
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2023 ‘Epic Fail’ box set edition)

With Brexit came Boris' world-beating leadership and ruinous chumocracy during Covid and a £30 billion hole called mini-budget.
But, hey ho.
No. I'm the one that warned that Brexit would be the train crash that we are witnessing.
Only one? ISTR that there were an awful lot of us that said "this is a really, really bad idea" . In fact I think that there was a substantial fraction of 16 million people who woke up that Friday morning, looked at that frog faced piece of sxxt grinning on the TV and said "Oh sxxt. This is going to end in tears."I
Oh look. It's a crock. Well, who knew?
Yes, and he put himself ahead of the nation by resigning. Rather than see it through and shoulder the responsibility, he quit, leaving the door wide open for a takeover by the lunatic fringe.
Politicians these days don't do hard work nor shoulder responsibility.
Nor see things through. Well not things that don't benefit themselves personally anyway.
Cynical ? You bet.
Where the hell are those 50,000 Ministry of Gove pen pushers?

The Chancellor put the kybosh on any increase in staff numbers when he announced 66000 civil service jobs in his Autumn Statement.

Of course, they could employ G4S or similar to provide and we know how effective they can be.
^ Cameron knew.
Off topic, but what is it about this Cameron bloke and wars ? He and Sarkozy reduced Libya to chaos, then walked away. (Walking away seems to be a habit.) Five minutes back in government and he's at it again. Where will he walk off to next ?
Dodgy Dave.
No. I'm the one that warned that Brexit would be the train crash that we are witnessing.

Ah, train crash. Is that worse than 'catastrophe' or 'calamity'?

Your logic doesn't follow. You are another remainer who thinks that the UK should get on and instigate post-brexit checks on foods at the ports due to the fact that Polish food is making Scottish people ill. Checks that couldn't have existed were the UK, as you would have wished, still members of the EU.

It sounds a lot like doublethink to me. Sort of inverse cakeism, where you can't have your cake, but you get to eat it anyway. Then it makes you sick.
One could easily argue that the wealth and total unaccountability of the “royal family” and surrounding aristocracy is one reason why the UK and its various tax havens is a world leader in money-laundering and financial corruption.

One could but not convincingly. There are more important things we need to take of in this country than ditching the monarchy - things that will have a real impact on normal people's lives: climate, health, education, infrastructure, reversing Brexit; even democratic reform.
Ah, train crash. Is that worse than 'catastrophe' or 'calamity'?

Your logic doesn't follow. You are another remainer who thinks that the UK should get on and instigate post-brexit checks on foods at the ports due to the fact that Polish food is making Scottish people ill. Checks that couldn't have existed were the UK, as you would have wished, still members of the EU.

It sounds a lot like doublethink to me. Sort of inverse cakeism, where you can't have your cake, but you get to eat it anyway. Then it makes you sick.
EV, can you clarify - are you pro free trade or protectionist trade?
Ah, train crash. Is that worse than 'catastrophe' or 'calamity'?

Your logic doesn't follow. You are another remainer who thinks that the UK should get on and instigate post-brexit checks on foods at the ports due to the fact that Polish food is making Scottish people ill. Checks that couldn't have existed were the UK, as you would have wished, still members of the EU.

