
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

Geekgirlsmash says here the way to instantly deal with Nazis and racists is to throw glitter at them.

Glitter gets everywhere, is almost impossible to completely remove and will mark them. It will also make the racists look ridiculous.


Her suggestion of using Vuvuzelas is fantastic as well. How could any serious nazi concentrate on his speech with that racket going on :)
Geekgirlsmash says here the way to instantly deal with Nazis and racists is to throw glitter at them.

Glitter gets everywhere, is almost impossible to completely remove and will mark them. It will also make the racists look ridiculous.


pffft, tar and feathers would be much harder to remove.

(personally I'd go for dye pack ink mixed with itching powder)
Geekgirlsmash says here the way to instantly deal with Nazis and racists is to throw glitter at them.

Glitter gets everywhere, is almost impossible to completely remove and will mark them. It will also make the racists look ridiculous.


I'll get some tomorrow, then I'll be prepared for next time the neighbour's cat gives me that untermensch! stare.
pffft, tar and feathers would be much harder to remove.

(personally I'd go for dye pack ink mixed with itching powder)

The beauty of glitter & vuvuzalas is it can't possibly be construed as GBH or anything. It is a wonderful idea IMO, perfect non-violent protest. Playing daft music is a good technique too, e.g. EDL idiot fascists got laughed out of Liverpool a while back to the Benny Hill chase theme.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's video is superb and really nails home the need to reject and resist all forms of racism and nationalism. I will be watching the Charlottesville: Race & Terror video over the weekend. I suspect that won't be quite as uplifting.

Still, the ejection of Bannon is a start.

I think Bannon basically self-ejected: that call to the New Yorker was for the purpose of procuring this result. He gets to go back to Brietbart as a martyr now.

Anyway, that's a big rat off the ship, which has been dead in the water for a while, and now is settling markedly....
Geekgirlsmash says here the way to instantly deal with Nazis and racists is to throw glitter at them.

Glitter gets everywhere, is almost impossible to completely remove and will mark them. It will also make the racists look ridiculous.


Brilliant idea.
That tuba video is awesome. It reminds me of this Far Side classic.


The thing is these people are just idiots who won't take any responsibility for the circumstances they find themselves in and are desperate to find anything other themselves to blame. As for the silly middle aged twerps who walk about with guns they are just boys playing soldiers. I fail to find either group disturbing.

The best approach is to ridicule and call them out.

Much more damaging is the drip, drip insidious racism from the likes of the Daily Mail or Trump's nasty rhetoric because that does real tangible damage to people's lives.
The thing is these people are just idiots who won't take any responsibility for the circumstances they find themselves in and are desperate to find anything other themselves to blame. As for the silly middle aged twerps who walk about with guns they are just boys playing soldiers. I fail to find either group disturbing.

The best approach is to ridicule and call them out.

Much more damaging is the drip, drip insidious racism from the likes of the Daily Mail or Trump's nasty rhetoric because that does real tangible damage to people's lives.

I daresay you don't find them disturbing because you are likely not a target of their aggression. They are silly but they are also dangerous. And their attitudes are widespread.

And yes, the constant hate that is drip-fed into public life and discourse from those media outlets you mention are equally culpable. But they sell well because large portions of the population see their views reflected in them (even if they won't acknowledge it), no matter how odious. Their audience lives in perpetual financial fear of not having enough (scarcity economics - people coming and taking our jobs, our land, etc.), so any narrative which seeks to exclude and demonise is fine with them. Worth remembering.

