
Coronavirus - the new strain XXII

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I’m reading that 36% in hospital are unvaccinated but the %age in ICU is “probably” significantly higher. There are how many unvaccinated: 6m? The stats aren’t easy to find or confirm.
Eligible unvaccinated are about 9% of the population so yes about 6m.
But there are another 14% who are not eligible... for age or medical reasons.
I’m reading that 36% in hospital are unvaccinated but the %age in ICU is “probably” significantly higher. There are how many unvaccinated: 6m? The stats aren’t easy to find or confirm.

so 2/3 are vaccinated - probably 2 doses. Sounds about right.
These seem like calm rational people. Good thing they videoed themselves and uploaded it onto the internet so they're all easily identifiable.
Anti-vax wackjobs enter Test and Trace centre in Milton Keynes, shout abuse at staff and steal supplies.

Mental illness + social media + malign actors (Putin etc) = this type of behavior.

Most of these folk don't need punishment so much as they need mental health treatment. The malign actors who knowingly spread misinformation, on the other hand, deserve to burn in hell.
Mental illness + social media + malign actors (Putin etc) = this type of behavior.

Most of these folk don't need punishment so much as they need mental health treatment. The malign actors who knowingly spread misinformation, on the other hand, deserve to burn in hell.

Bad actors are really cleaning up spreading disinformation, it’s low cost and a lot of countries including the USA and U.K. seem hog tied by it.
Most of these folk don't need punishment so much as they need mental health treatment.

Bizarrely the guy who livestreamed it to his YouTube channel kept streaming for an hour or so as he trudged back across Milton Keynes with his whiney mate. The bit I skipped through they were moaning about how there are no stairs any more in train stations because disabled people have demanded they all be taken out(!)... "what about people who aren't disabled eh?! Tsk."

They seem like folk who are generally just a bit lost and disaffected with modern life. But as you say, easily swayed by ridiculous causes and conspiracy theories.
On R4 today a govt spokesperson was responding to criticism that there is a shortage of LFTs. Refuted it saying people will get one they just have to keep trying, there is no shortage and deliveries have just been doubled to 900,000 per day.
So before today less than 1% of the population could take a test each day?

To be fair, I think you've forgotten there are 7 in a box? And this may exclude LFTs consumed by some front-line workers, most notably NHS (I spoke Today to an NHS friend who says he has plenty).

They have been scarce for a few weeks though, and I havn't been able to get any from my local Pharmacies. After a few tries, the Government website has Today accepted my order though.
25% chance of still being positive

The @CDCgov didn't do any science for this. In fact they misinterpreted science to do this. Quite badly in fact. The UK did do science and found that at best at 5 days there's a 25% chance of still testing positive by LFD. So doing this without LFDs is very very stupid.
The author of the paper she’s using to denigrate the CDC estimates 10%-3%, seems supportive of the CDC decision, doesn’t seem to think that tests are make or break.

I don’t know why this person you’re quoting thinks the CDC “didn’t do any science for this” (seems unlikely), don’t know why you’ve assumed they’re motivated by money: seems of a piece with the assumption that UKHSA are suppressing today’s figures to protect the government.

Some discussion yesterday about how awful the fighting on this thread is. It’s pretty typical of covid discussion in general, IMO: it’s not unusual right now for actual experts to accuse each other of crimes against humanity on social media. Joe’s pointed out some of the reasons for this but missed an important one, which is that trust in government has been destroyed. On this matter of life and death, people feel abandoned by those in power and overheated discussion is partly a symptom of that. The government’s earned that distrust as far as I’m concerned but still it’s not a great situation. I’ve said it before but it’s important that the distrust doesn’t detach itself from reality and spread out to infect everything. UKHSA seems to be working, CDC too, it’s reckless to assume they’re all in someone’s pocket.
Mental illness + social media + malign actors (Putin etc) = this type of behavior.

Most of these folk don't need punishment so much as they need mental health treatment. The malign actors who knowingly spread misinformation, on the other hand, deserve to burn in hell.
If we look a bit closer to home, I.e. to “our side”, we can see how tricky this is.
[LFT boxes] have been scarce for a few weeks though, and I havn't been able to get any from my local Pharmacies. After a few tries, the Government website has Today accepted my order though.
Two arrived in my post box this morning having successfully ordered one on Christmas Eve and unsuccessfully tried two days before. Don’t know if the unsuccessful order somehow got logged and fulfilled later.
I read it -

"And Hopson also suggested hospital bosses were reporting a figure of between 25 and 30%, so not the majority."

So what's changed specifically that makes it a really good piece on a so-called vexed issue? It reads as if nothing has changed...
It discusses various aspects of the issue, offering a range of perspectives, to develop a quite detailed picture of the problem.
Two arrived in my post box this morning having successfully ordered one on Christmas Eve and unsuccessfully tried two days before. Don’t know if the unsuccessful order somehow got logged and fulfilled later.

That's good to know. One I ordered before Xmas hasn't arrived - I assumed it had got held up by the Xmas post.
Apart from the delayed lockdowns in 2020, the UK has done a good job of managing the pandemic through testing and vaccination in my opinion.

We have ordered free boxes of LFTs a few times and always received within a few days. When we have needed PCR’s these have been readily available at a convenient location at short notice with zero waiting time.

Compare to how it is handled in Australia:
We have ordered free boxes of LFTs a few times and always received within a few days. When we have needed PCR’s these have been readily available at a convenient location at short notice with zero waiting time.

Testing was pretty shambolic at the start but my experience tallies - when I've needed a PCR test (outside of peak covid) slots were available at short notice. In fact I was always surprised at the apparent overcapacity - on every occasion I was the sole testee.
Testing was pretty shambolic at the start but my experience tallies - when I've needed a PCR test (outside of peak covid) slots were available at short notice. In fact I was always surprised at the apparent overcapacity - on every occasion I was the sole testee.

It's not the testing but the tracing - it's all but collapsed.
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