
Charlottesville/"alt-right"/American fascism

What would Captain America think?


He would think what a lot of sheep there are on this thread.

Most 30+ year olds in this country are truly represented on this thread. Spoonfed crap in the media and suck it on down. There are a lot of very gullible people in this country who look online to confirm their gullibility. Psuedo intellects that are actually, pretty ordinary individuals who get comfort from mass agreement.

Some smuggies here really do need to have a look at themselves and see if they have ever had a leftfield thought in their life.
He would think what a lot of sheep there are on this thread.

Clearly you know little, if anything, of Captain America.

Most 30+ year olds in this country are truly represented on this thread. Spoonfed crap in the media and suck it on down. There are a lot of very gullible people in this country who look on line to confirm there gullibility. Psuedo intellects that are actually, pretty ordinary individuals who get comfort from mass agreement.

Sounds like you have something on your mind, but can't quite find the words.

Some smuggies here really do need to have a look at themselves and see if they have ever had a leftfield thought in their life.

You are here to rescue us from our flawed thoughts?
I notice my cat has a red flea collar with a black buckle. I shall monitor closely for further signs of fascism.

But how did he acquire such a dastardly collar? Bought for him by his Hoomin, perhaps? If so, we must surely question the motivation of the Hoomin.......
Clearly you know little, if anything, of Captain America.

You are here to rescue us from our flawed thoughts?

Well tbh, I'm disappointed in many threads on here. To be fair I like reading people's views, but tbh, so many of you suck on down the silly media brainwashing.

You are all obviously good guys, you like hifi, but ffs, some of the media led brainwash bollox i read on threads here, needs addressing.

I'm doing well at the moment, not been banned for a week or so.
Well tbh, I'm disappointed in many threads on here. To be fair I like reading people's views, but tbh, so many of you suck on down the silly media brainwashing.

It appears you have a strong need to reassure pfm you are being honest with 2 x tbh. Why is that?

You are all obviously good guys, you like hifi, bt ffs some of the media led brain bollox i read on threads needs addressing.

Yet you still can't find the words. Is the aup holding you back?

I'm doing well at the moment, not been banned for a week or so.

'Well' probably isn't correct - considering how difficult it is to get banned on pfm.
You are all obviously good guys, you like hifi, but ffs, some of the media led brainwash bollox i read on threads here, needs addressing.

I'm guessing you prefer to get your news from Nigel Farage, The Sun, Breitbart or something like that?
I'm guessing you prefer to get your news from Nigel Farage, The Sun, or something like that?

Patronising people like that just tells me you aren't that bright. Seriously, is that your best analysis when someone disagrees with your age related, media fuelled, view?
He would think what a lot of sheep there are on this thread.

Most 30+ year olds in this country are truly represented on this thread. Spoonfed crap in the media and suck it on down. There are a lot of very gullible people in this country who look online to confirm their gullibility. Psuedo intellects that are actually, pretty ordinary individuals who get comfort from mass agreement.

Must be good to feel 'special' this idea that you alone can see what others miss or are immune from the meeja's dastardly influence? Or could it be that in your quest to stand out, you ignore what is in front of you? Do tell, you're among friends here. Well possibly with the exception of Limono. Do you have a van btw?
Patronising people like that just tells me you aren't that bright. Seriously, is that your best analysis when someone disagrees with your age related, media fuelled, view?

I get the impression that the "MOBY" is superfluous.

How's that for patronising?
Patronising people like that just tells me you aren't that bright. Seriously, is that your best analysis when someone disagrees with you?

Well, if one starts criticising people for taking an anti-fascist stance brightness is the least of your issues. The default human position is one of anti-fascism, to stand against implies a very serious fault condition. To do so on a website where one will be unquestionably banned for promoting fascist or racist views is quite spectacularly thick IMO.
Johnny Cash's children have condemned the Charlottesville far-right protestor who was wearing a Cash T-shirt, says The Guardian.

"The family of Johnny Cash have said they were “sickened by the association” with a Charlottesville right wing protester photographed wearing a T-shirt with the musician’s name emblazoned on it during this weekend’s violent marches in Virginia.

"In an open letter posted to Facebook, Cash’s daughter, musician Rosanne Cash, condemned the white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville, resulting in clashes that saw three killed and dozens injured. The letter, which is signed by all five of Cash’s children – Rosanne, Cathy, Tara, Cindy and John Carter Cash – denounces the “self-proclaimed neo-Nazi, spewing hatred and bile” featured in the Fox News footage.

"“The white supremacists and neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville are poison in our society, and an insult to every American hero who wore a uniform to fight the Nazis in the second world war,” it reads. “Several men in the extended Cash family were among those who served with honour.”"

I imagine the Cash's would kick Trump's arse legally if he tried to use their music for anything.

I must say it's very sad to see all this white identity politics on PFM. They'll be asking for a safe space next.

