
cameron cocks up again....

Today he starts pm's questions by saying...

Congratulations to Andy Murray for being the first Britain to win at Wimbledon for 77 years....

Conveniently forgetting Virgina wade..... Embarrassing.
Today he starts pm's questions by saying...

Congratulations to Andy Murray for being the first Britain to win at Wimbledon for 77 years....

Conveniently forgetting Virgina wade..... Embarrassing.

Nah, the girly stuff doesn't count.:)

Clearly a monumental cockup and he should not only resign for it, but be tied up and horsewhipped to within an inch of his life.

Either that, a complete non-story.

Yes, it's the second one
He clearly hasn't been paying attention on here, if he had he would have had it covered as we "debated" this hugely important non-issue yesterday.
Wade won in 77. You can see the potential for confusion.

But I agree, he should remove himself to the hallway with a revolver and do the decent thing.

In so many other sports this would be "acceptable" in the sense that something like "England win the world cup for the first time since '66" one would automatically assume the mens team and the means team only. And not just the rather grubby association football either. Rugby football (both codes), cricket and those funny sports they play on the other side of the Atlantic.

Interesting that Tennis at least has the women and mens sports held almost in the same regard, held at the same time.
Indicative of his second rate mind and poor articulation, I seem to remember having a go out on another thread some time back .
In all seriousness, would there be a single sentient being on these islands who did not know exactly what he meant?


Although one accepts that celebrity post-Laphroaig brain splatter on some first editions may add to their value.
I suggest we all turn into hard-right Tories, vote in favour of the death sentence, and let Virginia Wade hang the wet, brain-dead, dickhead.