It sounds a lot like doublethink to me. Sort of inverse cakeism, where you can't have your cake, but you get to eat it anyway. Then it makes you sick.
You are (purposely?) missing the point again.
The point of "shit we won, what the hell are we suppose to do now?" which is so evident.
Beexiteers can't implement what they voted for. This country was not prepared.
That was the first of many Brexit clusters****s.
I still remember Frosty arriving empty handed to the Brexit negotiations. An embracing reality of what team Brexit was all about.
Not even your frog faced mate would have a clue of what to do.
You voted out of your biggest trading partner. Like abandoning an exclusive club but still wanting the privilege.
One could but not convincingly. There are more important things we need to take of in this country than ditching the monarchy - things that will have a real impact on normal people's lives: climate, health, education, infrastructure, reversing Brexit; even democratic reform.
If they want to throw in abolishing the monarchy as a freebie with all the others I wouldn't object.
You are (purposely?) missing the point again.
The point of "shit we won, what the hell are we suppose to do now?" which is so evident.
Beexiteers can't implement what they voted for. This country was not prepared.
That was the first of many Brexit clusters****s.
I still remember Frosty arriving empty handed to the Brexit negotiations. An embracing reality of what team Brexit was all about.
Not even your frog faced mate would have a clue of what to do.
You voted out of your biggest trading partner. Like abandoning an exclusive club but still wanting the privilege.

No, you are (deliberately) missing the point. Again. And then making a quite different one.

'Exclusive' and 'privilege'. Two interesting words. I've always enjoyed the golf club analogy, but its good to see it elevated to exclusive and privileged. It ties in nicely with 'elite'.
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Ah, train crash. Is that worse than 'catastrophe' or 'calamity'?

Your logic doesn't follow. You are another remainer who thinks that the UK should get on and instigate post-brexit checks on foods at the ports due to the fact that Polish food is making Scottish people ill. Checks that couldn't have existed were the UK, as you would have wished, still members of the EU.

It sounds a lot like doublethink to me. Sort of inverse cakeism, where you can't have your cake, but you get to eat it anyway. Then it makes you sick.
Heres why it's a Brexit problem. You know this, natch, but you're playing the usual disingenuous schtick.
Chicken out of Poland (sometimes) contains Salmonella Enteriditis and S. Typhimurium. This is a common industry problem. These organisms are harmful. EU law says it's an offence to trade chicken containing these pathogens. They can't be sold there. Until Brexit the UK was covered by EU regs. Now of course we are free from the shackles of EU law, however we haven't get got round to writing our own laws post Brexit. Quote from the UK Food Standard s Agency "The forthcoming laws will protect the UK consumer and maintain the high food standards expected in the UK" . Sadly these laws have yet to be written. Oops.
So pre Brexit, we had laws stopping this. Members of the EU still do, but we've left. Post Brexit, well we had written it, but the dog are it. Big boys came and took it. I left it on the bus.
Edit: Here's a copy paste from the FSA:
"The FSA is in discussion with officials in Poland and the EU to ensure all necessary steps are taken to improve the safety of poultry and eggs imported from Poland. The forthcoming import controls on food and feed coming into the UK from the EU will also allow us to check these controls are in place and help to uphold the UK's high food and feed standards and to protect public health."
So there you have it. "Forthcoming import controls will allow us..."
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^ so large numbers voted for Brexit to get rid of those Polish people who either worked too hard, or sponged benefits, can't remember which.
And now Poland is free to send infected chicken to the UK.
What a strange world this is.
Yes but sovereignty. Taking back control. And it's only a bit of Salmonella. Won't kill you. Well, probably not, anyway.
Heres why it's a Brexit problem. You know this, natch, but you're playing the usual disingenuous schtick.
Chicken out of Poland (sometimes) contains Salmonella Enteriditis and S. Typhimurium. This is a common industry problem. These organisms are harmful. EU law says it's an offence to trade chicken containing these pathogens. They can't be sold there. Until Brexit the UK was covered by EU regs. Now of course we are free from the shackles of EU law, however we haven't get got round to writing our own laws post Brexit. Quote from the UK Food Standard s Agency "The forthcoming laws will protect the UK consumer and maintain the high food standards expected in the UK" . Sadly these laws have yet to be written. Oops.
So pre Brexit, we had laws stopping this. Members of the EU still do, but we've left. Post Brexit, well we had written it, but the dog are it. Big boys came and took it. I left it on the bus.
Y'know its almost like there wasn't a plan or any foresight in this Brexit process.*
Imagine having voted for it...

*I use the word "process" highly inaccurately.

