
Coronavirus - the new strain XI

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I've put the app on my work phone bearing in mind all the high risk places I visit every day, where are these QR codes I'm supposed to be scanning?
Scientists claim we are seeing a third of actual cases reported so probably at around 20,000 per day right now. I see this rising significantly over the coming weeks because when this country hit it's peak in April we had been in "lockdown" for a month. This second wave will most probably make the first seem like a flu outbreak by comparison.

We can't compare case numbers now with March and April because community testing was abandonded in March owing to the lack of provision. As I say, watch the hospitalistations because that's a fair comparison, but it's not widely reported - only on pfm ;) We're about mid June at the moment if that helps...
I stopped checking the COVID-19 dashboard because it was getting too depressing, but I checked today and was shocked that the daily cases (bottom right graph) is at an all-time high in the UK. The silver lining, if there is one, is that deaths haven't seen a repeat of what happened a few months ago.


No smugness, though. A similar increase is happening here as well.


I stopped checking the COVID-19 dashboard because it was getting too depressing, but I checked today and was shocked that the daily cases (bottom right graph) is at an all-time high in the UK. The silver lining, if there is one, is that deaths haven't seen a repeat of what happened a few months ag

No smugness, though. A similar increase is happening here as well.


You need to compare hospitalisations and deaths and not the naked case count (frightening as it is), because there is much more testing now. In March it was really only the folks who had to go to hospital who were tested at all (so 10%).

Definitely, and given that deaths lag new cases by a couple of weeks it's the number to watch carefully.

I think so to some extent through August, but I think it's been swamped just recently with the failure of T&T

Re test and trace, don’t we know that it’s not effective because there’s so little compliance with self isolation requests? My thought was that the interventions aren’t effective because they’re being ignored -

I’d be interested to see some work on the rate of compliance with requests to isolate.
Re test and trace, don’t we know that it’s not effective because there’s so little compliance with self isolation requests? My thought was that the interventions aren’t effective because they’re being ignored -

I’d be interested to see some work on the rate of compliance with requests to isolate.
My partner and I were due to visit her mum in Leeds this weekend. Not any more, obviously.

What's only just dawned on me is that visiting a relative in Leeds in their own garden is now against the law, but we remain free to mingle with any number of complete strangers in pubs (not that I would do that). Where's the logic?

Same goes for students going (back) to uni, only to be confined to dorms, and being given online tuition they could just as easily receive at home. I'm so grateful not to be a young person these days.
English please.

Test and trace helps control the infection because you catch people who may have the disease and ask them to self isolate.

I believe Dido Harding reported that there’s a study which shows that in fact most people don’t self isolate when asked, the compliance rate is very low, I suppose especially amongst people who don’t have symptoms


Test and trace is ineffective at controlling the virus - in fact. De facto.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

My guess was that If people aren’t cooperating with requests to self isolate, they’re maybe not cooperating with requests not to mix with other families, not to mix in groups of more than 6 and such-like.

(I’m in a classical mood.)
My partner and I were due to visit her mum in Leeds this weekend. Not any more, obviously.

What's only just dawned on me is that visiting a relative in Leeds in their own garden is now against the law,but we remain free to mingle with any number of complete strangers in pubs (not that I would do that). Where's the logic?

Same goes for students going (back) to uni, only to be confined to dorms, and being given online tuition they could just as easily receive at home. I'm so grateful not to be a young person these days.

similar position here on Wirral with local restrictions, no rule of 6 but we could meet my daughter in the local pub??
English please.

Test and trace helps control the infection because you catch people who may have the disease and ask them to self isolate.

I believe Dido reported that in fact most people don’t self isolate when asked, the compliance rate is very low.


Test and trace is ineffective at controlling the virus - in fact.
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