
Cannot abide fruit polo's or wine gums.

What did they do to Victory Vs? Loved these in the ‘70s, proper warming in the mouth, but they disappeared from general view for a bit and reappeared a few years ago. Not how I remembered them.

Either my sense of taste has changed, or they removed something from the recipe. Probably political correctness gone mad, or health and safety, or data protection. Or sumfink.
They reformulated them to remove the cannabis and chloroform, and no, I’m not kidding.
Wile we're on the topic of tooth-rotting confectionery and related substances..anybody remember this stuff ?


The vast majority of alcopops I've tasted remind me of it.
A wee treat now and again for me Lindt bars of chilli also coconut dark chocolate. Local post office sells chocolate gingers. Thick fresh ginger wrapped in dark chocolate.
70’s Texan bars. My old mans workmates used to give him bags of rejects from the local factory where their wives worked.
Licorice is my particular favourite but I'm not allowed to have it as it makes me f@rt too much.
70’s Texan bars. My old mans workmates used to give him bags of rejects from the local factory where their wives worked.

Texan bars pulled my fillings out on more than one occasion when I was a kid. In the end my mum banned them because she was sick of taking me to the dentist. "Sure is a mighty chew".
Texan bars pulled my fillings out on more than one occasion when I was a kid. In the end my mum banned them because she was sick of taking me to the dentist. "Sure is a mighty chew".

We had the Sugar Daddy, which had similar dental consequences.


Not for people with crowns.
Lion Midget Gems are the best. The black ones are still liquorice flavour.
I used to take a school visit to the Rowantree factory. Warm Jelly Tots straight of the production line were amazing. They are softer and larger before d sad shrinking to there final size.
Wile we're on the topic of tooth-rotting confectionery and related substances..anybody remember this stuff ?


The vast majority of alcopops I've tasted remind me of it.

Amazing stuff!

I remember eating a tin in one go and it exited from the other end quite explosively an hour later.
Wonder how many started brushing their teeth regularly and not eating sweets after seeing this :D

It's from the Marathon Man, need I say more.........


