
Coronavirus - the new strain X

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Anywhere north of Watford Gap is the North, so far as media is concerned. Always has been. Stoke, so far as the media is concerned, is not even barely still in the Midlands. The BBC moving to Salford was like going to the Arctic.

Might be true - is there an actual source of data available? The media/press ONLY report those who get asked to travel a long way, completely ignoring the many thousands who do not. And those who cannot travel to a centre can and do opt for a postal service. So the average may well be low, the median might be rather different.... And furthermore there is a distinction to be made between the distance people are asked to travel and the distance they actually travel.

Of course there are some 'problems' with testing, but the average distance actually travelled is likely quite reasonable, and many, many get postal tests sent.

Student housemate of my daughter is just an example only yesterday. Through contact tracing from a pub visit in Sussex last week (tracing does exist it seems!) she has been advised to get tested. In the meantime she had relocated to her term time student house in Birmingham. The local University has a test centre on site, only a few hundred metres away (that can bring down an average!, a lot), but it was very busy for appointments so she opted for a postal service. Arrived the next morning. If she is positive, my daughter is going to delay her own return to the house - she had been planning to get some stuff over there in the next couple of days, ahead of a full move on the 20th. Now if there is a positive result, the 4 who are already in residence at the house will be isolating. Other contacts back in Sussex, traced to the same pub, have come back negative, so fingers are crossed.

Meanwhile my other daughter heads up to her house in Liverpool tomorrow. I am taking the day off to do the job. Seems early - but the housemates will get a chance to bubble up before term starts. They have a small birthday party organised which will just get through before the new rules come in on Monday.

Meanwhile the new rules announced last night have completely bashed my plans for a socially distanced small outdoor party for my wife on her 60th. She is very cross, but nothing we can do but cancel. If it was a small wedding - we could apparently still do it.

So far this year Covid has wrecked... A booked weekend at Blenheim Palace, A booked family holiday to Portugal, a booked family wedding, our 25th Wedding Anniversary (Party and New York trip), a close friends 25th wedding party, oldest daughters Graduation, wife's 60th, three other 60th parties of family and friends, the student kids summer trips to Zante, Ibiza and Spain and several other minor dos as well.
The fact of the matter is that my wife, as an operations manager responsible for over 30 different care settings, cannot get a a test without long distance travel. Neither can she get tests posted to her. As we live just outside a large city, I can only presume everyone else in our area is similarly affected. And as @lordsummit, also in a large city has similar problems, one surely has to ask questions about Hancock’s 10 mile average claim. What is the data this claim is made on? Is it based on how far he and his mates have to travel? Just People in London? Whatever the answer, it does not reflect the experience of key workers who are trying their best to manage this crisis in the face of government lies and corruption.
Anywhere north of Watford Gap is the North, so far as media is concerned. Always has been. Stoke, so far as the media is concerned, is not even barely still in the Midlands. The BBC moving to Salford was like going to the Arctic.

Might be true - is there an actual source of data available? The media/press ONLY report those who get asked to travel a long way, completely ignoring the many thousands who do not. And those who cannot travel to a centre can and do opt for a postal service. So the average may well be low, the median might be rather different.... And furthermore there is a distinction to be made between the distance people are asked to travel and the distance they actually travel.

Of course there are some 'problems' with testing, but the average distance actually travelled is likely quite reasonable, and many, many get postal tests sent.

Student housemate of my daughter is just an example only yesterday. Through contact tracing from a pub visit in Sussex last week (tracing does exist it seems!) she has been advised to get tested. In the meantime she had relocated to her term time student house in Birmingham. The local University has a test centre on site, only a few hundred metres away (that can bring down an average!, a lot), but it was very busy for appointments so she opted for a postal service. Arrived the next morning. If she is positive, my daughter is going to delay her own return to the house - she had been planning to get some stuff over there in the next couple of days, ahead of a full move on the 20th. Now if there is a positive result, the 4 who are already in residence at the house will be isolating. Other contacts back in Sussex, traced to the same pub, have come back negative, so fingers are crossed.

Meanwhile my other daughter heads up to her house in Liverpool tomorrow. I am taking the day off to do the job. Seems early - but the housemates will get a chance to bubble up before term starts. They have a small birthday party organised which will just get through before the new rules come in on Monday.

Meanwhile the new rules announced last night have completely bashed my plans for a socially distanced small outdoor party for my wife on her 60th. She is very cross, but nothing we can do but cancel. If it was a small wedding - we could apparently still do it.

So far this year Covid has wrecked... A booked weekend at Blenheim Palace, A booked family holiday to Portugal, a booked family wedding, our 25th Wedding Anniversary (Party and New York trip), a close friends 25th wedding party, oldest daughters Graduation, wife's 60th, three other 60th parties of family and friends, the student kids summer trips to Zante, Ibiza and Spain and several other minor dos as well.
Postal tests are not available as of 10.00 today.
They have run out in my area.
I’m just intrigued how someone can be so thick as to call Stoke”the north”.

If you’re referring to me then yes, complete dunce me. Completely unemployable as well.

Wherever Stoke is (and I really couldn’t care less), I certainly didn’t witness any acknowledgement that we are in a global pandemic. A stark contrast to other services I have recently visited, such as Gloucester, Exeter. Actually, Tebay was extremely compliant and that’s much further north than Stoke. Maybe the issue is just confined to services near Stoke. Certainly best avoided.
Hancock blaming the testing fiasco on the public: too many “ineligible” people getting tested. This will obviously have the effect of dissuading people from getting tested. Which is bad from a health perspective. But why not, if it gets you off the hook momentarily, and perhaps helps to massage the figures further down the line?

The interests, instincts and strategies of the Conservative Party are not compatible with public health. Tens of thousands more people will die solely to keep Hancock and people like him in a job. Just absolutely shamelessly self-interested liars who’ll do anything and say anything no matter how many they harm.

“You just couldn’t make this up. Precisely what not to say in this situation. What is the point of having behavioural scientists advising Govt if their advice is ignored. Has he even read any of our papers for the Govt about how to communicate & build trust & adherence?”
Great. So pubs, restaurants offices etc. are all to close too? Or is that too logical?

Logic? Since when has logic had anything to do with CV-19 policy? I note that the new restrictions begin after the weekend so fill yer boots at this:


Hands, Face, Space can do one in favour of Cold, Hard, Cash.

Every. Time.
Logic? Since when has logic had anything to do with CV-19 policy? I note that the new restrictions begin after the weekend so fill yer boots at this:


Hands, Face, Space can do one in favour of Cold, Hard, Cash.

Every. Time.
I'm sure this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Jockey Club handing over large sums of money to Hancock personally, or with their links to Dido Harding, or with links between the racing industry and Randox Health, advised by another senior Tory and recipient of a generous, uncontested contract to supply...testing kits!
I'm sure this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Jockey Club handing over large sums of money to Hancock personally, or with their links to Dido Harding, or with links between the racing industry and Randox Health, advised by another senior Tory and recipient of a generous, uncontested contract to supply...testing kits!

As I have just said elsewhere, in these difficult times CV-19 is a danger to the economy. It is the patriotic duty of every horse racing fan to spend, spend, spend.

Cough up!

Thing is we need to see the cases/tests ratios really as I strongly suspect the government are artificially reducing the number of tests available.

Given that Hancock can't be trusted the sit the right way on a toilet seat (to quote the Bard)...
Yep, but not by the government, by the local health officials!

...and coming up to the final bend it's Dave from accounts just ahead of Doreen from HR...
...the old guy from Health and Environment is last...again

(edit...and way behind him...the government!!)

Sorry, thought you said 'run in' there....​
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