
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

Came across this by accident:

It's scary just how deeply the perverted nonsense of The Lost Cause still infects so much of the USA.

But perhaps not really surprising.

The American Civil War was relatively recent (1861-1865) and the first using modern mass produced accurate weaponry. It caused death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. From Wikipedia:

Four years of intense combat left 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers dead, a higher number than the number of American military deaths in both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan combined, and much of the South's infrastructure was destroyed

Unfortunately, this is the stuff on which legends are built, particularly if you were on the losing side.

Although principally about slavery, States' rights, protectionism and sectionalsm were also factors driving Secession, and are still factors in American politics to this day.

Of course none of this justifies what happened in Charlottesville.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger nails it. With high-profile Republicans distancing themselves from Trump's sociopathic racism to this extent surely he his days have to be numbered?
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Pence would sign the tax cut.

It's all a question of do they think they will gain more votes or lose more votes, in the next election, if they go against Trump. Arnold is free of this concern, so there's nothing holding him back.
That is a fantastic illustration of the depths Trump has plummeted to.
Arnold's message is a powerful unpacking of Donald's ignorance, and he's 100% right that such hatred must be dealt with head on.

Steve Bannon walks warily down the street
With the brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet
Machine guns ready to go
Are you ready
Are you ready for this
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
To the sound of the beat
Another one bites the dust

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Arnold Schwarzenegger's video is superb and really nails home the need to reject and resist all forms of racism and nationalism. I will be watching the Charlottesville: Race & Terror video over the weekend. I suspect that won't be quite as uplifting.

Still, the ejection of Bannon is a start.
Still, the ejection of Bannon is a start.

That could be wishful thinking - Trump doesn't seem to be the fence-mending type: maybe he hasn't reached rock bottom yet.

Anyone remember Dr Strangelove? We all laughed (nervously) at the time....
Geekgirlsmash says here the way to instantly deal with Nazis and racists is to throw glitter at them.

Glitter gets everywhere, is almost impossible to completely remove and will mark them. It will also make the racists look ridiculous.


