
Creation of dedicated listening room

plugs points
Sockets? Very good point made by @ff1d1l re. underfloor conduits. I have various square and round ones across and down my room but all under concrete (done during building work 16 years ago). Carry mains, speaker leads and coax (different conduits). I imaging you'll underlay/carpet the room, which admittedly is liftable, but I guess it's tricky to work out exactly where to have things for convenience and s.q. in advance of finishing the room.
There will be two 600x600 hatches one either side of the sleeper wall to allow access to all areas within the void .I'm rather slim !!! and have about 18 inches head space under floor . I will also cover the exposed concrete rough foundation surface with carpet ( from another room improvement ) so crawling about is all ok .
The general sockets in the room will just be to power sidelamps hoovering phone charging and possibly a fish tank..sharing a ring circuit with kitchen sockets.
My main uncertainty is how to organise 12 x 2 m Naim cables , so that the spaghetti does not ruin the clean look I'm aiming for ( difficult with all the active gubbins.)I may feed the spare length down through floor and up again.
Each joist is being braced midway to concrete foundation either side of sleeper wall
I'm reminded of a time when I was at university. A hard-core audio-nut cut holes in the suspended floor of his flat and anchored his loudspeaker stands to the solid ground below. His landlord was none too pleased.

But there is a semblance of logic to his thinking. Loudspeakers are sources of both acoustic and physical vibration. If their physical vibration is drained to a solid mass (earth), then you have only the acoustic vibration to contend with. This assertion is borne out by my experience of my last house, which had a suspended floor that created a massive dip in FR around 80Hz. Through experimentation, I learnt the dip was significantly lessened (halved) when the loudspeakers were positioned above where a solid steel beam was installed.

You might like to consider where your loudspeakers are likely to be positioned, and see if you can install posts to couple the supporting joists to the concrete pad below. It won't take much effort before you install your floor.
James that is exactly what I have done with the system in the existing lounge , floor braced directly under speakers .
And currently system is on an oil rig type system where it sits on supports from foundation though the suspended floor.
I've evolved this over my 10 house moves over 33 years .( The original was building up 2x2 slabs and cutting an enormous hole in floor .)It's amazing what I could get away with in the honeymoon period ...

