
Coronavirus - the new strain XXII

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I wonder if 10 day is a busted flush in real terms? There are possibly three broad categories of people- those who will ignore a positive self test/ contact with an infected person because it would interfere with their life to isolate, those who will respond scrupulously to a positive LFT/ infected contact because it’s the right thing to do for everyone else and those who welcome the opportunity to stay off work.

The important difference in the US is the lack of a requirement for negative test because there just is not a culture of LTF testing.
Is any one still suffering from extreme fatigue, tiredness, marked inability to exercise as before, headache almost daily, since the 2 x AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria). I had them in February and April. Have had booster too.
My GP (over phone only, availability) says, "well.......... there is such a thing as long covid.........we have an ME clinic...." (at the other side of Edinburgh from where we live). Pah!!! I am so fed up.
I have been like a shell of myself for months.
Is any one still suffering from extreme fatigue, tiredness, marked inability to exercise as before, headache almost daily, since the 2 x AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria). I had them in February and April. Have had booster too.
My GP (over phone only, availability) says, "well.......... there is such a thing as long covid.........we have an ME clinic...." (at the other side of Edinburgh from where we live). Pah!!! I am so fed up.
I have been like a shell of myself for months.

It's very common apparently. I don't know about Scotland but there's supposed to be a network of long-covid clinics...
Very common? Thanks for that gavreid, I appreciate your input.

Yes, the link talks about people who have had Covid, I have barely seen anything that points out sufferers like myself who are unaware of having had the Covid. I am 76, so would have expected to notice if I had caught Covid?
The grief will be profound:
A PUB chain owner has declared Nicola Sturgeon is banned from his venues due to her government’s Covid restrictions – despite the fact his company has no pubs in Scotland.

“William Lees-Jones, the boss of JW Lees which primarily runs pubs in the north of England, declared that due to the coronavirus restrictions in Scotland and Wales both Sturgeon and Welsh FM Mark Drakeford would be “barred”.

In a tweet, he also declared that a number of Sage members, including Susan Michie, and journalist Robert Peston would not be allowed into the venues”.
I dip in & out of this, mostly out. Majority of the ‘information’ is just links to other sources & the rest is opinion from people who I don’t know. I have no idea whether the individuals talking have actual expertise or are just recycling/surmising.

I rarely visit this thread and when I do just skim read and move on.

Judging by some of the comments, it does appear to provide a lot of support for some PFM members and have no doubt the intentions are both honourable and diligent but for me, as a whole, it just adds to the incessant Covid background noise and if anything makes me more anxious and uncertain than I need to be.
Very common? Thanks for that gavreid, I appreciate your input.

The ONS conducts a long-covid survey from which they estimate the prevalence. I think it was over a million households that had at least 1 person affected a couple of weeks ago so I would imagine that the clinics ration care pretty severely. My brother suffered badly from ME some years ago and the advice then was aimed at building stamina by increasing exercise over time - that advice has been withdrawn recently but may still be appropriate to some people. The advice now should be about how to manage your energy day to day and coping with the ups and downs.

What you describe sounds like a post-viral condition from what I know. I'd suggest that you play that card in order to access the treatment and see what they say. You might well have had a mild infection without being aware of it too much and it only needs to be a suspected case rather than confirmed. Long-covid doesn't appear to depend on the severity of infection. The GP will be the gate keeper.
Very common? Thanks for that gavreid, I appreciate your input.

Yes, the link talks about people who have had Covid, I have barely seen anything that points out sufferers like myself who are unaware of having had the Covid. I am 76, so would have expected to notice if I had caught Covid?
As someone who post regularly in this thread I can offer my personal experience if that helps. I had chemotherapy in December to March and then had a 9 week stay in hospital to recover from it and some complications. I then spent the rest of this year avoiding people and recovering. I then went down with Chickenpox (a weak immune system that was basically rebooted and so had no memory of previous infections). I was advised to go ahead with the 3rd Covid vaccination and then 8 childhood vaccinations. I have since these 3 events been struggling with poor sleep, weakness, minor chills and fevers. Nothing major, but enough to keep me mostly in the house for 8 weeks (I do understand that this is minor compared to some who have long Covid). I am starting to recover now (but have to be very careful as over doing anything knocks me back another couple of weeks), with the consultant putting this all down to my immune system reboot and some form of post viral fatigue.

I hope that you start to recover soon.

In general, from what I have been told during the past 15 months, how we respond and react to viruses and treatments, is very much personal to us and that there is a wide variation in responses. And that individual assessments by doctors are really required to understand where we are and what we need to do help ourselves recover.

In terms of my comments and analysis of data presented on this thread, I am clearly likely to have a bias towards being very low risk, but I do read what others with different views have written and consider how that would impact how we could and should be trying to best manage the pandemic.
@gavreid Thanks.

Animations like that make it much easier to present complex data in a simpler form.

A delayed spread of prevalence against age was very likely due to delays caused by, amongst other things, younger people catching the virus and then spreading it up the family / friends age chain.
The important difference in the US is the lack of a requirement for negative test because there just is not a culture of LTF testing.

There would be a culture of LTF testing if:
- They didn't cost $15 per test
- you could actually find the things in shops when you need them.

Yet we still get "experts" on TV telling us to test at least twice, a couple of days apart if we suspect we might have or have been exposed to COVID. At $150 a pop for PCR ? With no LFTs ?

Public health is simply not a "thing" in the 21st century US. {/RANT]
Today's 'numbers' from Scotland, the first officially reported since the 24th:-

Thanks gavreid and IanW.
Forgot to add that I have had 5 herpes simplex "reactivations" during this short period, too. Cold sores in nostril or on lip.
As we mostly know, we can suffer from this annoying ailment when our systems are run down and we are feeling that a virus is hanging around.
Used to research, I found a paper from this year describing a sufferer in Asia of reactivated herpes simplex on/in their eye! Not nice.
I had often heard of ME and similar afflictions which our GPs normally either disbelieve exist and/or have no good effective remedies. Now that I have experienced these symptoms for myself I will have no trouble in believing anyone who reports similar issues.
Managing energy levels is key. ME sufferers usually reported a relapse if they tried to beat the thing by busting a gut during the exercise bouts?
My monthly/quarterly stepcounter figures this year contain record minima.

William Lees-Jones sounds like some sort of soup nazi, except instead of no soup for Elaine it’s no beer for Nicola. Maybe Nicola could get a pint through some elaborate scheme involving MacKramer who pretends to be ordering a beer for himself.

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