
Coronavirus - the new strain XII

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PS That Michael Gove is lying to Sophie Ridge again.

I certainly think he was lying when he said that the one month lockdown could be extended if the R is not substantially below 1. He should have said probably will not could.

I wonder what the political consequences of cancelling Christmas would be, positive or negative. No mixed household gatherings, no foreign travel, no shops open to buy gifts, no religious services, university students in quarantine. It doesn’t bear thinking about because of the economic consequences!. It would be a remarkable act of courage though!
The UK daily rate is so high that you need a R0 way below 1.0 for several weeks to bring it to T&T manageable levels. Not closing schools does not do this, more like just slowing the growth a bit
Have you thought about writing to Transparency International and telling them where they've been going wrong all these years? If you ever do, let us know how you get on.
Being serious for a moment, their methodology doesn’t seem likely to capture the specific nature of British corruption, which revolves around a very particular relationship between the Conservatives and the media, grift and collaboration between the Conservatives and elements in the opposition party, peerages, data, and most of all the ongoing carve up of the public sector, especially the NHS.
The UK daily rate is so high that you need a R0 way below 1.0 for several weeks to bring it to T&T manageable levels. Not closing schools does not do this, more like just slowing the growth a bit

Yes, you’re right, it’s high in some regions certainly, I guess that’s why some regions will go from this lockdown into Tier 3. But there’s something starting up which may be relevant - rapid antigen testing may dispense with the need for tracing. I noticed last night that these are now available in France through pharmacies so I guess that the technology really is ready to go.
Alt-right Brexit cheerleader Nadine Dorries “would have needed crystal ball to predict second lockdown” (Independent). Seriously, she actually said that.




It seems that in addition to her hard-right tendencies, she's also an ex-nurse, and current 'Minister of State for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Patient Safety'. :eek:
Private sector pay cuts making public sector now looking over-paid in comparison is a worldwide problem.
In Malaysia the annual bonus is a big part of the salary and the private sector has zeroed it this year. Strangely the government has still paid out 1 month to its own.

Predictable responses to the suggestion here, most think somebody else should pay the bill. The more I think about it, it’s going to be into millions who lose their jobs and businesses, not hundreds of thousands. During the global financial crisis the company I worked for at the time introduced a temporary pay cut (over a certain salary so the lowest paid were not impacted) rather than cut jobs. People were happy to share a bit of the pain and it worked, we got through it.
Dido and her mates won’t be taking a pay cut, in fact theyre probably on grotesque non-performance related bonuses. The beauty of the ( rigged) market...

Astonishingly the government failed to include any performance related penalty clauses in the Track & Trace contracts issued to Serco and Sitel. It doesn't matter how poor the system is they still get paid the full wack.
Astonishingly the government failed to include any performance related penalty clauses in the Track & Trace contracts issued to Serco and Sitel. It doesn't matter how poor the system is they still get paid the full wack.
20% pay cut for Dido and her cronies, 20% pay cut for Cummings and their other political advisers. How about it? Nah! Just get off the bin men, the cleaners and the care assistants, get it off the unemployed. Let’s share that pain around.
Astonishingly the government failed to include any performance related penalty clauses in the Track & Trace contracts issued to Serco and Sitel. It doesn't matter how poor the system is they still get paid the full wack.

“The party of business” in action. Sadly it isn’t incompetence, this is very deliberate siphoning/money-laundering of tax-revenue into party donor pockets. Kleptocracy gonna kleptocracy.
are you surprised? The virus trajectory is such that, they'll be used lock down or not. If a lockdown works it may mean the N hosps are used for a shorter period of time.

I predicted it here 2 months ago ;) I disagree - a full lockdown a month ago would have brought cases down sufficiently to have kept hospitalisations in check. Few here saw it. That would have allowed schools to reopen perhaps for another month and so on...
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