
Coronavirus - the new strain XI

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Shaming millions of people to do the right thing (like masks) is much more effective than 'enforcement'. But this Govt lost the high ground/leadership role long ago.
Not as bad as USA but if Trump is the benchmark...
Everyone in NZ knew Jacinda needed to sack her Minister of Health for flouting rules and in the end she picked the right time and did. But she had immense personal approval for her leadership already.
I’m not sure rehearsing the ‘who is most at fault’ argument helps. I think it’s pretty obvious that the government have wasted the summer and true that some people have been negligent. I don’t see enough public information or advertising and do see too much blame shifting.

This is an interesting article about how Italians are holding back the second wave by having a bit of discipline and exhibiting a willingness to take collective responsibility:
My phone is no longer capable of running the app as I've just thrown it at the TV.

Worth noting:

a) This is not an ‘NHS’ app, it is a Serco app, i.e. it is an app from a private company with links to the Conservative Party. Please can we not refer to it as ‘NHS track & trace’, this is ‘Serco Track & Trace’.

b) There is some doubt as to whether the app meets GDPR regulation. It certainly didn’t in its earlier development stages. I’m sure more clarity on this will come out in weeks to come.

As such, and given the Conservative Party’s obvious links to criminal data harvesting, targeting and manipulation (Leave.EU, Dominic Cummings, Cambridge Analytica etc) I’d personally think long and hard before installing it. The idea of track and trace is obviously a very good one, highly necessary now we have lost control of covid 19, and therefore welcome, so I’m torn on this, but my deep distrust of the bunch of crooks behind it means I won’t be going anywhere near it, but by saying that I’m sheltering so I’m not a target user. I can afford to reject it as I am not in contact with anyone.
The correct question is - How many house parties would you expect to be taking place on a typical summer wekend in the UK during the middle of a pandemic?
Probably a few hundred. The muppets will always be with us. But that probably reflects that by far the greater part of the population is complying, by and large, despite it being far from clear what compliance looks like.
That’s the point. Concentrating on the muppets in their parties lets the muppets in Westminster wriggle off the hook.
His only redeeming feature is that his name can be made into many appropriate alternatives based around being a cock.

His job is to be there when Boris is forced to "do the honourable thing" and shoot an underling. Reminds me of the old Thorpe quip - "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his friends for his life".
If we had any sort of competent media, they'd be doing that, and ignoring the dead cat stories about breaking up house parties.

Well if we'd all got behind those trying to enforce the implementation of the Leveson enquiry recommendations we may have stood a little more of a chance. However, as I've said before, I'll bet most if not all of those whinging in here about the media and the press did the square root of **** all when Cameron decided to ignore the enquiry's recommendations. I remember being met with little other than abject apathy when I was part of those trying to force him to reconsider. You reap what you sow!!!
Over 600 students self isolating at Glasgow university with 140 odd cases of Covid 19 reported.

Student residences were always going to be a major problem. Year in year out they're centres of colds and flu as well as stomach bugs and the like - it's not called freshers' flu for nothing. Students were sold a lie to get them to register and attend because university cash flows are wholly dependent these days on fee income, rather than government grant. It's a crazy business.
You beat me to it - but then this thread stopped being about Coronavirus a very long time ago.

Indeed, certain political animals on here have turned it into a shit show!
If we’re not to discuss the political response to Coronavirus, what do you propose this thread should cover? We do, as I’m sure you have noticed, talk about developments in treatments, vaccines, immunity and so on, not to mention friends and family and how they are affected. But to refrain from speaking about the wanton political mismanagement of this crisis would be to put a huge elephant in the room.
Student residences were always goping to be a major problem. Year in year out they're centres of colds and flu as well as stomach bugs and the like - it's not called freshers' flu for nothing. Students were sold a lie to get them to register and attend because university cash flows are wholly dependent these days on fee income, rather than government grant. It's a crazy business.
Yes I’m sure this is the case. Universities are a scandal in the making, IMO.
Let me do an "Alfie Moore" on you - had you stopped Cummings, what would you have done with his obviously bullshit explanations?

I'd have reported him. Then escalated it up the chain to ACPO and let them decide on the ramifications of my actions. There is a clear public interest angle to the prosecution, and I'd have expected my staff to have spotted that accordingly. I had good staff, who would have done that. I was not one for dodging integrity dilemmas, either.

All hypothetical, of course.
I'd have reported him. Then escalated it up the chain to ACPO and let them decide on the ramifications of my actions. There is a clear public interest angle to the prosecution, and I'd have expected my staff to have spotted that accordingly. I had good staff, who would have done that. I was not one for dodging integrity dilemmas, either.

All hypothetical, of course.

Did you get early retirement ?
This would be funny if the consequences were not so serious and if you were not so determined to misappropriate blame.......

- lockdown far too late.
- shake hands with COVID patients.
- "send the virus packing by Christmas".
- no testing let alone tracing.
- clear hospitals with no contol of which patients carry virus into care homes.
- lie about testing capacity, count tests when packets have been given to Yodel.
- Govt Minister Robert Jenrick ignore rules.
- Cummings ignores rule and simultaneously takes British public for cvnts with his explanation - backed by PM.
- fiddle figures to "achieve" spurious 100k daily testing targets when actual test results were more like half the claimed figure.
- try to open up schools, colleges, offices and associated transport with people in unavoidable close proximity, all still without any real ability to test and trace.
- encourage people out to eat and socialise - then quickly realise that puts the spread up almost instantly and engage reverse gear.
- ditto "get back to workplaces instead of working from home you unpatriotic lazy scum" followed by sickening crunch of another reverse gear in a matter of days.

So public not all compliant. Oh really?

With examples like Johnson shaking hands with patients and Jenrick and Cummings flouting rules without consequence - it's a tribute to the overwhelming majority that there is not more chaos already.

But yes, you keep worrying about a few students.

Exactly. People could be forgiven for thinking handing out contracts to companies with zero PPE manufacturing experience or Test and Trace experience wasn't a clever idea too but maybe that's too political for some. Incompetence is what it is, as is corruption irrespective of what political colours they are wearing particularly when lives are at stake.

Taking one look at the large scale multiple occupancy nature of a student halls of residence and its clear to anyone with any nouse that it cannot be made c-19 safe never mind 'freshers 'flu' safe.....
How the Italians have managed it:
  • The population has been “totally awakened” by the continuous information about the virus and its consequences.
  • Italian scientists are consistently asking themselves why Italy is faring better than other European countries.
  • Italy’s testing and tracing system sets it apart.
    “There is a lot of debate about such systems but without powerful information it is not so efficient because people do not necessarily recall where they have been or people they have met,”
  • The Italian approach has been to test everyone within the social network of an infected person – their families, friends, colleagues, neighbours – regardless of whether they have been exposed. This has enabled Italy to uncover thousands of asymptomatic cases.
  • Testing at numerous drive-in centres and airports has also helped – all those arriving from at-risk countries must undergo swab tests,
  • The government is also credited for its clear, simple and consistent messages to the public.
    “Even if there have been some controversies, we have to admit that the government has been firm, and maintained a truly continuous and rigorous way of acting,”
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