
Coronavirus - the new strain VII

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Not over devolved issues.

I’d suggest a pandemic shouldn’t be a devolved administration issue. It should be an issue for UK govt in the same way as defence policy for example. They probably thought it wouldn’t actually happen.
I think the argument is the concept of the form is bollocks, not the format.

Anyway, would you fancy handwriting it every time you went out, just because you can't cross the date out and put in a new one? The title and subtitle on its own is 38 words.

En application de l’article 3 du décret du 23 mars 2020 prescrivant les mesures générales nécessaires pour faire face à l’épidémie de Covid19 dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire​

I couldn’t believe it when it was introduced, and then there was a while where they started to let you use a sort of I-form on your phone, but the police objected I think and you had to carry a bit of paper. Apparently you could just scribble it on a piece of scrap paper if you couldn’t print it off. I just find it one of the most incomprehensible things about the French - more incomprehensible even than their attitude to food and wine, or small doggies, or “composting” tickets on a train.
I’d suggest a pandemic shouldn’t be a devolved administration issue. It should be an issue for UK govt in the same way as defence policy for example. They probably thought it wouldn’t actually happen.
Health provision is a devolved issue, NHS Wales, NHS Scotland, etc. It's devolved because the various nations' requirements and priorities may differ, for the reasons you mentioned upthread and others. AFAICT public security is also devolved. So it would follow that pandemic response will be devolved. That doesn't prevent the response being co-ordinated, but if one party is behaving like a dick, and the other three aren't, what are you going to do if you're one of the leaders of a 'non-dick' nation?
I’d suggest a pandemic shouldn’t be a devolved administration issue. It should be an issue for UK govt in the same way as defence policy for example. They probably thought it wouldn’t actually happen.
That would have played well wouldn't it?
Well, isn't it a good thing that in this case it's devolved?
Otherwise we'd all be in the sh1t. As it is, only one country of four is.
The Metro reporting full That London tubes etc (link). I’ve not looked outside here so no idea what is going on locally, but I’d be amazed if we weren’t back to exponential spread soon.
The Metro reporting full That London tubes etc (link).

If that’s true generally and he does nothing about it, it would be disgraceful. I don’t recall reading that London Transport were putting on more trains today, that would have been an obvious thing to do.

But there’s another thing - they may always have been like that, ever since lockdown started. I don’t know, I don’t use them!
The Metro reporting full That London tubes etc (link). I’ve not looked outside here so no idea what is going on locally, but I’d be amazed if we weren’t back to exponential spread soon.

A lot of train and bus companies are still running a restricted Sunday Service, so public transport will be overloaded quickly. The Tories briefed the press about the 'roadmap' but failed to tell the road users!
That would have played well wouldn't it?
Well, isn't it a good thing that in this case it's devolved?
Otherwise we'd all be in the sh1t. As it is, only one country of four is.
The Bodger will bodge. The other thing we know about him is that he will use threat and confrontation to attempt to get what he wants- I’m thinking about the way he shouted down women MPs who had been receiving death threats from people calling them capitulators/ surrenderers/traitors. If this had only been Sturgeon on her own questioning his bodged campaign Im sure he would have wasted no time in attacking her. Looks like he’s also got his own cabinet colleagues to worry about now- Raab contradicting him publicly.
Well I have been threatened with a fine for crossing the date out on my justicatif. It needs to be a new one for every journey out the house, according to one fed.

What if I don't have a printer or cant use a computer? That's really fvking stupid. You can't go out.

My printer ran out of paper. So I broke the law and and with reckless abandon went to the supermarket with no papers.

Too much defending the indefensible. What if online is not possible? What if I don't have an erasable pen? What if they just did what they were doing without the stupid photocopied papers?

What if, what if, what if........................................
I think the system that would satisfy you has yet to be invented - you should learn to quit when you're behind.:mad:
In the meantime, the virus shows signs of beginning more aggressive mutation (mutation is normal, and why we need new flu shots every year) which means any single vaccine will be harder to develop and produce, and medical science has not yet succeeded on a single vaccine.
I’d suggest a pandemic shouldn’t be a devolved administration issue. It should be an issue for UK govt in the same way as defence policy for example. They probably thought it wouldn’t actually happen.

No they did think it would happen but they basically didn’t give a shit.

There’s been three pandemics in the last 100 years I’m 60 and none of the last most recent two have had any repercussions for me or my family however this one has changed the world so why is that?

The Black Death lasted for 400 years is that where we’re heading with covid 19?
My contact involved with collecting the testing kits for the ONS lasted one day.
They quit last night after a harrowing day of people not following procedures, etc. At one point despite the protocol being that used test kits were to be collected outside they had to go into a block of flats to get it.
They were just not prepared to risk their health for a half baked scheme.
Any government department should before starting its appointed schemes organise a piss up in a brewery to test its workplace competence.
TBH I don’t think it is within the rules, but then from what it seems Raab has been saying in interviews, perhaps it is. Like you say, hopefully there’ll be more clarity later. Either way, I hope they get to see him safely soon.
Yes, he has had CV-19 but has recovered, my parents are in their late 60s so it is not ideal. I would like a cross Party working group to hammer out what the message is with some clearer guidelines. I do think the British public, in the main, are sensible but the road ahead will not be smooth.
I couldn’t believe it when it was introduced, and then there was a while where they started to let you use a sort of I-form on your phone, but the police objected I think and you had to carry a bit of paper. Apparently you could just scribble it on a piece of scrap paper if you couldn’t print it off. I just find it one of the most incomprehensible things about the French - more incomprehensible even than their attitude to food and wine, or small doggies, or “composting” tickets on a train.
Leave my dog out of this
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