
Bargain Box Sets

My opinion is that they are very similar, with maybe the DG more challenging.

Of the two I'd go for the Sony, if not only for its historical significance.
Mahler by Bernstein is back down to £18.99 here @ Amazon- ordered :)
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Up again to £32-00 ish for a few days.......and down again to £18-99.

Great bargain - I have quite a few different recordings of all the symphonies - but these are very emotional and committed performances, and irresistible at this price. Grab while you have a chance. Sound pretty good on quieter passages, though a little thin and hard in louder climaxes
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The new Naxos Anniversary box looks like a bargain: core repertoire, but @ £22.58 for 30cds, practically irresistible.
Could be. In fact I may be tempted by the CBSO/Fremaux set instead. (I like Rattle's description of the CBSO as 'The best French orchestra in the world.')

I'll probably wait until a reviewer comments on the re-mastered sound.

(The trouble with Amazon tracking my every move is that the computer has me tagged as a sucker for box sets.)
Could be. In fact I may be tempted by the CBSO/Fremaux set instead. (I like Rattle's description of the CBSO as 'The best French orchestra in the world.')

That's a very tempting box. I have the Saint-Saens 3rd and Le Cid on LP and the sound quality is fantastic. I've not played them in ages, but that may change at the weekend.

The LPs I have are SQ encoded quadraphonic discs, so if anything the straight stereo transfers should have better imaging. Let's hope the tapes have held up ok.

