
Buffalo II - Assembly for the Electronically Bewildered.

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I'd be interested to put the Tridents up against the PH regs....

Well I preferred the mini PH regs over the Dual Trident on the AVCC supply so went with PH regs in the other positions too. I also compared his shunts against the series regs in various places and liked series for the AVCC L&R and Core, Shunts for the XO and digital supply.

Both ES9008 and ES9018 seem to make any differences between different regulators, supplies etc noticeable.
Ron, I've seldom not been able to hear differences in regulators wherever I've used them, none of this surprises me. I just wish they had the buggers on sale..
It is very frustrating sq. I think the Tridents I bought were the last lot on offer & they'd sold out by the next day. As I'm about to convert to dual-mono I'll need another set but I'm wondering when they'll be available again.

Forgive my ignorance; what are mini PH regs please? Maybe I'll need to convert my existing Buffalo to these so I can achieve a balanced setup.

Whilst I'm asking questions, presumably there's no reason why I shouldn't convert from twin RCA output sockets to a 5-pin DIN - just join the grounds together on the appropriate output pin on the socket?
Hi Tony,

You can have a DIN ouput directly in your Buffalo. You can try to connect two ground outputs at the DIN input (but the you have a kind of a very short ground loop) , or just take a one of them, or look at the pcb for a ground connection which is somewhere in the middle between two channels. Probably taking the ground from the PS input ground will be the best solution.

This a good DIN output:

Naim was (is ?) using exactly the same DIN connectors from "PREH"

Thanks tomek. I've just bought a pair of Preh DIN sockets from Canford (ordered yesterday afternoon about 4.00PM, arrived this morning) & they're very well made to my eyes.
Hi Tony,

You can have a DIN ouput directly in your Buffalo. You can try to connect two ground outputs at the DIN input (but the you have a kind of a very short ground loop) , or just take a one of them, or look at the pcb for a ground connection which is somewhere in the middle between two channels. Probably taking the ground from the PS input ground will be the best solution.

Sorry tomek, just another quick question - what about using the ground connection on the input from the Placid BP to the Legato? (being about the shortest distance I can work out)?
Tony, just tak the ground on the output of the BP Placid pcb, or the ground of the Placid input on the Legato pcb :)
For the ground or ps connection in my diy gear i am using cables from Kimber PR4 or PR8 loudspeaker cable.
Oh no, just received an email that the Legato 3.1 and Placid BP HP(?) shipped express mail, so I need to clear off the workbench and fire up the soldering station this weekend.

Anyone need a Placid BP or a Legato 2 in the near future?

They'd be a splendid acquisition for someone Martin. They would have been for me too if I hadn't already ordered the 3.1 & BP HD too...
Martin, I'm interested in the bits but, surprise surprise, your mailbox is full. :-(

Put me down on the long list.


Sorry, I'll clear out the mailbox shortly! Placid BP HD and Legato landed on the doorstep yesterday, the only snafu is that the new Placid is much bigger and won't fit into my case. I will have to end up mmodifying the board significantly to fit (think hacksaw).


PS - John, where are you located? I would be happy to hold them for you. I am in California so if you are in the US no problem, but if you are in the UK shipping may be prohibitive.

I'm in the UK. So it looks like it would be a right PITA.

However, it does have some compensations. I was fortunate enough to be sat in Suffolk Tony's lounge last weekend, and get a full demo of the Buffalo. :)

And do let me know if you don't find another home for them.


Placid BP HD and Legato landed on the doorstep yesterday, the only snafu is that the new Placid is much bigger and won't fit into my case.

Likewise, the same set arrived chez Flash yesterday. I need to re-house my DAC anyway as it's currently bubbling over the top of a 1U case.

The new Placid Bipolar Heavy Duty has a 10,000uF cap on each side of the power supply, so I was thinking of using the board pretty much as is. The one tweak I'm contemplating is to replace the diode bridges. The pin holes for the spec'd bridges are on the small side and all in a line crammed in between some connectors. Any suggestions for something small but effective to replace the bridges?
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any 'better' diode bridges that fitted the Placid board, so for the Placid I used as a supply for my Evo I bodged by using an ugly dead bug arrangement of Schotky diodes.

I'm in the UK. So it looks like it would be a right PITA.

However, it does have some compensations. I was fortunate enough to be sat in Suffolk Tony's lounge last weekend, and get a full demo of the Buffalo. :)

And do let me know if you don't find another home for them.



Once they're back in stock I'm going to get another HD BP Placid & Legato 3.1 John, so my current ones will be spare - I'll drop you an E-mail once I manage to get my hands on the new ones. The old ones work pretty well, don't they?;)
Once they're back in stock I'm going to get another HD BP Placid & Legato 3.1 John, so my current ones will be spare - I'll drop you an E-mail once I manage to get my hands on the new ones.

You're a gent Tony!! Now what I'll have to get my head around is what bits I need to assemble a single input setup.

The old ones work pretty well, don't they?;)

Mighty well, Tony. Gave the dibbles a workout.


Once they're back in stock I'm going to get another HD BP Placid & Legato 3.1 John, so my current ones will be spare - I'll drop you an E-mail once I manage to get my hands on the new ones. The old ones work pretty well, don't they?;)

How do i go about buying Buffalo gear, they always appear to be sold out.
Best Regards

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