NOS and expensive new before settling on EH Gold 6SN7s. Like yours, ultra quiet and great sounding
Sorry, I thought I had posted that earlier. I went from the prior Electro-Harmonix 6922EH to their Gold version.

I considered others, but many are stupid expensive. This seemed like a reasonable step up, and I'm quite happy with the results. Overall, I would say the amp sounds even better than it did before.

Maybe one day I'll experiment with rolling tubes, but not today. :)
6922EH are equivalent to ECC88s/E88CCs/6DJ8s, from what I've read. Plenty of those to choose from Mike, even some choice NOS Mullards. I've done some tube rolling with that type in a pre amp and my preference is for a Tungsram E88CC
I’ve got so many beautiful late-60s Mullard gold-pin ECC88s, my Tektronix 543B oscilloscope is full of them! Thankfully none of my audio kit uses them, so they are perfectly safe where they are.
Matsushita 7DJ8s are excellent too, I used them instead of 6922s in my pre amp a while back, I didn't like the EH6922s at all.

So, I’m wondering Mike, has the Cary solved the issue you were experiencing? And, are you pleased and happy with the outcome?

