
Challenge From Harbeth - Free M40.1 For Those Who Can Identify Amplifier Differences

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You're saying this because, like so many others, this has you running scared. Not only does it challenge your beliefs, but is forcing you into a kind of hi-fi self examination which you're not finding pleasurable.

I suggest you do the right thing and contact Harbeth tomorrow and find out more about the challenge and what lies behind it, rather than make allegations based on pure ignorance.

That goes for Brian, as well, who seems to have joined the "let's discredit the test" in case it might be true.

Cowards! Put your libels where your mouths are and accept the challenge. No-one is really going to care anyway, but I'm sure you'll find reasons to discredit the results and live happily ever after in the event of a catastrophe.
Cowards and libels? Catastrophe? What are you on?

Click here and read the first sentence in my reply to Rob from a different thread. It wasn't the first time I said this either, click here as well. (The second is better than the first imo)

I don't make extravagant claims of how I hear differences between various components so I've nothing to prove to anyone and I don't hide from anything. I hear no difference between putting my stuff on an equipment support versus on the floor, for example. In fact there is a whole list of stuff I've been unable to hear any difference between when I've got my eyes wide open and staring at the things, what would be the point in me taking part in a blind listening test to get the same result I get when it's not a blind listening test?

I'm not discrediting the test by the way, it's done that all by itself by the number of caveats attached.
I don't see any of our objectivists selling off their amplifiers for 100 dollar AV receivers. What's the bit about not putting your money where your mouth is?
Aah, so it's a different Brian who said "obvious publicity stunt" and "I'm not discrediting the test by the way, it's done that all by itself by the number of caveats attached" - the latter from your last post.

Admit it, you want to discredit the test and are hoping that by blowing the "number of caveats" disinformation you can avoid the obvious truth, which is you're afraid to take it.
I don't see any of our objectivists selling off their amplifiers for 100 dollar AV receivers. What's the bit about not putting your money where your mouth is?
Oh, don't you worry, the Electrocompaniet will be on the market if I can't hear differences.

Are you coming over to take the test? I asked you before, but can't remember seeing a reply.
Oh, don't you worry, the Electrocompaniet will be on the market if I can't hear differences.

Are you coming over to take the test? I asked you before, but can't remember seeing a reply.

Nope, if I could afford a trip to the UK it wouldn't be for "testing" a hifi;-)

Personally, I'd be wary of parlour tricks. You better perform some other long-term tests before "moving towards the light" selling off the Electrocompaniet.
I don't see any of our objectivists selling off their amplifiers for 100 dollar AV receivers. What's the bit about not putting your money where your mouth is?

but dave i did sell off my naims and brought three used studio amps for £75 each to make an active system.

my whole amp rack costs less than one hi cap or one of those mystic mains leads.

it sounds better than the hobbled naim system i had.
but dave i did sell off my naims and brought three used studio amps for £75 each to make an active system.

my whole amp rack costs less than one hi cap or one of those mystic mains leads.

it sounds better than the hobbled naim system i had.

Studio amps don't count Darryl even at 75 bucks as they're potentially more robust than a cheap AV receiver. Nice try though.
HiFi Choice used to conduct a great number of blind, level matched listening tests on amplifiers.

It was not unusual for there to be a qualitative range covering the group under test with (subjectively) stronger and weaker performers as well as plenty which were very similar to one another. It was also not unusual for an amplifier to be re-introduced later in the day and be readily identified as one which had been played earlier. There was also very little correlation between the extensive measurements that Paul Miller made of each amp and the subjective preferences of the listening panel. Amplifiers that appeared to be absolutely average by their measured spec could be universally liked or disliked and amplifiers that appeared to be very well or poorly engineered could also be liked or disliked.

The speakers used were not challenging as a load and the levels chosen were always well within the operating range in which the amplifiers could be expected to function properly.
I don't see any of our objectivists selling off their amplifiers for 100 dollar AV receivers. What's the bit about not putting your money where your mouth is?
Find me a 100 dollar receiver that has the robustness, reliability, power output and distortion performance of my $500 Quad 909 and I will (oh, and just in case it goes wrong, a maintenance facility with a "while-u-wait-when-possible" policy, only a car-drive away).
Studio amps don't count Darryl even at 75 bucks as they're potentially more robust than a cheap AV receiver. Nice try though.

so you are changing the rules surprises.

looks like we'll be holding our breath again for a subjectivist to put them self to a test.....
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Find me a 100 dollar receiver that has the robustness, reliability, power output and distortion performance of my $500 Quad 909 and I will (oh, and just in case it goes wrong, a maintenance facility with a "while-u-wait-when-possible" policy, only a car-drive away).

I doubt you'll find one of those Plutox -might wanna keep what you've got;-)
so you are changing the rules surprises.

looks like we'll be holding our breath again for a subjectivist to put them self to a test.....

Rule change? Where? Mr Shaw hasn't specified much other than a competent amplifier operating within parameters. This should include most AV receivers on the market at any price.

I would think a true objectivist would purchase whatever met the requirement and waste no more money with the superfluous especially if he's trying to make a point. He would certainly be more convincing. Do you disagree with this?
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Cowards! Put your libels where your mouths are and accept the challenge.

How many times do I have to write that I want to take this test very much. And yet the so called 'objectivists' keep coming out with this 'put your money where your mouth is' bravado.

The only help I have had so far is the suggestion of a SPL measuring device on Amazon. Thanks for that. I don't know if that would suffice within the terms of the test, so I'd like to find a proper way of matching gain if anyone can give me advice. As I've said I am a non-technical music lover. Perhaps the reason for the wall of silence from the so called 'objectivists', who need to spend a bit more time on the 'music' section of the forum, I think.
I think a straight wire bypass test would be far more informative than an A-B(-X) test.
Rule change? Where? Mr Shaw hasn't specified much other than a competent amplifier operating within parameters. This should include most AV receivers on the market at any price.

Do you disagree with this?

dave, what is the problem you have with people not using naim gear?

i swapped out because i got better music.

i have no problem with mr shaw.
How many times do I have to write that I want to take this test very much. And yet the so called 'objectivists' keep coming out with this 'put your money where your mouth is' bravado.

The only help I have had so far is the suggestion of a SPL measuring device on Amazon. Thanks for that. I don't know if that would suffice within the terms of the test, so I'd like to find a proper way of matching gain if anyone can give me advice. As I've said I am a non-technical music lover. Perhaps the reason for the wall of silence from the so called 'objectivists', who need to spend a bit more time on the 'music' section of the forum, I think.

err! who is offering this test!!!??? i think you are on the wrong website.

no free speakers here!!!
dave, what is the problem you have with people not using naim gear?

i swapped out because i got better music.

i have no problem with mr shaw.

I have no problem with folks not using Naim gear or Mr. Shaw. I own and use gear not made by Naim and have nothing but respect for designers such as Mr. Shaw.
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